Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1747 No Answer

"Making the decision? No one makes the decision in this Cave Mystic Immortal Realm."

The waiter shook his head and said something that made everyone stunned.

"How come no one makes the decision? Is there no immortal gate in the Dongxuan Immortal Realm?" Ye Changan next to him asked in surprise.

"Senior, you are right, there is no fairy gate in Dongxuan Immortal Realm, and many cities are under the jurisdiction of no one." Xiao Er replied to Ye Changan.

There is no fairy gate in such a large fairyland, and it is also the core of the first heaven?

After hearing this, everyone looked in disbelief.

"If there is no immortal gate, then who owns these cities? If there is no one to govern them, wouldn't the city be in chaos?" Lu Li asked with a frown.

"That's not true. Although there is no Immortal Sect here, there are aristocratic families. The order of the city is generally maintained by these aristocratic families. These families will hold regular competitions. In the end, the strongest family will control the city lord's palace." The waiter replied. .

"So that's it."

Lu Li nodded suddenly and asked, "Is there no immortal sect that has come here to take root and establish itself?"

The waiter said: "This is strange. According to my understanding, there seems to be some taboo in this Dongxuan Immortal Domain. It is said that many people did want to establish an immortal gate here before, but without exception, these immortals Doors cannot last long. It can take as little as a few days or as long as a few years. They will surely fall apart and disappear completely.”

"And what makes people feel even more weird is that even those immortal sects with faction backgrounds have no intention of entering Dongxuan. At most, they secretly send people to the major immortal mountains to practice and practice..."

"There is such a thing!"

When Ji Bochang heard this, he exclaimed: "Is there a ghost in this Dongxuan Immortal Realm?"

Hearing this, Yue Ruhuo, Ke Mi and others immediately rolled their eyes at Ji Bochang.

Afterwards, everyone asked the waiter one word after another before letting him leave.

Ye Changan looked at Lu Li and said, "Brother Lu, this Cave Mystic Immortal Realm seems to have quite a problem. Didn't you plan to establish a sect here before?"

"What's the problem? In my opinion, it's just that the new sects were not strong enough and were forced to disband by the original families here." Ji Bochang said disapprovingly.

"Junior brother, what you said is wrong! If it were a sect established by ordinary casual cultivators, it would be reasonable for you to say so, but can't those sects with factional backgrounds not be able to defeat the original families here? This is obviously unreasonable." Shen Xiu shook his head and said.

"There is indeed a big problem here. I think if we want to gain a foothold on this, we still have to understand the reasons in depth. Acting rashly may not have good consequences." Xiang Yingsheng said solemnly.

There is no doubt that since there is no immortal sect in Dongxuan Immortal Realm, it is an excellent place to establish a sect, but the current situation makes them have to act cautiously.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. Let's eat. Later we will go out for a walk to see if we can get some useful clues." Lu Li thought for a moment, sat upright and smiled.

After hearing this, everyone said nothing more, and instead raised their glasses and exchanged cups, enjoying themselves happily.

It was rare for Lu Li to have so many people gather together to chat, and he was extremely happy. He couldn't help but drink a few more drinks, and the lively and responsible atmosphere at the table was basically dominated by Ji Bo, Chang Chanbao and Yue Ruhuo.

The three of them laughed and cursed like three living treasures, which made people speechless but also made them laugh.

After eating, everyone began to split up. Chan Baolu and An'an's team, Yue Ruhuo and Ji Bochang and Shen Xiuke Mi, and Ye Changan and Xiang Yingsheng were in four groups and went out to inquire about the news.

In addition to inquiring about the situation in the Cave Mysterious Immortal Realm, Lu Li also asked everyone to pay attention to the news about Tianyin Mountain.

The waiter didn't know where Tianyin Mountain was before.

However, the note from Yaqinju named Tianyin Mountain, which made Lu Li a little confused, thinking that Tianyin Mountain was still a hidden place.

Lu Li walked north along the main road. He met passers-by and chatted with them, so he slowed down and eavesdropped.

However, what these people talked about was basically about what magic medicine was found somewhere, what kind of monsters there were, etc. Lu Li just listened casually and was not interested.

After walking for a while, Lu Li finally arrived at the central square of Huxian City.

The layout of the central square of Huxian City is similar to that of other places. It is a wide gray stone square surrounded by a circle of shops. The only difference is that there is no totem statue in the center of the square.

Lu Li paused briefly at the entrance, then took Chan Bao and An An to the notice board to look at it. It was still early, there were not many people in the square, and there were only two people in front of the notice board.

Lu Li took a quick glance and found no useful clues. Then he rolled his eyes slightly, walked slowly to the middle-aged man next to him, and asked, "Fellow Taoist, can I ask you a question?"

The man turned his head and glanced at Lu Li, frowned and said, "What do you want to ask, fellow Taoist?"

Lu Li smiled and said, "I want to ask, do you know a place called Tianyin Mountain?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Sorry, I haven't heard of it."

He pointed to a small shop next to Tianbao Pavilion: "You can go there later and ask. News is sold there. The door will open after dark, just hand over some spiritual stones."

Lu Li looked in the direction of the middle-aged man's finger and found another small house without a signboard. He couldn't help but be slightly startled, then nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much."

After saying that, he went to another place to ask Chan Bao and An An to go. The storefront looked similar to the one he had visited in Wenxian City, which reminded him of the old man named Wanshitong.

However, it was still early, so he could only come back later.

Lu Li and the other two wandered around the city and inquired about it, but they still did not get any news about Tianyin Mountain. Then they sent Chan Bao and An An back to the restaurant first, and went to the central square alone to wait quietly.

When night fell, the inconspicuous small shop finally opened.

Lu Li hurriedly got up and went over, but when he arrived at the door, he found that there was a young man in a yellow robe sitting inside. He couldn't help but smile, it seemed that he had thought too much.

Then he said, "Can I come in?"

The young man had just sat down and heard Lu Li's voice before he could even warm his butt. He was stunned and said, "Please come in, guest."

Lu Li walked in and sat down at the table, "I heard that I can get information here?"


The young man slowly took out a yellowed ancient book from his arms and placed it in front of him. He cleared his throat and smiled, "Yes, I wonder what the guest wants to ask."

This demeanor is really similar to that of the know-it-all.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, "I want to ask, do you know where Tianyin Mountain is?"

The yellow-robed young man frowned obviously, then began to look Lu Li up and down, and after a moment he shook his head and smiled, "I can't answer this question for you, unless..."

"Unless what?" Lu Li said.

"Unless, you tell me how you know the three words 'Tianyin Mountain'..." The yellow-robed young man said, his eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes seemed to hide the stars in the sky.

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