Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2516: Infinite Mana

Seeing this, many of the Shenwuzong disciples who were paying attention to Feng Tianhou's reaction couldn't help but look at each other.

Everyone could tell that now Feng Tianhou even spoke very reluctantly.

After all, he was slapped in the face by Chu Yan again and again.

For the proud Feng Tianhou, this is no less than a shame! Therefore, now that Feng Tianhou's insincere compliment is, they are not answering the words, and it seems that they are not answering the words and not supporting them! Although the lovely girl Xie Qingyu was afraid of Fengtianhou in her heart, she still had some little pride.

Feng Bujue pointed at Chu Yan in this way, saying that she didn't believe it without Feng Tianhou's instruction.

Chu Yan once turned down Feng Tianhou's invitation, and taught the people who had come by speaking badly. He even said that he and Feng Tianhou didn't know each other, and if he really wanted to meet, he asked Feng Tianhou to invite him in person.

Xie Qingyu, a lovely girl, still knows about this.

From the perspective of others, this is an offense to Feng Tianhou. Not being hated is a fake.

Although she doesn't regret being eliminated in order to protect Chu Yan, she still hopes that the instigator will be taught a lesson and suffer a little because of the girl's disposition.

Of course, Feng Tianhou is the existence of the nine layers of Nirvana, and I don't know if it is close to the dominance. The gap between Chu Yan and his cultivation is a bit too large, and it is not easy to recover this account.

However, it doesn't matter. Feng Tianhou can't be dealt with, and there is an inexhaustible seal that caused her to be eliminated. This time, let's collect a little interest here first.

As for Feng Tianhou, there will be a long time in Japan, and Brother Chu Yan will eventually ask him to repay this bill.

Within the spirit ring fairy palace.

At the same time, Feng Feng's face suddenly changed.

He was aware of it just because of the unstoppable ban. Just now, when Chu Yan's ranking increased rapidly, the breath of King Shura completely disappeared. What did this show?

"Could it be that Chu Yan just fought King Shura?

And King Shura lost to Chu Yan, completely fallen? "

Thinking of this, the first reaction of endless sealing is ridiculous! Chu Yan, a guy who was driven to escape like a dog by himself, even asked his fellow juniors to sacrifice themselves and get rid of them, so that the defeated general who could barely escape, actually killed King Shura?

What a joke! It should be understood that after the ghost king evolved into the Shura king, it has become a difficult existence for all the Fengs.

Otherwise, with an inexhaustible temper, King Shura was so domineering before, and he had to give it a little bit of color.

But he held back it, indicating that King Shura had already had the power to fight against the seven-layered Nirvana Realm.

Chu Yan was forced to desperate by being blocked not long ago, relying on the cute girl Xie Qingyu to do her best, and was even knocked out of the game, just barely ran away.

How could such a guy kill King Shura.

"If Chu Yan can kill King Shura, doesn't it mean that he even has the power to fight me?

In just such a little time, he couldn't make such advances by leaps and bounds, and he was not my cousin Feng Tianhou. "

Feng endless thought secretly.

If it is Feng Tianhou, then everything is possible.

Just because Feng Tianhou was born a legend, he was born to create miracles.

All records of Shenwuzong were destined to be written by Feng Tianhou.

Chu Yan, ha ha, where did the wild dog come from, comparable to his cousin Feng Tianhou?

"However, keeping this Chu Yan is always a scourge. When I free my hands, I'll get rid of him."

Feng endless thought so.

Afterwards, Feng Bujuewu was like caring about these and not, and concentrated on searching for the Soul King.

I have to say that the spirit ring fairy palace is indeed a place of good fortune.

Feng endless and the group of people in the spirit ring fairy palace tried their best to find the trace of the soul king, looking for it, but they also got a lot of opportunities, all the way is good fortune.

Not only the inexhaustible aura is more pure, different from the ordinary Nirvana Seventh Stage, even the disciples of Shenwuzong who follow him, the same aura soars, and with good luck, they have reached a higher level and directly advanced.

This kind of thing was something they couldn't imagine before.

Even if you kill the evil spirits in the tomb of the ghosts, or kill the gods and demons, plunder the soul essence, and improve so quickly.

"A day in the Spirit Ring Immortal Palace is worth a year of hard cultivation in the sect!"

"The same sect who was eliminated before, it's a pity that they couldn't catch up with this kind of good fortune."

"This is the case for ordinary opportunities. If you find the Holy Spirit, I really don't know how great it will be!"

Everyone couldn't help their eyes shining just thinking about the life of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, they just dared to think about it.

You must know that Feng Bianjue has already spoken, and the Holy Spirit's life and soul are in his bag.

Whoever wants to **** it will definitely be eliminated in the first place.

This is light.

When he returned to Shen Wuzong, Feng Tianhou was backed by Feng Unjueqiu after he settled the accounts, I was afraid that ordinary disciples would not be able to bear it.

Therefore, it is better to make decisions, and not to make the life difficult for the rest of the year on impulse.

It is not only a group of people who have gained a lot.

The luck of the spirit ring fairy palace is really too much, even if they are here for a whole year, they can't fully collect it.

Therefore, as long as the Shenwu Sect disciples who can still stay in the Spirit Ring Immortal Palace, all have been promoted to a certain extent.

The cultivators who had been stunned by the Asura Domain before finally couldn't help the temptation of good fortune.

The aura of the two is more powerful than that of the two.

One day in the fairy palace, and one year of penance, is not just talking.

After Chu Yan cleaned up King Shura, he also hurried along.

He also discovered the birth of the Holy Spirit before, which was the biggest goal of his trip.

At the same time, Feng Bianju, as they continued to penetrate into the Spirit Ring Immortal Palace, they finally set foot in the core area of ​​the Spirit Ring Immortal Palace.

As soon as they arrived, they became tight.

Because of a terrifying breath that fell from the sky, the moment they set foot, it had already enveloped them.

Feng Bianjue and the others looked up and found that the source of the breath was a crystal-like giant.

The giant is crystal clear, pure crystal, with countless energy flowing in the body. If you say it here, you can find that this energy is very similar to the power of Shura, but I don’t know how many grades higher it is, and it is thousands of times more pure. , Can be said to be against the sky.

The giant is endless, supporting the heavens and the palms of the earth.

It is here, with the highest sky above its head, and the endless ground below its feet, giving people an unshakable power.

In the darkness, it seems that there is the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, giving it the authority to control the power of heaven and earth.

In addition, a silver halo hung above the palm of the giant holding the sky, exploding with endless power.

Only a small part of the majestic power that everyone felt came from the crystal giant, and most of them were due to the silver halo.

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