Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2500: Fight for life

What's more, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu is really the fourth level of Nirvana. Facing the twin brothers just now, she shouldn't be so powerless. She can fight no matter what, but the result is not satisfactory.

Now that the cute girl Xie Qingyu explained this way, Chu Yan was suddenly enlightened.

Since the four-fold cultivation base of the lovely girl Xie Qingyu's Nirvana Realm is fake, it is only natural that she can't beat the true true disciple.

"This time on the Xuantian ranking, you can follow me, Junior Sister Xie."

Chu Yan answered.

"Thank you Brother Chu, Brother Chu, you are the best, Long live Brother Chu!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu was overjoyed.

She experienced the trip to Xiantao Valley, but she knew very well that Chu Yan was the real thigh.

What else are Guo Zhenlin, Zhao Tianju, Wang Fang, and even Feng Tianhou’s cousin keeps sealing them, how can they compare with Chu Yan?

Although it is not worthy to carry shoes, it is indeed a huge difference in the middle! Now that Chu Yan is flying with him, his trip to the Profound Sky Ranking this time is probably safe! Chu Yan laughed blankly, was about to say something, but looked at the ground below.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook violently without warning.

Rumble! The shock was earth-shaking, but all the disciples of Shenwuzong who were in the ghost burial tomb felt the painting at the first time.

"What's wrong?"

"what's going on?"

"Quick, look over there!"

Everyone found that a huge black pillar suddenly rose above the horizon in the distance.

This pillar is not only huge, but also carved with a demon **** with countless arms.

No matter where or where the cultivators of the Shenwu Sect were, they seemed to be watched by the demon gods, very scary and terrifying.

Feng Bujie stared at this black pillar, suddenly realizing what it was, his expression changed drastically: "This is the key to the passage of hell! This is just a ranking match on the Xuantian rankings. How did the passage of **** be drawn out? "

Although the rest of Shen Wuzong disciples didn't know the origin of the black pillars, looking at the power and power of the black pillars, I'm afraid it won't be too simple.

Whoops whoops! The sculpture of the Demon God on the black pillar suddenly came alive, and it came alive in an instant. The disciple of Shenwuzong who was nearby couldn't escape and was directly eliminated by more than a dozen people.

Immediately afterwards, the black pillar turned on its own, with the sound of the key turning up and down.

Soon, the passage of **** was opened, and countless demon gods were killed.

These demon gods have a variety of poses, some have countless heads, each of which has its own thoughts and is chattering endlessly; some are the size of a bee and seem to be completely indifferent to the word demon god, but it is a demon god; some are pervasive With chaotic aura, but without actual form, it is invisible to the naked eye.

There are so many demon gods and countless, but they are exactly the same, that is, they are all spreading the aura of broken ages, as if they have straddled the wilds and walked into the world.

Seeing this scene, the audience in Shenwuzong were all panicked.

"This is how the same thing?

Why does the **** channel suddenly appear? "

"There are so many demon gods, are the brothers and sisters in the ghost burial tomb really okay?"

"Oh my God, in this environment, it's great to be alive, let alone compete with others."

Many disciples of Shen Wuzong were shocked by this scene, thinking that so many demon gods, even the immortals, would be difficult to retreat.

What's more, the Shenwuzong disciple who is going to the ghost burial tomb is at the highest level only as a true disciple. How can this be played?

In this regard, Feng Tianhou was rather calm: "Be safe, don't be restless! What a mess, what a decent way! This is the meaning of the Presbyterian Church."

"What do you mean by the Presbyterian Church?"

Feng Tianhou's words attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, in this ranking competition, the competition is only part of it, and it also contains great opportunities."

Feng Tianhou motioned everyone to look at the light curtain, "Look carefully at the demon gods emerging from the passage of hell."

"A demon **** that gushes out of the passage of hell?"

Everyone immediately looked carefully, and it really found a clue.

Everyone discovered that every demon **** has a special logo on him! "Each logo represents a kind of life soul. After killing the demon god, you can get the corresponding life soul essence."

Feng Tianhou smiled slightly and said, "What is the function of the life soul essence? I don't need to elaborate on it!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

The audience was envious, and the disciple who was eliminated prematurely was extremely annoyed.

Because after the cultivation base reaches the Nirvana state, although the life soul is activated, it is extremely difficult to make the life soul stronger in the future.

Now this arrangement of the Presbyterian Church can be said to have given a good luck.

It's a pity that they were eliminated early, and it would be a lie to miss this feast.

Inside the ghost burial tomb.

The passage of the local prison opened, countless demons rushed out, and the evil spirits in the tomb of the ghosts all went underground, completely afraid to come out.

Just because the creatures here in the ghost burial tomb are also divided into three, six or nine.

The demon gods that exist in the passage of **** are undoubtedly the highest level of existence. Once they appear, if the evil spirits do not retreat, they will be slaughtered as ants. It is still a matter of life.

Facing countless demon gods, the disciples of Shen Wuzong were under great pressure, but the demon gods were all killed, and they had to bite the bullet to fight.

However, when they discovered that after killing the demon gods, they could obtain the essence of life and soul, they all became excited and began to actively fight the demon gods.

Feng endless also brought the disciples of Shen Wuzong who followed him to a fierce battle with the Demon God, killing the Demon God.

After he notified the ghost king to chase Chu Yan, he hid and broke through quietly.

He was originally only the fifth level of Nirvana, but he has already advanced to the sixth level of Nirvana.

In the beginning, he thought that he would be promoted to the seventh stage of Nirvana, even in the tomb of ghosts, it would take a lot of effort.

I never expected that Shen Wuzong arranged such a good luck in the Xuantian ranking test, it is simply heaven to help me! After continuously absorbing the essence of life and soul, as early as the five layers of Nirvana, the five layers of energy have been stored for many years, and I feel that I am not far from the seven layers of Nirvana! Although his breath is still in the sixth level of Nirvana, it is vaguely transformed to the seventh level. However, any monk whose cultivation is weaker than the sixth level of Nirvana can feel the tremendous pressure beside him, and he has thoughts. A sense of worship.

These are the credits for absorbing a lot of life and soul! Of course, it is also the brothers who are still being sealed are willing to let the soul essence of life, let it be exclusive, otherwise his progress will definitely not be so fast.

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