Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2495: Targeted

"In that case..." The ghostly old woman who realized that Chu Yan would not be able to deal with it was also not ready to keep her hands.

Swish Swish! Tens of thousands of poisons suddenly appeared on her ten fingers, and it was far from over, it was still increasing, and it turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the end! Didn't Chu Yan know how to hack her, and the soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and tried to decipher her poison?

There are hundreds of thousands of poisons now, but you are trying to crack it, trying to reduce it for ten times! One hundred thousand poisonous giants evolved into a poisonous giant, and he was about to suppress Chu Yan.

If you change to another monk, the ghostly old woman might have to keep the corpse, search her body to see if there is anything good left behind.

However, Chu Yan was too weird and too powerful.

The ghostly old woman can live to this day, and she knows who can stay and who can't.

Chu Yan is the one that can't be left! Between the poisonous giant's hands and feet, there are mountains whistling and tsunami, and the world trembles violently. It locks Chu Yan's position and spans millions of miles. No matter where Chu Yan escapes, he will be surrounded by it, and eventually he will be surrounded by it. Ten thousand poisonous swallowed up! Chu Yan didn't dodge or hide, he summoned the bone spear.

The ancient runes were lit up one by one, blooming with a strong light.

Immediately afterwards, everything between the world and the earth was wiped out by the bone spear, and all were wiped out by the divine light.

Including the giant of poison, including one hundred thousand highly poisonous! It all vanished, as if everything had never appeared.


Seeing this scene, the ghostly old woman finally changed her face.

Her poison cannot be said to be perfect. After all, the world and the earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. When there is black, there is white, and when there is yin, there is yang. No matter how powerful the poison is, it can't be perfect, and it has its own shortcomings.

However, the ghostly old woman has enough poison types! There are a hundred thousand kinds of poison, she doesn't believe that there is nothing that can't kill.

But now Chu Yan has become unkillable.

This made her very puzzled and shocked! It should be noted that among her 100,000 poisons, there are many weird poisons such as restraining kendo and restraining formations.

However, he was unreasonably bombarded and killed by Chu Yan's bone spear! "He's only the first level of Nirvana, how can he be so powerful, it's impossible!"

The ghostly old woman was extremely puzzled, and a meaningful smile appeared under her eyes.

"Since you can't kill you like this just now, I don't know if the power has been increased tenfold, can you erase my attack, and can you withstand my millions of poisons?"

After speaking, the pores of the ghostly old woman are glowing.

Each of her pores has a poisonous seed, some have been cultivated, some have not yet hatched.

However, Chu Yan was really too weird, he couldn't keep him here! We must kill Chu Yan now to avoid endless troubles.

Chu Yan seemed to feel something, but the speed of the ghostly old woman was too fast, from the glow of the whole body to the outbreak of millions of poisonous at the same time, just in the blink of an eye! Rumble! In the next instant, all the radius of a million li was wiped out, swallowed by a million kinds of poison.

All this happened so quickly that even the other evil spirits within a million miles could not escape, being slaughtered by the poisonous old man of the ghost, and there was no grass.

"Cough cough cough..." The ghostly old woman reappeared after the blew, but she was different from before. She now has a rickety body and a sluggish breath, like a serious illness, it is difficult to return to the peak in a short time.

"I didn't expect to do this step, but this child is dangerous enough. If it is not removed as soon as possible, it may be me who died here..." The ghostly old woman said to herself.

However, before the ghostly old woman finished speaking, a flower appeared in front of her, and Chu Yan appeared in front of her without warning.

Unlike the ghostly old woman whose vitality was severely injured, Chu Yan's aura was stable, obviously not being hurt by the huge explosion just now.

"No, it's impossible..." The ghostly old saying was not finished. Chu Yan had already taken off her head with lightning speed, and pulled it out together with her spine. From a distance, there was a purgatory Shura. A sense of horror! When Chu Yan took off her head, the ghostly old woman was shocked, but she soon smiled again: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so blew up by me. You were lucky enough to say nothing, and you took the initiative to send it to the door and even touched me. The body."

"There are more than a million poisonous seeds in my body. Although I didn't know what magical powers you used to escape the catastrophe before, but you have already touched it, then what awaits you is the destruction of form and spirit, turning into one. The beach is full of foul-smelling pus!"

The ghostly old woman laughed wildly, as if she had seen Chu Yan disappear into the dust.

But time passed bit by bit, and after about a hundred breaths, Chu Yan was still fine.

"How can this be!"

The ghostly old woman was shocked.

According to the truth, Chu Yan should have been contaminated with millions of highly poisonous at the moment she touched her body, and instantly turned into a puddle of pus. Why is she still all right now?

This is impossible! She doesn't understand! "That's it?"

Chu Yan said that he was going to kill the ghostly old woman.

"Wait, wait a minute, sir!"

The ghostly old woman panicked and said quickly: "I have a piece of news and I want to buy it for my life!"


what news. "

Chu Yan asked.

"There are countless evil spirits going around looking for your lord, trying to kill you!"

"Kill me?


So are you? "

"All these are orders from the ghost king, we dare not fail."

Chu Yan was puzzled.

He doesn't know any ghost king, nor has he seen any ghost king: "Why is the ghost king looking for me?

Want to chase me so hard? "

"Well, I don't know this, I'm just following orders."

The ghostly old woman hesitated to answer.

"So where is the ghost king?"

Chu Yan asked again.

His idea is very simple, he is wronged, he is in debt, didn't the ghost king want him to kill him?

In that case, Chu Yan didn't bother with the ghost king, and went to find the ghost king personally.

Hearing this, the ghostly old woman was shocked. This Chu Yan knew that he was being chased by the ghost king. Not only was he not afraid, but he seemed to have to go to the ghost king and take the initiative to find the door. Such a character, given time, will surely have endless troubles. No wonder the ghost king ordered to be killed. ! However, in the face of Chu Yan’s question, the ghostly old woman hesitated and said, “I don’t know the specific location of the ghost king. This kind of existence will not easily reveal where I am...” “I don’t know, then I don't know, what's the use of keeping you!"

Without saying anything, Chu Yan directly squeezed the ghostly old woman.

"No wonder so many evil spirits are chasing me. It turns out that the ghost king ordered me to be wanted.

However, how sacred this ghost king is, he is actually hostile to me. "

Chu Yan was puzzled.

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