Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2480: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Suddenly, a dilapidated city appeared in front of Chu Yan.

The city is towering and tall. It doesn't look like an ordinary human residence, but more like a giant's site. Whether it is a city wall or a gate, it is a good illustration of its uniqueness.

In addition, the area of ​​the ruined city is huge, it is said that it is a city, but it is almost equivalent to a small country of human race.

What really made Chu Yan's eyes bright was that the devilish energy of this ruined city was permeated, faintly, a group of grimaces appeared in the fog, and roared, as if to vent all kinds of unwillingness and resentment before death.

Chu Yan nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand to set up the formation, and then pressed down at will.

Rumble! Immediately afterwards, the entire city was suddenly shattered in the endless roar! A demon wants to escape in all directions, but is imprisoned by some inexplicable way, and can only be overwhelmed by the power of the terrible formation, directly obliterated, or evaporated in place, or even crushed. Become a little bit of energy, returning to the space between heaven and earth.

All in all, in the blink of an eye, the ruined city and many demons were erased by Chu Yan, as if they had never appeared.

Chu Yan didn't leave immediately, but carefully felt the surplus of this power, thinking about how to check the missing and fill the vacancy and do better.

In the distance, there are several figures slowly appearing.

The headed person, male and female, is full of yang and full of yin. At first glance, it is impossible to tell whether it is a male or a female! This person is Qi Hongquan, one of the few who is optimistic by Feng Tianhou to be able to break through in the ancient ghost realm.


This seems to be Chu Yan! "

Suddenly someone recognized the figure hanging in the air and didn't know what he was doing. It belonged to Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan?"

Qi Hongquan said to himself.

Two years ago, Chu Yan was promoted to the core disciple, and with the strength of the first level of Nirvana, he defeated Chu Ning of the third level of Nirvana, attracted the attention of Feng Tianhou, and wanted to use it for himself.

It's a pity that Chu Yan didn't know good or bad. Not only did he refuse Feng Tianhou's invitation, but he spoke rudely and even injured the person who went to invite him.

Although Feng Tianhou smiled at that time, Qi Hongquan knew very well that this Chu Yan made Feng Tianhou lose face, and even if Chu Yan joined Feng Tianhou's post, this account must be settled and repaid.

That being the case, why didn't Qi Hongquan make this kind of door-to-door opportunity cheaper?

He is different from Chu Ning who spends time piling up his own waste. Qi Hongquan is the son of tomorrow who even Feng Tianhou is very optimistic! Thinking about it, Qi Hongquan set off immediately and flew towards Chu Yan's direction.

Chu Yan's spiritual consciousness unfolded and he sensed that someone was coming, but he didn't care.

If passing by, Chu Yan would be too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, the requirement to advance to the inner ring is not about defeating many fellow disciples and killing cultivators, but about mastering a magic weapon before the end of time.

However, if you take the initiative to find the fault, Chu Yan will deal with it all at once.

He has been comprehending for many days, but he hasn't been able to move his muscles and bones properly. It is rare to have sandbags delivered to the door, but they can't be wasted.

"Are you Chu Yan?"

Qi Hongquan and several companions looked at Chu Yan condescendingly.

Regarding this, Chu Yan didn't even look at the other party, and continued to think about how he could be better and stronger with his own attack.

"Huh! Chu Yan, since we have found you, even if you pretend to be deaf and dumb, you will not be able to escape. If you are acquainted, withdraw from the Xuantian ranking test, and then take the initiative to seek Feng Tianhou and kowtow to apologize. , To saddle for thousands of years, then you can still let you go, if you still refuse...hehe!"

Qi Hongquan smiled, and said: "Then God Wuzong has no place for you in the world! I hope you are more acquainted, but don't be shameless again and again!"

After the words fell, Chu Yan finally retracted his gaze from the location of the ruined ancient city where the traces were erased.

The cultivator who first discovered Chu Yan thought that Chu Yan had asked for confession, and then stepped forward, wanting to grab a jackpot: "Hey, Chu Yan, you..." As everyone knows, Chu Yan didn't say a word, and took a few palms in a row.

Boom boom boom! These palms did not even fall directly in front of them, but they crossed the endless void, obliterated the five elements, turned the universe upside down, and knocked these people away thousands of miles away.

Then the strong light flashed and was directly sent out of the ancient ghost realm.

Qi Hongquan was dumbfounded by this scene.

What just happened?

Why did some of his companions directly teleport out of the Ancient Ghost Realm after being slapped by Chu Yan?

Could it be that Chu Yan's simple slap just now contained unspeakable invincible power and wiped out several of his companions at once?


Qi Hongquan denied this idea at once.

This kind of thing, even the three-tiered Nirvana Realm can't do it, just plain speaking, how can he have such strength! "Chu Yan, die for me!"

Qi Hongquan raised his hand to display his magical powers, and a looming portal appeared behind him. In contrast, there was a portal behind Chu Yan.

Unlike the white portal behind Qi Hongquan, the portal behind Chu Yan is black.

His is a life, Chu Yan is a death! The gate of life opens, and the gate of death is revealed. When the time comes, Chu Yan's life essence will be absorbed by the gate of death, and fed back to the gate of life.

Although he wouldn't kill Chu Yan all at once, he could cause Chu Yan to lose half of his life directly, leaving him alone! As everyone knows, Chu Yan didn't even look at the dead door behind him, he just raised his hand and punched back.

Boom! The gate of death was destroyed by Chu Yan's punch. At the same time, the gate of death was annihilated, and Qi Hongquan's breath suddenly wilted.

"What, what!"

Qi Hongquan was stunned.

The life door is dead door, except for Qi Hongquan, who is using his magical powers, no one can see it. How did Chu Yan crack this magical power?

Chu Yan didn't mean to say more.

If this Qi Hongquan only has this ability, then just send him out.


Qi Hongquan rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, and made a decision immediately.

Buzzing! I saw Qi Hongquan summon a big seal this time, and the humming, dribbling and changing.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet! The Great Seal covers an area of ​​100,000 feet, including both Chu Yan and Qi Hongquan.

In addition, Chu Yan also noticed that after the big seal flew up, there was another mini-print that Qi Hongquan held in his hands, like a two-piece magic weapon, one big one and one small.

After the great seal was unfolded, the little seal glowed brightly and gave Qi Hongquan a certain blessing, becoming the master of this world.

On the other hand, Chu Yan's side seemed to be suppressed by the breath released by Dayin, and became a prisoner below the ranks.

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