Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2479: Very optimistic

"In today's ghost realm, there are also a few people I like."

Feng Tianhou casually pointed out these optimistic people: "Li Ziping, Qi Hongquan, Fang Shuo...they are still being sealed."

"Li Ziping is considered to be a genius in our Shenwu Sect, and belongs to the ascetic. In addition to practicing, he is still practicing. The strength is very terrifying. He is guaranteed to be promoted."

"Qi Hongquan boys and girls, some said that yin and yang coexist, true or false, no one knows, but this person has leapfrogged several authentic disciples, the record is amazing, promotion can be said to be a certainty."

"Fang Shuo had the name of Tianjiao before he worshiped our Shen Wuzong. After becoming a true disciple, the name of Tianjiao became even louder. This time he was promoted to the inner ring. There is no big problem."

"There is endless banning! He is the cousin of Feng Tianhou, close to him, and his talent is unlikely to be weak. Moreover, with such a famous cousin as Feng Tianhou, there are so many magical and supernatural powers. He is definitely a dimensionality reduction strike for other fights with the same door."

Everyone is agreeing with Feng Tianhou, thinking that these people who Feng Tianhou said will definitely be able to advance.

At this time, it happened that the light curtain captured the endless scene.

At this time, Feng kept stopping near a pool of water, surrounded by dozens of terrifying monsters.

The demon's breath is not weak, and they have not weak wisdom. They seem to stand casually, but in fact they block all the endless retreats.

Being so surrounded by them can be described as dead and dead.

I changed other Shenwuzong disciples, I was afraid that I had to be ready to leave.

However, Feng Fujue was not afraid of fear, his five fingers slowly opened, and there were strands and strands on the fingertips. If there is no aura permeating out, it will cover the area of ​​the water pool with lightning speed. .

With the endlessly sealed five fingers shining, and pressing down fiercely, a light web woven by him flashed.

This light net actually covers a radius of thousands of miles, and this area has become his possession! In an instant, the universe is reversing, reversing and reversing, and the five elements are also repeated in the annihilation and rebirth again and again. The radius is thousands of miles, all ups and downs due to an inexhaustible idea! This is an incredible magical power, a gift from Feng Tianhou! Whoops whoops! At the same time, the heads of the demon heads flew into the air like cutting melons and vegetables, and then fell like a ball, rolling grunting.

All this came quickly, went quickly, and the electric light and flint room was over.

If it weren't for the corpses of the devil everywhere, I'm afraid the audience would have mistakenly thought that what was just now was an illusion.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

The endless means of sealing is too mysterious, right?

If they changed their battles, they wouldn't know how to die.

"Also, Feng is not only in control of ten thousand miles in an instant, this is too terrifying, is it really the sixth layer of Nirvana?"

Someone couldn't help but say.

Hearing this, Feng Tianhou smiled: "It is endless that he is not the sixth level of Nirvana, but he has just been promoted to the fifth level of Nirvana."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar! Or is the Nirvana Realm Fifth Level so sharp and terrifying, once you advance to the Nirvana Sixth Level, is it worth it?

At the same time, Chu Yan was still meditating.

No one knows what he is doing, but because this location is hidden and there is no magic weapon to fly to this area, even though many of the participating Shenwuzong disciples have been eliminated so far, Chu Yan has been in peace.

I saw that Chu Yan was as quiet as a mountain, unmoving.

call out! Suddenly, a figure flew over.


The passer-by monk found Chu Yan who was meditating below.

Although he and Chu Yan had no grievances and no grudges, and did not even know Chu Yan, it was just that everyone was here in the Ancient Ghost Realm, so they were rivals with each other.

One more potential enemy, then one less chance to advance! For this reason, getting rid of Chu Yan is the best policy! After thinking about it, the passerby monk made a decisive move.

In his opinion, this kid must be meditating stupid. He is so defenseless. He does not call for protection from magic weapons and does not develop his spiritual consciousness. Isn't this looking for death or something?

However, when he came close to Chu Yan with a murderous intent, he only felt a slap lifted up and landed on his face neither lightly nor heavy.


With such a snap, the passer-by cultivator has been teleported out of the ancient ghost realm and directly eliminated.

The slap just now caused him to receive a fatal attack! Until he was teleported out of the ancient ghost realm, the passer-by monk still stood still, he didn't even know what had happened.

He just saw Chu Yan, who had been meditating, raised his slap and gave himself a big mouth. The force was not even strong. Why was it sent out?

Could it be that the slap just now contained the power to destroy him?

impossible! The competition for promotion qualifications of the six ancient cities continues.

As the most difficult level, Ghost Ancient Realm has a very high elimination rate and a clear style.

Either it is a conspiracy to carry the magic weapon reward, desperately working hard, really can't beat it, directly hand over the magic weapon and run away, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood, as long as looking for an opportunity to take the magic weapon back, then you can get another reward.

Or it is playing praying mantis and catching cicada and oriole, waiting for the last moment before making a move.

Chu Yan is otherwise.

He seemed to be meditating, recuperating, but actually quietly comprehending the formation at the bottom of the ancient ghost realm.

This formation is very mysterious, it is the powerful arrangement of Shen Wuzong, and it is very profound.

Even Chu Yan couldn't directly comprehend, so he opened the way of wisdom.

In the next moment, the formation method suddenly turned into countless complicated formation patterns.

The number is huge, like the starry sky, vast and endless, and many formation patterns will evolve on their own, turning into stars, turning into bright moons, evolving scorching sun, and even real dragons and unicorns.

If it weren’t for wisdom, or even if Chu Yan sat here for a year, it would not have made much progress.

But with the way of wisdom, everything is very different.

The selection time for the six ancient cities is ten days.

In a blink of an eye, seven full days have passed, and there are three days left before the twenty people who entered the inner ring will be formally contested.

Under the blessing of Wisdom Avenue, Chu Yan's insight into the formation below became more and more profound.

He stretched out his fingers, and his aura condensed from his fingertips into formations, and the power of destruction was condensing in it.

At this point, Chu Yan finally finished meditating, and he decided to try this new power.

The ancient ghost realm is so large that it cannot be described. Even if Chu Yan advances to the Nirvana Realm, his divine consciousness has once again transformed and become more powerful and majestic, and he still cannot cover this place in an instant.

Not only the vastness of the ancient ghost realm, but also the mystery of the ancient ghost realm.

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