Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2489: Large tomb entrance

Although the disciples of Shen Wuzong who can advance to this level cannot be weak, but Chu Yan is so powerful that it is absolutely unexpected, especially since Chu Yan only has the first level of Nirvana, which makes them even more concerned. shock.

The first level of Nirvana is like this. If you become a true disciple, and even set foot in the sixth level of Nirvana, how powerful and terrible it will be! They can't imagine it.

Chu Yan didn't know what they were thinking, and he didn't want to know, his gaze swept, as if looking for something, but in vain.

There are so many Asuras, like mountains and seas, but the Shenwuzong disciples present are stronger and more terrifying. They have been killing, and all of them are Asura. Chu Yan and others did not even have the slightest injury. At most, they felt that a lot of energy was spent, nothing more. .

Suddenly, just as everyone was fighting with Shura, a burst of golden light fell from the sky, breaking through the sea, illuminating the world, and many Shura retreating, as if welcoming or something.

A part of it even turned into a cloud of black light, actively flying towards the golden light, and then blending into it.

Roar! A roar broke the silence, and a huge figure slowly appeared in the golden light.

It looks very similar to Shura, but it is fundamentally different.

Different levels of life! As soon as it appeared, the whole world was changing, the sky was collapsing, and the sea of ​​undead was collapsing.

It seems that they are not qualified to be the heaven and earth of this creature.

Not only that, but some people with nasty eyes have discovered that after this creature appeared, this place has gradually collapsed.

This means that no matter whether they solve this creature or not, as long as they stay here, they will encounter great dangers, great crises, and no escape.

This is a dead end, this is a dead end! "King Shura!"

Feng endless exclaimed.

He had read the records about King Shura in some ancient books, and the creatures in front of him showed all the signs, it must be King Shura.

King Shura's breath is very powerful, directly exceeding the sixth level of Nirvana, and I don't know where the limit is.

Its existence makes everyone present feel heavy pressure.


Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, staring at a pendant on King Shura’s neck, and said in surprise: “The neck of King Shura is the entrance to the tomb of the ghosts. As long as we kill King Shura, we can enter the hall of ghosts. Tomb! I'm afraid this is our first test here!"


Hearing this, everyone was slightly startled, and all looked at the pendant of King Shura's neck.

Sure enough, I felt a mysterious power that was inexplicable.

"It seems that Feng's endless words are right. This pendant is almost always the entrance to the tomb of ghosts buried!"

"His relationship with Feng Tianhou is extraordinary, even if he knows some secrets, it is not surprising."

"However, it seems that our battle with King Shura is inevitable. Since it is in the way, let's kill it!"

After everyone understood the reason, they suddenly became eager to try.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! Without waiting for everyone to join forces, King Shura has already taken the lead.

It raised its hand and grasped towards nothingness, a statue of Shura turned into a black light on its own, and turned into a huge sword, slashing heavily at Chu Yan and others.


A big bald man snorted coldly, the whole body was filled with Buddha's light, and he took the sword of King Shura empty-handed.

He didn't move, but King Shura was shaken and the giant sword was let go! "Be quiet."

A girl in Tsing Yi spoke the law, her voice fell, and King Shura became quiet by a messenger.

Although there were only two or three breathing times, it was already enough for other disciples to kill King Shura.

"Great Sun Thunder Blade!"

"Nine consecutive cuts of the sky demon!"

"Six Swords!"

Chu Yan and the other disciples contributed equally.

After all, without defeating King Shura, one would not be able to enter the Great Ghost Burial Tomb, and it may be that the space here is constantly collapsing and eventually buried here.

They are not here for this, they are going to the ghost burial tomb, they want more! King Shura is fierce, powerful, and invincible, but they are even stronger.

With one hundred and twenty people working together, it is better to be killed than King Shura! Rumble! King Shura was killed by the crowd, and while it roared unwillingly, it collapsed.

At this moment, the pendant on King Shura's neck flew up by itself, floating in the air dripping, exuding a bright white light.


This thing has changed, will the way into the ghost burial tomb appear? "

"The way forward appears, is it possible that King Shura is dead?

Really boring! "

"Are we too strong, or is King Shura too weak?

If the next competitions are all this level, then it doesn't make much sense! "

"It's only the first level now. It's a bit of a taste of testing the water. It's better to be careful."

Killing King Shura, everyone looked relaxed.

If they want them to work one-on-one, or in groups of three to five, to deal with King Shura, it will definitely be stressful.

However, a total of 120 people worked together, and apart from Chu Yan, all of them were the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of Nirvana. This battle was destined to be hated by King Shura.

The pendant is constantly changing in the bright white light, and finally becomes a crystal channel, very dazzling and very beautiful.

"Is this the passage leading to the ghost burial tomb?

Gee tee, it’s not in tune with where we are going! "

Someone joked in a relaxed tone.

"Who will go in first?"

"Let me do it!"

"And I!"

Seeing that the way to go has appeared, everyone was too lazy to delay here, and entered this crystal-like passage to the tomb of ghosts to seize the opportunity.

Chu Yan didn't rush in, but didn't rush in, but also didn't keep it till the end. Instead, he chose to go with the situation. When it was his turn, he would enter the tomb of the ghosts, and that's it.

Soon, almost all the disciples in front of Chu Yan entered the passage and went to the tomb of the ghosts. He immediately stepped forward and was about to enter it.

However, as soon as Chu Yan was about to enter the passage, two figures violently rushed towards him without warning.

The sudden scene made everyone stunned.

"This is Li Ziping and Fang Shuo?

Why did they attack Chu Yan? "

"They are extraordinary in strength, and they are all known among the true disciples. Chu Yan did not know why they offended them, but they were stared at by Li Ziping and Fang Shuo at the same time. This time Chu Yan's trip to the Xuantian ranking also ended here."

"Yes, whether it is Li Ziping or Fang Shuo, it is estimated that they can easily suppress Chu Yan. They are not ordinary true disciples. Now they come together, Chu Yan is dead."

Although everyone was surprised, they were all indifferent.

They are not familiar with Chu Yan. Is it worth offending someone like Li Ziping and Fang Shuo for an unknown Chu Yan?

The answer is obvious.

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