Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2501: Double lift

However, Feng Unjue didn't absorb the essence of life and soul they had obtained in vain.

He has made a promise that when this time the Xuantian ranking is over, he will definitely introduce them to his cousin Feng Tianhou and let them formally follow Feng Tianhou.

This kind of promise is of little significance at first glance. In fact, all the disciples of Shen Wuzong know that once they follow Feng Tianhou, they will undoubtedly have an extra backing.

From now on, in Shenwu Sect, it will basically walk sideways.

In addition, Feng endless promised to give other magical powers and magic weapons as compensation.

Because of this, they were only willing to give up most of the life soul essence, let Feng Wujue attack Nirvana Seventh Stage first.

Otherwise, whoever wants to let go of such a great opportunity.

Suddenly, a demon **** the size of a calf came to kill him, and he didn't even look at the demon **** when he raised his hand and killed it directly.

These methods are even more miraculous than before! "It's a good way to seal brother, it's probably invincible at the same level!"

"In my opinion, this feast of life and soul is for you to seal brother."

"When the Xuantian ranking test is over, maybe it is possible to seal the brother not only with the seventh level of Nirvana, but also the eighth level!"

The monks around Feng endless praised him again and again.

In Shenwuzong, the audience who saw this scene also exclaimed.

"Compared with Feng Bengjue's first appearance, he is at least ten times stronger!"

"Yes, such a character, I think Guo Zhenlin, Zhao Tianju and others may not be his opponents!"

"Feng Unjue really lives up to the name of Feng Family, and he deserves to be Feng Tianhou's cousin. No wonder Feng Tianhou is so optimistic!"

Although the audience in Shenwuzong were all praised and sealed, Feng Tianhou was not paying attention to him. Feng Tianhou was watching Chu Yan.

In the past, in order to increase the mystery of the ghost burial tomb, the light curtain projected by Shenwuzong to the audience was reduced, and part of it was actively covered. Only a few scenes can be seen, and the randomness is strong, and they may not be able to see the competition they care about. Players.

The same is true. After the twin brothers were eliminated, Chu Yan unscrupulously poured dirty water.

Since the audience didn't know why they were eliminated, and they must have not projected their scene just now, then what happened is not their final say?

However, now that the **** channel has been opened, the most critical link has come. All the light curtains have returned to normal, broadcasting the scene of the remaining Shenwuzong disciples in the tomb of ghosts.

Among them, Chu Yan is included! Now Chu Yan is with the lovely girl Xie Qingyu.

Seeing countless demon gods rushing out, and after killing the demon gods, they can still get the essence of life and soul, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu was very excited.

"It's no wonder that my parents encouraged me to take part in the Xuantian ranking test, but it turned out that there was such a hidden opportunity!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu exclaimed again and again, "It is too difficult to improve the life and soul, Brother Chu, we must not miss this great opportunity!"


Chu Yan answered.

Subsequently, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu's life and soul appeared.

Her life soul is a raccoon, looks cute and cute, but it matches Xie Qingyu very well.

Chu Yan didn't use his life soul, his brows bloomed with sword light, and he wanted to slaughter the demon **** who had struck him.

Whoops whoops! The sword light sometimes evolves into thousands, sometimes forms a sword formation, and sometimes condenses into a huge sword, slaughtering all the demon gods that strike.

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu also spared no effort to inspire the power of life and soul, as well as the magic weapons that they carried. Under the two people's joint efforts, they had a lot of life and soul essences suspended in the air.

"Brother Chu, why don't you absorb the essence of life and soul?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu, who was absorbing the essence of life and soul, moved for a while, and asked a little embarrassed.

Because although she killed the Demon God together, the actual number is less than half of Chu Yan's. It can be said that the life soul essence suspended here is almost Chu Yan's masterpiece, and it is Chu Yan's credit.

Now that Chu Yan didn't take the lead in absorbing it, she was a little embarrassed.

"You can absorb it first."

Chu Yan said.

He protects himself without any worries, but Xie Qingyu, a lovely girl who relies a little on magic weapons. If he does not take the opportunity to strengthen his life and soul and improve his self-protection power, as far as the current situation is concerned, if there is a major change, Chu Yan would not dare. Said that she would be able to keep her.

After all, the **** channel is too weird, no one knows what will happen next.


The lovely girl Xie Qingyu was also not polite to Chu Yan. After remembering this person in her heart, she took the initiative to absorb the essence of life and soul floating in the air.

As the lovely girl Xie Qingyu continued to absorb the essence of life and soul, Chu Yan discovered that when her life and soul had improved, the realm of cultivation also changed together.

"Brother Chu, this is due to my physique, and it can be double-enhanced."

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu simply explained the reason.

She didn't elaborate, but if Chu Yan asked, she would still inform in detail.

Chu Yan didn't inquire into her secrets, and nodded: "You can absorb and improve yourself, and I will protect the law for you."


The lovely girl Xie Qingyu nodded repeatedly.

In fact, if Chu Yan is not there, she really dare not break through.

Not to mention that there are still many demon gods wandering here, and the other disciples of Shenwuzong may not necessarily be good for themselves, and may take the opportunity to destroy them.

In this way, it is better not to cross the catastrophe, so as not to be eliminated by a sneak attack.

However, now that there is Chu Yan protector, then everything will be worry-free! The lovely girl Xie Qingyu continued to absorb the essence of life and soul, and finally reached the pinnacle of the triple level of Nirvana.

In an instant, the brilliance of heaven and earth was exploding, and terrible thunder tribulations arrived as promised.

The fire of all kinds of hell, the water of the netherworld, swept in.

Let the ghost burial tomb, which was originally a scene of hell, become more **** and more terrifying.

Although not as terrifying as the scene of Chu Yan crossing the robbery, it is just as extraordinary, which shows that the cute girl Xie Qingyu is extraordinary, far from being as harmless as it seems.

However, Xie Qingyu, a lovely girl who does not have a diamond and does not take porcelain work, has long been equipped with magical protection, and there is also a protector of Chu Yan, which is a peace of mind to hit the four levels of Nirvana.

Finally, the horror scene slowly receded, and beams of light rose from the ground. Xie Qingyu's breath became stronger, and he stepped into the four levels of Nirvana. Unlike the false realm before, it is now a true disciple who cultivated it.

Feng in the distance suddenly raised his head and saw the light beams appearing in the sky.

This is a symbol of someone's success in crossing the robbery, and someone actually broke through before him! Even if the opponent does not seem to be the Seventh Level of Nirvana, it is okay, so he won the jackpot, even if he succeeds in the Seventh Level of Nirvana, it is a bit of a difference. How can this be tolerated!

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