Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2496: This is a trap

Before Chu Yan came up with a reason, the movement in the distance attracted his attention.

Bang! I saw a bright firework blooming far beyond the sky, and a symbol evolved.

This is a signal that belongs to Shenwuzong alone, and there are disciples of Shenwuzong calling for help.

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, and flew over to see who sent the distress signal.

Just arrived, Chu Yan couldn't help but stunned.

Because the person who sent the distress signal was an acquaintance, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu! At the end of the trip to Xiantao Valley, Xie Qingyu, a lovely girl who just broke through to the second level of Nirvana, was already at the level of the third level of Nirvana before the start of this Xuantian ranking test.

It seemed that when he was competing in the Xuantian Ranking, he had another gain. With the four-fold cultivation base of Nirvana, he advanced to the land of the inner ring and went to the tomb of ghosts.

Although there shouldn't be time to raise the level of the corresponding disciple, it's just that it's already a true disciple's strength.

Chu Yan didn't feel surprised that the cute girl Xie Qingyu's breakthrough speed was so fast.

First of all, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu and the silver-haired young man Dong, originally had a good background, and the family had a close relationship with the Presbyterian Church.

The path of spiritual practice must be escorted by the parents, and the rapid progress is reasonable and reasonable.

When she was on the white-boned ship, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu deliberately recognized Chu Yan.

After all, there are very few acquaintances who have been promoted to the inner ring this time. She and Chu Yan have had a fateful friendship, and it is not surprising that she has cooperated in the tomb of the ghosts.

However, Chu Yan knew his own affairs. The lovely girl Xie Qingyu and him recognized the relationship between the two, and Chu Yan did it by himself. God came to kill the gods, and the Buddha came to kill the Lord, fearless! However, for the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, it would probably be a trouble. He signaled in advance not to recognize each other, lest she and himself would become the target of public criticism.

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu Hui had Lan Xin, and Chu Yan said so, she was also quite cooperative, and did not reveal the relationship between them.

Unexpectedly, the distress signal just now was sent by the lovely girl Xie Qingyu. She and Chu Yan actually met in this place in this way, and Chu Yan couldn't help but be surprised.

It's just that the situation of the lovely girl is not very good at the moment, she is being besieged by three evil spirits.

Three evil spirits, one tall, one short, and the other looking like an old man, are pressing hard against the lovely girl Xie Qingyu.

"Hehehe, I said you will just follow us. We have been here for many years, and we have been tired of playing with the female ghosts here. We want to change our taste."

"Yes, yeah, we haven’t met a living person for many years. I thought, as long as it’s the first living person we meet, no matter whether it’s a man or a woman, we will accept it all. God is pitiful, here you are. Such a beautiful woman!"

"Little girl, you are obedient now. After we are happy, you may be let go and save your life. If you are stubborn, don't blame us for not pitying Yu Yu, and not loving you well."

The eyes of the three evil spirits were all coveted.

Although they have been dead for many years and turned into evil spirits, some of their unreleased desires are still there, and as the years go by, they continue to magnify.

Nowadays, when I met the lovely girl Xie Qingyu, I had no choice but to stop him, wanting to enjoy her, and venting these desperate desires.

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu wants to break through, it can be described as three evil spirits, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The tall evil spirit is like a copper wall and an iron wall, and is extremely fast, blocking all her retreat.

The dwarf evil spirits are sinister and vicious, and sometimes sneak attacks, making Xie Qingyu, the cute girl, unpredictable. Not only must she find a way to break through, but also guard against sneak attacks by the dwarf evil spirits.

The old man evil spirit is quietly releasing some auras. For a while, you may not be able to sense anything, but when it really happens, the cute girl Xie Qingyu will be discounted, and she can perform 70% of her achievements. .

It was originally at a disadvantage, so and so, it is estimated that only three evil ghost fish will be left.

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu tried to break through once again, but it was a pity that she was intercepted again by a tall evil spirit, and almost succeeded in a sneak attack by a short evil spirit.

At this moment, she had already noticed that this old evil spirit, who seemed to be looting the formation, designed herself secretly. Although her state had not collapsed, she was already a little unstable.

If you continue, I'm afraid it won't be long before you will fall into the hands of three evil spirits, life is better than death.

Thinking of this, her pretty face paled involuntarily, her only hope was that someone saw her distress signal and was willing to come and save herself! That's right, the Xuantian ranking test has reached this point. They are both competitors, and even if someone sees it, they are not necessarily willing to help.

After all, once the lovely girl Xie Qingyu is eliminated, isn't it one less competitor?

Since there is such a good thing, why do you want to save it?

Maybe you can still watch a good scene of a battle between men and women! However, Chu Yan and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu experienced all the dangers of Xiantao Valley together. After experiencing life and death, they had a relationship. Naturally, it is impossible to watch the lovely girl Xie Qingyu hate it in vain.

Chu Yan released his spiritual sense and found that something was wrong, and he couldn't help frowning.

It's just that he looked at the cute girl Xie Qingyu, who was already a little unsupported, faltering, and decided to make a move.

Whoops whoops! All kinds of sword light manifested various mysteries, thousands of magical powers, and three evil spirits have been killed in the electric light and flint.

Although the evil spirits are strong and possess extraordinary abilities, Chu Yan's methods are simpler and more rude. "Brother Chu, it's you!"

Seeing Chu Yan appearing, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu was surprised and happy, letting go of her heart, she was also an old acquaintance from another country, and she immediately opened the chat box and talked endlessly: "I know that Brother Chu, you will be safe and sound." , After all, I know your ability! If I didn’t recognize you at the time, you wouldn’t blame me, would you?

Also, after I entered the ghost burial tomb, I found a chance. Before I could get it, I was trapped by these three evil spirits. I didn’t expect them to have some abilities. If it weren’t for Brother Chu, you could arrive in time. He chose to commit suicide, gave up his qualifications, and returned to the sect. "

She is an innocent woman, so she can't really let these evil spirits insult wantonly.

For Xie Qingyu, a cute girl with four levels of Nirvana, calling herself a senior, Chu Yan didn't feel any psychological pressure.

When Chu Yan was still in the real fairyland, Xie Qingyu, who had already been in Nirvana, screamed like this. According to her quirky temperament, this was reasonable.

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