Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2515: field

"This..." King Shura looked at this scene in disbelief.

Chu Yan actually stripped away the realm of gods and monsters that belonged to it so easily...how could it be possible! So what happened.

It only felt the humming of the seeds in its head, and it didn't react to it all at once.

The Kingdom of Gods and Demons received all the power of the Shura domain and began to evolve finally.

The golden palaces have become tens or hundreds of times larger, and the original gold color has also become the color of purple gold, which is extremely majestic.

A gold armored **** and demon, except for its armor turned into purple and gold, its size also soared a hundredfold.

In contrast, the previous Shura seemed to have become a real ant. When he raised his hand and stomped his foot, he was wiped out in smoke. There was no comparative meaning at all.

Even if Shura tens of millions, it will be wiped out in an instant.

This is the kingdom of gods and demons after transformation! "The scope of the kingdom of gods and demons has also expanded a hundredfold!"

Chu Yan's eyes were piercing, "No, it can no longer be called the kingdom of gods and demons. The current kingdom of gods and demons has transformed into a realm of gods and demons!"

Chu Yan's realm of gods and demons is more than ten times stronger than the realm of Shura! Rumble! When the kingdom of gods and demons completely evolved into the realm of gods and demons, the Shura realm was finally unable to withstand resistance, and was wiped out by the terrifying power with a force of destruction and completely destroyed! King Shura, who had merged with the Shura domain, was also seriously injured together.

Chu Yan looked at King Shura indifferently, it was time to send him on the road! The King Shura was terrified and quickly begged for mercy: "I can serve you, saddle you, as long as you spare my life! Presumably you also need a right-hand man!"

Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense with King Shura, the bright sword light suddenly broke out, countless sword lights, countless sword auras, all killed King Shura.

"Chu Yan, you are deceiving too much!"

King Shura is not to be humiliated.

How can it die here if it's magnificent King Shura! It must not die! Whoops whoops! Seeing the sword light fall, King Shura laughed in anger, his fighting spirit was violent, and he tried to forcibly burn the source of his body to fight against Chu Yan.

"The Wrath of Shura!"

Didn’t Chu Yan’s supernatural powers have not been taught before, leaving aside the Seven Swordsmanship, but with this little carving skill, he wanted to kill himself?

wishful thinking! King Shura was wrapped in a terrible vindictiveness, as if covering a set of **** armor, he was about to attack Chu Yan with his tyrannical power! However, at this moment, King Shura is no longer at the peak, but Chu Yan is not the same as before, he is more than ten times stronger! That being the case, Chu Yan's magical powers are no exception.

King Shura fought against the loneliness. This time it was a sword light, and it couldn't take a ray of sword energy. It was directly penetrated by the sword light and sword energy, and it was nailed to the ground.

The so-called Shura's Wrath, **** armor, is like paper, which can be broken by blowing a bomb.

All this happened too quickly, and King Shura looked at his sword light and sword aura, completely stunned.

"No, it's impossible..." King Shura said to himself.

It is not a fool. It is natural to see that the Chu Yan that has absorbed its own Shura power and swallowed the Shura realm is by no means the same thing.

However, at best, it was a tie with himself, how could it be so strong that he could kill himself in seconds.

In this regard, Chu Yan was also surprised, just because the power of Asura and the benefits of Asura Realm exceeded his imagination! "It's so good."

Chu Yan showed a satisfied smile, did not give King Shura a chance to continue to talk, and slapped it to kill.

King Shura, the previous ghost king, has been sending people to make trouble after he stepped into the ghost burial tomb, chasing him down.

What's more, as a ghost in the ghost burial tomb, King Asura, even if it evolves into Asura, its heart should still have a high value, and it must not be missed.

King Shura had just been killed by Chu Yan, and its soul was immediately sucked into the realm of Gods and Demons by Chu Yan, and the heart of Shura in his body was also obtained by Chu Yan.

Just as Chu Yan thought, the value of the heart of Shura is far beyond the ordinary ghost heart, not to mention that it is a heart from the king of Shura! In an instant, the ranking on the rankings changed drastically. Chu Yan, who was originally in the middle and upper reaches, suddenly reached the top ten! Seeing this scene, everyone in Shenwuzong was in an uproar! "This, this, this... Why did Chu Yan rush to the top ten?"

"Could it be that he killed a lot of ghosts?

It's not right, haven't they all entered the Spirit Ring Immortal Palace now?

Even if there are ghosts, there are only a limited number. After all, everyone is looking for good luck, so what is the point of Chu Yan? "

"Could it be that you killed a disciple who had a lot of points?

There are rumors that Chu Yan is despicable and shameless, even if he attacked the same door, it seems not surprising. "

"No, no! Look at the rankings, Chu Yan’s position has changed, but no other fellow players have fallen sharply or been eliminated. This shows that Chu Yan’s points are not robbing others, but true. Some kind of props worth a lot of points!"

The Shenwuzong disciples talked a lot, and they couldn't believe that Chu Yan had improved so much at once.

Seeing this scene, the lovely girl Xie Qingyu's eyes beamed, and she knew that Senior Brother Chu would not stop here.

Now that Chu Yan's ranking has improved again, it means that he has overcome the difficulties, right?

"Hmm, I said, Senior Brother Chu will definitely avenge me, so I can keep my neck clean and wait for it!"

The lovely girl Xie Qingyu was thinking like this, but she felt a terrible breath without warning.

This is a silent anger.

The anger comes from Feng Tianhou above the high position.

Although Feng Tianhou is still smiling now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that after Chu Yan once again improved his ranking, his smile really can't hold back.

It should be understood that he once clearly stated that Chu Yan's son is nothing more than luck.

However, a person who only relies on luck has now reached the top ten on the Profound Sky Ranking. What does this mean?

Is it just luck?

It's impossible! In this case, Feng Tianhou can only make a mistake.

However, Feng Tianhou is a very proud person. Feng Tianhou cannot make a mistake. If there is a mistake, it will not be Feng Tianhou's fault.

However, Chu Yan's rise was like invisible slaps, calling out Feng Tianhou's face without money, which made him somewhat uncontrollable.

"Okay, this son of Chu Yan, very good, our Shen Wuzong is a little more of these disciples, only then can it be more brilliant and prosperous."

Feeling the gaze from all directions, Feng Tianhou still said with a reluctant smile.

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