Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2485: One hundred and twenty people (part 1)

Buzzing! Twenty magic weapons among the six ancient cities, although the time was slightly different, they all buzzed loudly, and then at the moment when the pillar of light appeared, white misty demon gods descended into the world one after another.

Among them, naturally also includes the ancient ghost realm Chu Yan here.

A demon **** appeared in the jade cup, causing Chu Yan to frown. This rule was not mentioned when he read the precautions of the Xuantian Board.

The appearance of the demon **** is similar to but very different from many ghosts in the ancient ghost realm! The demon **** is much stronger, he can be called the king of ghosts, but a soul king! However, the appearance of the Soul King broke the balance here, and many disciples who were still eager to spy, decided to take action! In addition, the disciples who were trapped by Chu Yan before, also because of the appearance of the Soul King and the big changes, some people were able to get out of the trap.

The other part was caught in the violent offensive of the Soul King, was directly eliminated, and teleported to the outside of the ancient ghost realm.

Suddenly, someone yelled: "Chu Yan!"

Chu Yan heard the sound and saw that it was the monks who had just gotten out of trouble.

It is rare for them to get out of trouble and escape, but without the thought of retreating, they glared at Chu Yan, angry.

That's right, Chu Yan hung them above the big formation for more than two days, like little insects bound by spider webs, lingering and panting, which made them faceless.

You know, they are all core disciples and true disciples of Shenwu Sect, and they are all well-known and well-known within the Hunji Sect.

Now that Chu Yan made such a disturbance, it was all ruined! Even if they are plotting the treasures of Chu Yan and want to pick up the persimmons, they are both Shenwuzong people and should stay in the line for everything so that they can meet each other in the future.

Where is Chu Yan?

What did he do?

This bastard, even if he can't advance to the inner ring today, he will suppress Chu Yan here and ask him to repay part of the interest! Ever since, these figures rushed towards Chu Yan one after another.

All kinds of magical powers, one by one magic weapon, no money, no life to kill Xiang Chuyan, just to kill this youth town here.

They are willing to pay all costs for this! Upon seeing this, Chu Yan didn't say much, but after a turn of his mind, the bone spear appeared in the air.

Tens of thousands of feet in size white bone spears illuminate the sky, and are lit up with the ancient runes, as if the whole world has been lit.

Boom boom boom boom! Primordial runes bloom with divine light, evolving the heavens and ten thousand laws, the past, present, future, all Tao, all dharma, are annihilated in the divine light, even the soul king is afraid of the light of the bone spear, and dare not swear it. Front.

As for the magical powers and magic weapons used by the disciples out of trouble, they are all blocked by the spear of bones. "This..." Seeing this scene, the Shenwuzong disciples on and off the court were all stunned.

Frankly speaking, even though Chu Yan had imprisoned thousands of Shen Wuzong disciples before, he still failed to convince them.

After all, Chu Yan could not directly suppress them, but instead confined them here by using the power of the big formation.

A real man must fight his life with a real sword and a gun, and with the help of external forces, he can be called a hero, who is the pride of the world.

Just want to compare with Feng Tianhou when he was young?

I bother! Shameless! However, now Chu Yan's attack did not take advantage of the big formation, did not have the slightest bit of bells and whistles, and completely relied on one shot and one shot to block the offensive of thousands of Divine Wuzong disciples.

Among them, there are not only those at the same level as him, but there are also figures who have surpassed his cultivation level of one, two, or even three levels.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of Nirvana are already true disciples of Shenwu Sect.

Such characters are among the best in the selection of the six ancient cities, and they are very hopeful to stand out and advance to the inner ring.

However, now that they have shot together, they are unable to win Chu Yan, this kind of thing is simply incredible! "impossible!"

Someone yelled.

After he worshipped Shen Wuzong, he can be said to be singing all the way, stepping into Nirvana, becoming a core disciple, and even being promoted to a true disciple at a very terrifying speed.

In the past, it was called Xiao Feng Tianhou.

However, now his pride and self-esteem have been trampled by Chu Yan and are torn apart.

Why is he inferior to Chu Yan! Chu Yan was indifferent.

The jade cup suddenly changed, and a soul king appeared. He just wanted to kill him and reclaim his own qualifications for promotion.

Therefore, if these disciples who were lucky enough to escape the trouble, if they took the opportunity to run away, he would not be too lazy to chase after him, but they were thinking of taking the opportunity to encircle themselves, so let's not blame him for being polite! "Nine Tribulations Thunder Knife!"

"Hunyuan Bagua Palm!"

"The Wilderness Breaks the Sky!"

"Heaven and Earth Shattered Domination!"

One trick to use magical powers, one by one magic weapon, once again killed Xiang Chuyan.

They don't believe that Chu Yan can continue to fight fiercely.

No matter how strong and enchanting Chu Yan is, he is always just a monk in the first layer of Nirvana.

There are many of them, and there is also a soul king who looks at him, even if he catches himself, he will bury Chu Yan here! The Soul King is extremely spiritual and possesses wisdom. It realizes that this is a good time to attack Chu Yan.

It is only because the demons contained in the twenty treasures, once activated and released, will be the first to attack the monks who possess the treasures.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! The Soul King roared up to the sky, the roar was shaking, and the ghosts from all directions rushed to the sky, being absorbed by the Soul King, becoming extremely huge.

Baizhang, Qianzhang, Wanzhang, one hundred thousand zhang! A 100,000-square-foot soul king, rose from the ground, appeared out of thin air, where he set foot, shattered the void and tore the five elements, but any monk who approached was almost directly obliterated and teleported to the ancient ghost realm. outside.

Ahhhhhhh! Many disciples of Shenwu Sect screamed, although the soul king was locked on by Chu Yan, in fact Chu Yan played one-to-two against the Soul King and thousands of Shenwu Sect disciples at the same time.

However, the Soul King is too strong. When it kills Chu Yan, it will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Anyway, after killing Chu Yan, it will sweep the monks in the ancient ghost realm indiscriminately until it is surrendered or the time is over.

Under the three-way melee, what really surprised people was Chu Yan! Only because Chu Yan was besieged by a soul king and thousands of monks, he was not eliminated, but was supported. He even urged the **** mark of the world prison seized from Qi Hongquan to take advantage of the situation and imprison hundreds of monks. Let them swear.

After all, they were hung above the big formation by Chu Yan, telling the world, and now they have to be reduced to prisoners again, being suppressed in public by Chu Yan, this humiliation is estimated to have been unclear in the past millions of years.

The most terrible thing is that Chu Yan is not in a hurry to eliminate them, just keep them so embarrassing, this is the most intolerable!

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