Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2486: One hundred and twenty people (below)

"Chu Yan, killing is no more than nodding, why should you humiliate us so much!"

"Chu Yan, you are not afraid that after leaving the ancient ghost realm, shall we ask you to settle the account?"

"If you are still obsessed with understanding, Chu Yan, then we will find you to settle the matter!"

The monks who were deeply trapped in the world prison and became prisoners were cursing and aggrieved.

What made them couldn't believe it was that either the core disciples or the true disciples were present. The same tricks could be hit twice, and they could be imprisoned by Chu Yan again. It was simply absurd! "This..." This situation made the disciples of Shenwu Sect outside the Ghost Realm look dumbfounded. Can this score twice?

After eating once, Chu Yan’s loss was not enough, and he came to buy one get one free, do it again, do it again?

"No, is this the core disciple and true disciple of our Shen Wuzong?

Why is it no different from a child in front of Chu Yan? "

"You said, will Chu Yan continue to eliminate them, then kill the Soul King, and then advance?"

"If you told me before that a Chu Yan who has not been promoted to Nirvana can do this kind of thing, I wouldn't believe it anymore. Now, I think he can't do it but it is a strange thing."

"I'm already looking forward to how Chu Yan will show off his power after he advances to the inner ring."

People were full of praise for Chu Yan, and Feng Tianhou, who was above the high position, looked even more unsightly.

It should be known that Chu Yan is now imprisoning these Shenwuzong disciples' world and earth prison seals, isn't it the hand of Feng Tianhou?

He rewarded Qi Hongquan.

However, Qi Hongquan couldn't help but was forcibly taken away by Chu Yan, and he was slapped out of the ancient ghost realm.

Two days ago, Qi Hongquan wanted to come over to please a remedy and restore Feng Tianhou's attitude towards him.

Unfortunately, Feng Tianhou had no intention of meeting at all.

Who made Qi Hongquan this trash after he selected him to stand out, was killed by Chu Yan in a few days.

This face Qi Hongquan can do without him, but Feng Tianhou can't afford to lose this person! Now Chu Yan deliberately displays the power of the world prison seal. Is this showing off his power?

Thinking of this, the cold light in Feng Tianhou's eyes grew stronger! Don't let him find a chance, otherwise Chu Yan must pay ten times the price for what he did today! This event is only the beginning, and it is far from over.

At the same time, in one universe.

A figure transforms a unicorn, overwhelming the sky, like a rolling mountain river, which is a million miles long.

The whole body of the unicorn glowed with a gloomy light, giving people a sense of righteousness and evil. The dark flames burning on the scales could even burn the space, forcibly burning out the void of various sizes.

Such a character, just by his side, is very dangerous, no one knows if he will be sucked into the space turbulence accidentally.

A terrifying demon **** faced the unicorn, roaring and roaring, trying to kill the opponent.

As everyone knows, Qilin raised his paw and patted hard! Rumble! A big hole was blasted out of the space, and this claw actually penetrated the five elements and annihilated the universe.

When the demon **** died and turned into a treasure to be sucked away by the gap in space, a black flame rolled up the treasure and brought it to the Qilin.

The next moment, the Qilin turned back into a human form, a young man with a face of evil spirits.

"Guo Zhenlin!"

The disciple of Shen Wuzong who saw this young man through the light curtain couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The six-tier powerhouse of Nirvana is expected to win the first prize!"

"His blood is extraordinary, he is the ancient unicorn, and some changes have been made in the middle, and he has been integrated into the fire of the night, and he can burn all the things he is staring at. It is very scary."

"The Demon God of Treasure Evolution is a matter of one claw in his serious state. It's too scary and too sharp!"

Before everyone had time to marvel at it, within another light curtain, there was another battle with the demon god.

This is a world covered in ice and snow, and even the blood will be frozen.

However, there was a man shirtless, with ancient and mysterious lines arbitrarily climbing on the back of his chest.

Some of these patterns are like real dragons, some are like giant apes, and some are like gods and demons. While they are shining brightly, the man’s aura becomes extremely powerful, and even breaks through the six-fold shackles of Nirvana. Seventh Realm! Immediately afterwards, the man stepped out, crushed a ten thousand-foot snow-capped mountain, flew up to the sky in a flash, forcibly tore a demon god, and regained his own treasure.

"Who is this?

Why is it so scary? "

"He is Zhao Tianju! Of course, his cultivation is only the sixth level of Nirvana, but his power is not only the sixth level, but the seventh level, even the eighth level, and his body is terrifying!"

"This is a demon god. I think that some true disciples were directly eliminated by the demon god. He can actually tear the demon **** with his bare hands!"

"No wonder Feng Tianhou is optimistic!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, Shen Wuzong's arrangement this time really got a surprise, this time the Xuantian ranking test is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! "There is also Wang Fang. He hasn't revealed his true strength until now. He has broken a **** path with magic weapons alone!"

"Hey, Wang Fang is too strong. It is estimated that in the ancient city where he is located, there is no one worthy of his all-out effort."

"Even Wang Fang's depth could not be detected. I said that he is the biggest favorite to win the Xuantian ranking this time. Should no one have any opinions?"

Some people know the relationship between Wang Fang and Feng Tianhou, and deliberately agree to win Feng Tianhou's favor.

Sure enough, when someone deliberately mentioned Wang Fang, Feng Tianhou still showed a hint of joy and nodded slightly.

Time hurried, and as the last four hours passed by, the six ancient cities also decided their own twenty promotion places.

Ghost in the ancient realm.

Chu Yan was leaning on a big tree, playing with a jade cup, and there was no one in his vicinity.

However, the disciple of Shen Wuzong who had been watching the light curtain of Chu Yan showed an unbelievable color.

Because just now, with the power of one person, one shot per person, Chu Yan forcibly killed the soul king who evolved the treasure and thousands of Divine Martial Sect monks who deliberately competed for the jade cup.

Since there is not much time, and they will not really fall when they die, everyone started their final madness.

Not only the disciples who had fought against Chu Yan before, but also the oriole, who had been dormant nearby, waiting for the time to come, attacked Chu Yan at the last moment.

At that time, the audience felt that Chu Yan might lose.

After all, open guns are easy to dodge and dark arrows are hard to guard, and he has mental arithmetic and unintentional, Chu Yan has no chance of winning! However, they were wrong.

Chu Yan laughed to the end and became one of 120 people who were promoted.

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