Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2502: Nirvana Second Stage (Part 1)

call! The lovely girl Xie Qingyu let out a sullen breath and slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, she has officially promoted from the third level of Nirvana to the fourth level of Nirvana, and the whole person is completely new.

Even her raccoon life soul has condensed into entities, and then its strength has grown by leaps and bounds, at least ten times stronger.

"Thank you Brother Chu."

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu sincerely thanked Chu Yan for protecting her law.

She is sincerely grateful to Chu Yan.

If it weren't for Chu Yan, she would have been killed by Yang Feng when she was in Xiantao Valley, let alone saving her life again and again.

Now that he is promoted to the fourth level of Nirvana Realm, his strength has been greatly improved, and Chu Yan has an indelible contribution.

Otherwise, just relying on her to kill the demon **** to obtain the essence of life and soul, without knowing that she will kill it in the year of the monkey.

Now the small goal of this trip has been completed with three strokes and five divided by two, and it is truly indispensable to set foot in the ranks of true disciples.

Chu Yan smiled, and said, "When you are in the same class, you should watch and help each other. Isn't this what you said, Junior Sister Xie?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu's eyes lit up.

This is what she said before heading to Xiantao Valley.

At that time, it was only to stabilize the military's morale, so as not to conflict between Yang Feng and Chu Yan. Unexpectedly, Chu Yan remembered what he said, which made the lovely girl Xie Qingyu's heart warm.

"Hmm, it is true!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu nodded repeatedly.

Subsequently, Chu Yan and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu set off together to continue beheading the devil.

There are so many Demon Gods that have emerged, and the strength between the Demon God and the Demon God is equally different.

Some demon gods seem to be only the size of a mosquito, but they can smooth the mountains in an instant, which is very scary.

Some have three heads and six arms, like gods and demons. They just face the cute girl Xie Qingyu, and are killed by her magic weapon within a few rounds.

Therefore, this is also one of the hidden dangers at the moment.

You don't even know which demon **** is strong, which demon **** is weak, and one is careless, that is, overturning the ship in the gutter, being killed by the demon god, and weeding out, it is all right.

However, these precautions are not a problem at all in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan doesn't care whether the demon **** on the opposite side is strong or weak. He raises his hand with a fist mark, shocking killing intent, sweeping one side, or it is a bright sword light, the wind sweeps the fallen leaves, the demon gods are cleared like garbage, unreasonable, very overbearing, Even the lovely girl Xie Qingyu was a little stunned.

She knows that Chu Yan is very strong, but it is too strong, right?

Suddenly, Chu Yan and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu were surrounded by a group of demons.

Unlike other demon gods who were beheaded, this group of demon gods obviously came together.

They have wisdom and are hard to come by, and they don't want to be a stepping stone for human monks.

Like this, the best thing to do is to join forces.

Even if the human monks are powerful, can they still face ten or eight of them at the same time?

If so, what about one hundred?

It's always overwhelming! Relying on this method, they are rampant, and certain ignorant Shen Wuzong disciples are directly eliminated, and the more alert is that after seeing their power, there is no head-on confrontation.

Since these demon gods did not come solely for hunting and killing human monks, they did not take the initiative to chase after them. Anyway, there are still a steady stream of unlucky people coming to the door, not in a hurry.

In their view, Chu Yan and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu are undoubtedly among the hapless! Although they had just killed a wave of demon gods, they looked good, but these dead demon gods were weak chickens among them, and they were not worth mentioning.

Chu Yan and the lovely girl Xie Qingyu had misunderstood the strength of these demon gods, and wanted to continue hunting them, it was naive, it was ridiculous! "Hahaha, do you treat us as a waste that was just killed?"

"One man and one woman, both men and women look good, it will be a good blood meal!"

"This female cultivator has the seventh level of Nirvana, this male cultivator...Huh?

Nirvana First Stage?

Is not it! "

"Hey, hey, hey, such a guy has not been killed yet, the other monks of the Shenwu Sect, the evil spirits here, and even us demon gods, all have a great responsibility!"

"Roar! Kill, kill, I want to eat this female sister's thigh!"

Many demon gods were dismissive of Chu Yan, either mocking, or roaring, as if in front of them, it was not two monks, but chicken dogs, it was a dish for dinner.

Upon seeing this, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu couldn't help being a little timid.

She could see that this group of demon gods was indeed different from the ones killed before. This group of demon gods was much stronger, more than one grade.

If it was Chu Yan alone, he might be able to retreat if he couldn't beat him, but now it's hard to say with her.

"Brother Chu, how about us..." The lovely girl Xie Qingyu wanted to persuade Chu Yan to avoid her sharp edge, so as not to suffer a loss. Anyway, the ghost burial tombs are all devil gods, and it is not bad to have one or two.

Without saying a word, Chu Yan's mind turned, and the bone spear appeared in the air.

The long bone spear of the size of a thousand feet, each rune quickly lit up.

Buzzing! Afterwards, the light was dazzling, and the bone spear suddenly suppressed the group of demons.

"Huh, do you think this can resist us?"

"Boy, eat you first!"

"Be careful, everyone, this thing is weird..." The demon gods were killed by the bone spear before they finished speaking, crushed into slag, and only the life soul essence was still floating in the air.

Chu Yan was also not polite, and directly absorbed these life soul essences to nourish his life soul.

The cute girl Xie Qingyu was stunned in this scene.

Although she knows that Chu Yan is very strong, but Chu Yan is too strong! In the blink of an eye, the group of demon gods who were still aloft just now have been wiped out! "Senior Brother Chu is simply unfathomable. Every time I think I have seen his limit, he can always refresh my knowledge in time!"

Xie Qingyu exclaimed again and again, but suddenly realized something.

After her breakthrough, Chu Yan also absorbed a lot of life soul essence, but Chu Yan's life soul did not change in any way.

No matter how much life soul essence is absorbed, it is like a mud cow entering the sea without movement.

"How powerful is Senior Brother Chu's life and soul?"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu was surprised.

Her raccoon fate soul looks cute and cute, which matches her temperament. In fact, it is extremely not weak. It belongs to the more powerful class of fate soul. It is easy to deceive in appearance and thinks it is very weak.

However, after her raccoon life soul had been absorbed, it still improved directly, and it is still improving.

Does this mean that Chu Yan's Fate Soul is extremely powerful, several grades sharper than her Raccoon Fate Soul?

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