Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 15 Blizzard Entertainment

Potato chips, Coke, chicken steaks, chicken tenders...a variety of snacks filled the table, and Luo Ning returned to his happy days.

The scene that appears the most on TV is Soldier 76, who is as high-profile as Iron Man.

Ronin, on the other hand, is light-weight. He and Soldier 76 appear on TV together, so that everyone will no longer think that he is Soldier 76, and SHIELD will not come to trouble him. At most, it will cause trouble to Thomas.

"I'm such a genius!"

Luo Ning couldn't help but admire himself. This tactic of substituting another thing from another's was so well used!

Just keep going like this, leaving Thomas to be a hero or something.

But before that, he had to figure out what happened yesterday. Who hired the mercenaries to arrest them all, and what was their purpose?

If we don't figure this out, similar things will happen in the future.

But according to news reports, all those mercenaries died, leaving no survivors, so there was no subject for interrogation, and no clues were left at the scene. This is also a mystery to the police. Who was behind this horror? action? What was the motive?

It will definitely take a lot of time to figure this out, but until then, just enjoy life.


Before picking up the phone, Luo Ning knew it was Lucy calling, and as expected.

"Hey, Lucy!"

"Mr. Luo Ning, Blizzard Entertainment wants to talk to you about cooperation."

"Make an appointment with me until tomorrow."

"Their vice president has already arrived at the company."

Do people nowadays like to show up uninvited so much? Luo Ning is drunk. He shouldn't be such a bully. Do you really think he has too much time?

Hmm...a snowstorm?

Well, Blizzard Entertainment still needs to give some face. After all, it is a global game company and plays a very important role in the gaming industry, and the vice president is personally visiting. No matter what, this face must be given, even if the business cannot be negotiated.

Besides, the game he is playing now is a game owned by Blizzard. If he doesn't go, it will be unreasonable both emotionally and rationally.

I just don’t know what the connection is between the blizzard here and the blizzard there. There seems to be no connection at all, except that the names are similar...

Thomas was not so swollen that he even refused to answer his boss's call. Six minutes later, the supercar stopped at the door, and his efficiency had not decreased.

He achieved his wish and became a superhero in the eyes of the world, but he still did not forget his responsibilities. This is worthy of recognition. Luo Ning thought that he could be given a higher salary. After all, he had to play Soldier 76 and be a full-time driver, which should be quite tiring.

"All right……"

Hearing the powerful dance music playing in the car, Luo Ning decided to take back his previous thoughts.

Seeing the boss coming, Thomas quickly switched to pure music with a soothing rhythm.

"Sorry boss, I was a little too absorbed in what I was listening to just now, so I didn't calculate the time for your arrival."

He was a little nervous. He had a lot of fun yesterday and didn't adjust in time.

"It's okay, go to the company."

Thomas drove the car carefully, not saying a word along the way, and returned to the taciturn black driver. Only when he puts on the uniform of Soldier 76 can he awaken the soul of the middle class in his body.

In fact, this is fine, as you can have both work and entertainment.

However, Luo Ning felt it was necessary to warn him again, "Thomas, you will be Soldier 76 from now on. You will be there when I need you. It is better not to wander around in uniform, as it is easy to get into trouble."


Luo Ning nodded secretly. Thomas was a trustworthy person, so he chose to be a replica of Soldier 76. In fact, this decision was correct. Thomas did not feel overwhelmed by the change of identity. At most, he could let himself go under the identity of Soldier 76. , nothing more.

Arriving at the company, Luo Ning saw the vice president of Blizzard Entertainment, a middle-aged man with an eye-catching hooked nose.

The first impression is that you can hang objects on his hooked nose.

Seeing him coming, Moulton quickly stood up, stretched out his right hand, leaned over slightly and said: "Hello Mr. Luo Ning, I am Andrew Moulton, the vice president of Blizzard Entertainment. Nice to meet you!"

"Hello Mr. Moulton, please sit down!"

Luo Ning asked him to sit down and sat on the office chair himself.

Respect has always been mutual. If someone lowers his status and treats him, he will respond with the most humble attitude.

Across the desk, the two started talking.

My throat went dry as I spoke, so I picked up the tea cup on my right and took a sip. It was warm. Lucy had obviously made it in advance. No one else would be so considerate except her.

Luo Ning put down the tea cup and continued: "Let me summarize, your company wants to directly buy the right to use the movie character Soldier 76, and then use this character and related settings to make a stand-alone game , I don’t know if I summarized it correctly?”

Moulton nodded, "That's it, sir. In addition to the characters, we will re-plan the background settings and storyline."

"What about other aspects, if you use Soldier 76 for other purposes and so on."

"No, it will only be used for this one game. Soldier 76 will not appear in other places. We will make this clear when drawing up the contract."

Luo Ning thought for a while, "I'm afraid it's not possible to directly buy the rights to use the Soldier 76 movie image. Since you plan to make a stand-alone game, the charging method must be a buyout system, so how about our split?"

The long-term success is the best way. If the game becomes popular, he can make more money. Moreover, he is sure that with the level of Blizzard Entertainment, combined with the super IP of Soldier 76, the 3A masterpiece produced will definitely sell well.

Morton said: "We plan to buy the right to use Soldier 76 for 20 million US dollars. Sir, do you want to consider it again?"

"No, I will consider the share later." Roning said firmly.

"Then how much do you want, sir?"

Morton also doesn't like to beat around the bush. When talking about business, he wants to be straightforward. It is better for both parties to speak and do things directly.

"Fifty-fifty." Roning said immediately.

"Fifty-fifty may not work, because the cost of making a game is very high, and it takes a long time, at least three or four years, and at most seven or eight years."

In fact, Morton wanted to say that you only provide the image of a movie character. Isn't it too greedy to ask for 50%?

You have to know that their game company has paid the most, including manpower, material resources, and financial resources, and it also takes a lot of time, while Roning only needs to provide a prototype of a character, and then he can sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor, and there will be a lot of money coming without doing anything.

"That's it."

Roning spread his hands, he thought that Soldier 76 was worth the price, and a penny less would be an insult to Soldier 76.

Soldier 76 did not appear out of thin air, it took a lot of effort to make the movie, not to mention the later promotion and operation, and it took all kinds of difficulties to create such a superhero that is popular all over the world.

The current ease is built on the foundation of sweat, and every success is hard-won.

Moreover, Soldier 76 has a huge flow of traffic. Game manufacturers will make it into a movie, even if they don't promote it, there will be a large number of fans to support it, so it is really conscientious to say that 50-50 is really conscientious.

Morton found it hard to accept, but he didn't want to give up this big IP. If other game companies took the lead, Blizzard Entertainment would lose the gimmick of the first superhero stand-alone masterpiece.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "If it's a 50-50 split, I need to discuss it with the company's top management. Can I give you a reply later?"

"No problem!"

Luo Ning was not in a hurry. He played the long game and caught the big fish!

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