Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2481: Amazed

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Qi Hongquan laughed and said, "This is the seal of the prison of heaven and earth. It is the thing that was rewarded to me by Qi Hongquan by the Feng Tianhou. Once I take control of this treasure, I will become the lord of the prison of heaven and earth. Being a prisoner, at my mercy, life and death are between my thoughts!"

With Qi Hongquan's words, the range of one hundred thousand feet really evolved into a deep prison.

The bull's head and horse's face were wandering, countless souls were roaring, and Chu Yan's robes became prisoners' robes at some unknown time, in tatters and bruises.

It seems that Chu Yan is really so weak and vulnerable.

In front of Qi Hongquan, the lord of the world prison, he can only crawl on the ground, a trembling prisoner! "It turns out that this thing was a gift from Feng Tianhou, no wonder it's so sharp!"

"Yes, when I saw it, I felt that this thing was extraordinary. If this thing came from the hands of Feng Tianhou, then it makes sense! How can there be anything in the hands of Feng Tianhou!"

"This Chu Yan will undoubtedly be defeated... Huh?

As for the name Chu Yan, why is it a bit familiar? "

The disciples of Shenwuzong were talking about it, and they were not watching the whole process, because the scene of the light curtain was switched randomly.

They did not see Chu Yan destroying the ruined city in one blow, nor did they see Chu Yan's companions who killed Qi Hongquan casually. They just happened to see Qi Hongquan summon the world prison seal and issue a victory declaration.

Having said that, whether it is Qi Hongquan or Feng Tianhou's gift, these titles are loud enough.

Qi Hongquan is one of the characters named by Feng Tianhou, who is very likely to stand out in the ancient ghost realm.

Feng Tianhou had a reputation in the past. In addition to his own powerful combat power, his magic weapons are varied, and he possesses the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, which is one of the reasons.

Now it is said that the prison seal of the heaven and earth was given by Feng Tianhou, which makes them not marvel at it.

Chu Yan remained silent, he raised his hand and blasted out hundreds of formations.

Boom boom boom boom! Qi Hongquan didn't even see what Chu Yan did, and was blown away by an indescribable force! The next moment, Chu Yan stepped out, spanning tens of thousands of miles, and went directly in front of Qi Hongquan. He involuntarily snatched Qi Hongquan’s fluorescent seal, erased the imprint on it, and turned into a thing of no owner, and then he was marked as a lonely thing. A mark of oneself.

"Chu Yan, how dare you do this!"

Qi Hongquan was furious, "This is a gift from Fengtianhou, but it is not something that people like you can get involved! Return it quickly, and then kowtow to me. This matter may be revealed, otherwise you will die. NS!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan disappeared in place without warning.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Hongquan only felt a trance in front of him, and a slap suddenly appeared in front of his eyes! Snapped! With a snap, Qi Hongquan was directly surrounded by a burst of strong light.

When Qi Hongquan reacted, he was no longer in the ancient ghost realm.

"This..." So reversed, and everyone was stunned.

Qi Hongquan is one of the ghosts of the ancient realm Tianjiao appointed by Feng Tianhou. It is very likely that he will become one of the twenty members who will be promoted. He also has a magic weapon bestowed by Feng Tianhou. No matter how you look at it, his qualifications are all determined.

However, now Qi Hongquan was easily shot flying by Chu Yan, blasting out of the ancient ghost realm.

Doesn't it mean that the slap that Chu said just now contains a terrifying and invincible power?

Such a character, Feng Tianhou didn't even know him.

It's really weird! Just as everyone looked at Feng Tianhou, he smiled slightly and said, "Yes, very good, our Shen Wuzong has an unexpected rise of the proud son of heaven."

Everyone suddenly understood, it seems that this Chu Yan was indeed lonely before, no wonder Feng Tianhou didn't even know his existence! The smile on Feng Tianhou's face did not diminish, but a vicious color flashed through his eyes! He didn't expect that he rejected his own Chu Yan two years ago. After two years, even Qi Hongquan and his ilk could be easily defeated.

If you don't include Chu Yan under his command, over time, will he become a confidant? The answer can be imagined! Ghost in the ancient realm.

After Chu Yan defeated Qi Hongquan, he discovered that there was a jade cup hanging in the air where Qi Hongquan disappeared.

It was wrapped in a soft light, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invaded by all means, and it was directly sheltered by a large underground formation.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that this was probably one of the twenty treasures, related to the qualification to advance to the inner ring! Chu Yan decisively put away this thing.

Don't let the things delivered to your door be in vain! However, Chu Yan also knew that only three days have passed since the end of this round. Twenty treasures will surely become hot potatoes, attracting looting from countless people, and will definitely not be peaceful.

On the other hand, somewhere in the ancient ghost realm, several people are meditating and resting.

Just after Qi Hongquan was eliminated, Feng Tianhou’s cousin Feng Bujue suddenly opened his eyes. He slowly said to a few people around him: "You help me spread a news, and say that there is a good luck kid in Nirvana. , Got one of the twenty treasures. By the way, he is called Chu Yan."

"You got one of the twenty treasures at the first level of Nirvana?"

The companion next to him was taken aback, and then showed a meaningful smile, "But if there is only one level of Nirvana, even if you get good luck, you will not be blessed. After all, such a soft persimmon, everyone will definitely not let it go. Going to find someone who is unlucky for him will definitely be eloquent, even attracting most of the attention of the ancient ghost realm!"


Feng nodded, "Faced with a steady stream of opponents, the greatest possibility is to be eliminated directly, because when the manpower is exhausted, the Nirvana Realm will be beaten by human wheels, which is a dead word after all."

After a pause, Feng continued to speak: "Of course, it is not ruled out that this Chu Yan is like a **** of war, and he should be a master of war. But this way, he offends more people. No matter which result, Chu All words are absolute losers!"

"See you, Brother Feng!"

"Chu Yan, this soft persimmon must be crushed by these wolves and tigers!"

"At that time, we will take advantage of the trend and receive this treasure, and we will have another qualification for promotion."

Several people agreed and sealed them, expressing their thoughts intentionally or unintentionally.

How can Feng Bujue fail to see their thoughts, and smiled: "When Chu Yan is removed, we will naturally take all his treasures!"

On the other hand, Chu Yan carried the jade cup and continued to fly around in the ancient ghost realm, comprehending the formation.

The more he is enlightened, the more he feels expectant.

Because Shenwuzong's large formation in the ancient ghost realm was really amazing, and it made Chu Yan amazed.

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