Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2488: King Shura

Just when many Shenwuzong audiences were filled with emotion, Chu Yan also ushered in changes in the dark space where they were located.

After entering this pitch-black space, one hundred and twenty people, without exception, were recuperating, waiting for the start of the next round of competition.

However, after Feng Tianhou announced the test location for the next level, the real face of the land in the inner ring was after the ghost burial tomb. When the golden list was high in the sky, Chu Yan waited for 120 people. At one step, a black vortex appeared without warning.

The vortex was huge and it expanded rapidly. Chu Yan and others wanted to avoid it, but they were too late to be included in it all at once.

Immediately afterwards, countless faces appeared in the whirlpool.

"I'm so wrong, I hate it!"

"I don't want to die, I want to live!"

"Give me, give me your bodies!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, since it's here, stay here!"

The grimacing faces were clearly visible, and their gazes swept across Chu Yan and others, occasionally licking the corners of their lips, revealing unconcealed coveting colors, as if they really wanted to take over and replace them.

This is not an illusion, because this bitterness of the cold, rising from the soles of the feet, is very real.

Not to mention, except for Chu Yan, the 120 people present were all true disciples of Nirvana Realm's fourth, fifth, and even sixth levels, and they couldn't be all deceived by the illusion together.

"Gluck, come on, come on!"

"We are waiting for you, waiting for you in front!"

"You have to hurry up, don't make us wait in a hurry."

With that said, these dense grimace suddenly spread out and turned into a sea of ​​undead.

A large white-boned ship floated up involuntarily, directly loading Chu Yan and other 120 people into it.

"This is..." Everyone was taken aback, but no one resisted.

Because after this large bone ship floated, it directly took Chu Yan and others into the sea of ​​undead, and went to a deeper place.

Obviously, this level has already begun.

"It seems to be taking us to the Great Tomb of Ghost Burial."

A low voice sounded.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the true appearance of the land in the inner ring to be the ghost burial tomb. This time the sect is really spending enough money!"

"This place is extremely dangerous. Once there were seniors from the seventh and eighth levels of Nirvana who entered, and none of them came back. One careless one, it is estimated that we will also become one of the grimaces just now."

"Haha, I don't want to be like this, and I don't think I will stay in the tomb of the ghosts, I will come out alive, and reach the top of the list!"

Some disciples answered casually, discussing the next trip to the tomb of ghosts.

Of course, it is open to question how many are genuine and some are fake.

Chu Yan was in the corner of the white-boned ship, and only felt that some evil spirits were staring at him.

However, the sea of ​​undead under the big white bone ship greatly affects the extension of the divine consciousness, and the other party is fascinated by the water. If there is no, if there is no, staring at Chu Yan, as if not letting him escape. I want to find out here. a bit difficult.

Having said that, Chu Yan was not afraid of it.

Since the other party is looking at himself, it means that sooner or later he will be sent to the door, and when the time comes, it will be wiped out and dealt with in one go.

Then there was nothing to say.

However, as the road progressed, the speed of the bone ship suddenly slowed down.


Everyone was immediately alert.

In such a place, all changes will not be a good thing, it will only be a bad thing, or worse! Sure enough, after the speed of the big bone ship became slower and slower, it finally remained motionless and hovered above the sea of ​​undead.

There was silence in all directions, but Chu Yan and they had entered a state of alert.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! Especially in this kind of Xuantian ranking competition.

Bang bang bang bang! In the next instant, in the ocean of undead, huge tentacles rushed out of the water and killed the 120 Shenwuzong disciples on the large white bone ship.

They seem to have life, wisdom, a very tricky angle, and every blow is a lore.

However, there is no easy generation for the 120 people who can advance to this level.

They all had their eyes flashed, or their expressions were still, they used their magical powers, summoned magic weapons, and dealt with them freely.

Rumble! However, the big bone ship was not so lucky, and it was pierced and shredded by huge tentacles in an instant, and it was completely wiped out.

Not only that, in the ocean of undead, there are a series of terrifying figures climbing out, killing Xiang Chu Yan and others.

"This is... Shura!"

Some people recognize what is emerging from the sea of ​​undead, and they can't help but change their colors.

"We haven't reached the tomb of the ghosts, how come we were attacked?"

"A lot of Shura, densely packed, like mountains and seas!"

"Don't gossip, hurry up and fight!"

A group of promoted disciples were startled and angry, and fought fiercely against the surging Shura.

Shura is horrible, and True Wonderland disciples can only be reduced to a delicious meal, but in the eyes of these advanced disciples, it is still not worth mentioning, but there are too many and a little difficult.

Boom boom boom! Someone punched again and again, sweeping all directions with majestic fists. Before Shura could get close, he was killed by a terrifying force.

Some summoned an ancient gourd.

The style is mottled, and I don't know how many years it has existed. As soon as it opened, it was like a whirlpool, sucking in all the coming Shura.

After the gourd shone a few times, the Shura inside had turned into a pool of muddy drinks.

Others don't know what magical powers they used, covering a radius of thousands of miles, but all Shura who entered the range were killed by Juli on their own, and none of them survived.

This situation is amazing.

Because so many Asuras are coming in endlessly, if it is a smaller sect, or even a small country, it is estimated that it will be swallowed and annihilated. The effort of dividing five by two is at most it takes a little more time.

Chu Yan also didn't keep his hands, his eyebrows were bright, with endless sword light bursting out.

Whoops whoops! The sword light evolves in thousands, and tens of thousands of Shura were harvested in an instant. They wanted to attack Chu Yan, no matter in the sky or the earth, but no Shura could set foot in the tens of thousands of miles beside Chu Yan.

"So powerful, so domineering, simple and rude!"

"It's no wonder that I can be promoted with the first level of Nirvana, that's how it is!"

"In this way, if he is in the sixth level of Nirvana, I don't think it is strange, but he is only in the first level of Nirvana. If he sets foot in the sixth level one day, I don't know how powerful and terrifying it will be."

Chu Yan's intrepid performance was too dazzling, so that the disciples of Shenwuzong who were with him were looking at him.

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