Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 14: A brilliant debut

Before leaving, Tony said something inexplicable to him, saying that he owed him two minutes, but time was tight so he didn't ask in detail.

After walking out of the hall, Ronin immediately lifted his transformation state, and then saw a swift figure running into the hall. It was Thomas!

"I am the embodiment of justice and the judge of sin. Endless light shines on me. I will wash away the darkness and bring light back to the world. I... am Soldier 76!"

Thomas made a brilliant appearance in the uniform of Soldier 76, and his middle school soul was burning.

Everyone stared at him in amazement, only Tony shook his head and cast a look of care for the mentally retarded.

"Hey! Where are the people?"

Thomas turned around in place, and after finding a pile of corpses, he laughed awkwardly: "Mr. Iron Man, you are still awesome!"

Cromwell and others were a little confused. Could this guy be Mr. Ronin, who is both wise and brave? Why is he like a mentally retarded person?

"Hey, where is Mr. Ronin?" Thomas didn't see Ronin, and felt a little panicked.

"I'm here, Soldier 76, thank you for saving everyone!"

Ronin swaggered in from the main entrance and nodded slightly to Thomas, "This is the second time you saved me, I'm very grateful!"


The boss actually nodded to him to show his gratitude, so cool!

??? ?

Cromwell and Hill, as well as several others, were all confused. Soldier 76 was obviously Mr. Ronin, how could Mr. Ronin appear in the same frame with Soldier 76? Is there more than one Soldier 76? Or is Soldier 76 just a code name, and anyone can be Soldier 76?

Their heads were already in a mess.

Ronin was a little guilty at first, because his transformation was completely changed from beginning to end, including the voice, while Thomas only had the height that met the requirements, and the others did not meet the appearance setting of Soldier 76.

Soldier 76's hair was silver-white, Thomas's was brown, Soldier 76 had a scar on his forehead, Thomas did not, Soldier 76's skin was very white, but Thomas was as black as a ghost.

But what appeared before him was a genuine Soldier 76, even the voice was the same.

Well, this must be Tony's work, I have to thank him later.

This kind of transformation method must be learned, it's so cool!

Changing the voice is not difficult, you can read the voice data of Soldier 76 in the movie, load it into the voice changer and put it in the gas mask, but whitening the skin is amazing, could it be that a strong bleaching powder was used?

At this time, reporters rushed in, click, click, click...

Light escape·Infinite continuous shooting technique!

Seeing the reporters, Roning was overwhelmed, and so was Tony, so he tried to escape.

Well, they were too sentimental, the reporter was vying to interview Soldier 76, and it had nothing to do with them.

This was the first time he was ignored by reporters, and he felt like he was banished to the cold palace.

Tony was a little tangled in his heart, where was he not the most dazzling star? This time he was left aside by the reporters? Is this okay? He must find his own pride!

Tony wandered around in front of the reporters, but still no reporter interviewed him. He took off his uniform to reveal his handsome face, but still no reporter. The reporters surrounded Soldier 76.

Well, reporters are also a profession that likes new things and dislikes old things.

"Are you Soldier 76? Wow, so cool!"

"Soldier 76, where are you from and where are you going?"

"Soldier 76, can you describe the process of this malicious attack?"

Surrounded by many young reporters, Thomas felt as if he was in heaven and earth, as beautiful as he could be.

"Don't worry, ask one by one, I will answer one by one, there is plenty of time..."

Thomas was eager to chat with these young girls for a few more words. If possible, he didn't mind opening a room to chat slowly.

Unable to bear Thomas's bragging, Roning walked out with Tony arm in arm, with a lonely and cold back.

The two old guys who were eliminated by the times snuggled together for warmth. In this world without human touch, they found a trace of sustenance in each other.

In a hamburger restaurant, Ronin and Tony were eating hamburgers and drinking Coke, chatting casually.

There were only the two of them in the whole restaurant, because Tony had booked the restaurant directly.

"Tony, I'm curious about how you made Thomas look like that."

Ronin called Iron Man by his name. At first, they were partners, but today Tony came to save him without asking why. From this point of view, Tony was a good friend worth making friends with.

He didn't believe that Tony would believe the stupid idea that he came up with in an emergency at that time, such as writing a script for him to come, and the things that had been agreed upon before were invalidated in less than three minutes. Thinking about it afterwards, it was really ridiculous, just like coaxing a three-year-old child.

"That's very simple. We'll talk about it later. Let's talk about business first. Thomas said you have prepared the first draft of the script." Tony said very seriously.

Ronin's expression was complicated at the moment, "You didn't really believe it, did you?"

Tony frowned, his tone became a little stern, "Thomas lied to me?"

"Ah... the situation was urgent at the time, this was the method Thomas came up with to save me, because only in this way can you get here as quickly as possible, I'm sorry for lying to you." Ronin explained and apologized.

Hearing this, Tony smiled and shrugged, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I plan to find a time to send you the suit box."

"As compensation for you, I decided to show you a passionate video." Ronin took out his mobile phone.

"Video? Passionate? Sorry, I'm not interested in that."

Tony glanced at Ronin warily and shrank subconsciously.

Luo Ning puffed up his cheeks and almost laughed, "It's not what you think."

"Apart from that, what other video would be full of passion?" Tony thought about it and said a little excitedly: "Could it be 'Winston'!"

"We're very close to the correct answer." Luo Ning followed suit.

Tony took a big bite of the burger and thought as he ate.

Does eating a burger help you think? Luo Ning also took a bite, but not for thinking, but for pure desire - to eat!

While eating, Tony suddenly realized something and tapped the table with his index finger, "The trailer for 'Winston', right?"

Ronin nodded. Tony Stark is indeed one of the smartest people in the world, but I can't figure out why he believes Thomas's words. It's really puzzling.

So, the two of them enjoyed this passionate video together.

The trailer is only two and a half minutes long. After watching it, both of them were very excited and wanted to fight with someone, but they still couldn't get enough of it. They wished that "Winston" would be released now.

"A very popular film!" This is Tony's evaluation.

"You only see the surface. The trailers are like this. They rely on Randian to attract the audience. In fact, the whole movie will tell a lot of truths."

The scripts of the Overwatch series are not only exciting, but also make people think deeply. This is the charm of the Overwatch movie series.

In one day, Overwatch Pictures will release a trailer all over the Internet to warm up the release of "Winston" and create buzz.

I believe that on that day, the whole world will be excited!

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