Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1748 The Wrong Person

Lu Li did not answer immediately. He stared at the yellow-robed youth for a moment, then slowly said:

"When I was in Nanhuang Immortal Realm, I saw a scroll with the words 'Dongxuan Tianyin Mountain' written on it, and the signature was a surname I was familiar with."

The yellow-robed youth's expression moved: "What surname."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment and said: "Yuwen."

Hearing this, the yellow-robed youth's face suddenly changed slightly, and he hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Junior did not know that you were coming, and I am very offended. I hope you will forgive me."

Lu Li hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Why are you so polite, fellow Taoist."

"Your Excellency is a friend of the mountain owner, and I should do so." The yellow-robed youth replied.

"Mountain owner?"

"Oh, it's the owner of Tianyin Mountain you mentioned. My name is Cai He, and I am a disciple of Tianyin Mountain." The yellow-robed youth explained.

Disciple of Tianyin Mountain?

Lu Li seemed to understand something, and asked again: "Is your mountain owner Yuwen Tong?"

The yellow-robed youth was stunned when he heard this, and shook his head: "No, our mountain owner is called Yuwen Tong."

Yuwen Tong?

Hearing this, Lu Li was a little confused. He thought that the mountain master the other party was talking about was Yu Wenshu, but now it seems that this is not the case? Then why did the other party say that he was the mountain master's friend.

After a moment of silence, Lu Li said again: "To be honest, I am a little confused now. Can you take me to Tianyin Mountain? I have something to talk to your mountain master in person."

"Of course, no problem. I am guarding here just to wait for you to come." Cai He nodded and replied.

"Okay, then thank you!"

"You're welcome. When will you leave?"

"I have some friends here too. Can I take them with me?" Lu Li thought for a while and said.

"Can you trust them?" Cai He asked.

"You are worried about leaking the secrets of Tianyin Mountain. You can rest assured about this. They are completely trustworthy. If this brings you trouble, I am willing to take responsibility for it." Lu Li understood what the other party meant and expressed his position immediately.

"That's no problem, sir, just call them over."

"Okay, then wait a moment, I'll be right back." Lu Li didn't ask any more questions after hearing that, and immediately said goodbye and went back to the restaurant.

At this time, the other groups had all returned and stayed in their own rooms. Lu Li knocked on the door one by one to call everyone out. After briefly explaining the situation, he led everyone out of the restaurant at night.

Then he went to the square shop, found Cai He and talked for a few words, and then went out of the city together in the north of Huxian City.

When they came outside, Cai He sacrificed a fan-shaped spiritual weapon and took everyone to the northwest. Everyone thought they would arrive soon, but they didn't stop after flying for half a month.

"Brother, how long will it take?" That day, Ji Bochang couldn't help asking.

"Oh, Tianyin Mountain is a bit far from Huxian City. It's estimated that it will take about half a month?" Cai He closed his eyes and meditated at the front, and turned back to say after hearing the words.

"Another half a month?"

Hearing this, everyone was a little surprised. They didn't expect that it would take more than a month to fly at such a speed of tens of millions of miles a day. However, everyone soon calmed down and stopped talking.

Anyway, they could practice while traveling, which was not a big deal for them.

So soon, another half a month passed. In the afternoon of this day, everyone finally stopped in the middle of a vast and undulating mountain range.

Along the way, they saw many experienced practitioners, but surprisingly no one came to this mountain range. Cai He told everyone that this was Tianyin Mountain.

Then he took out a jade plate and shone it on the mountain below. Suddenly, the originally calm mountain began to twist, and at the same time, a misty white fog rose.

The fog rolled continuously, and finally a path appeared below everyone. Cai He asked everyone to get off the flying spirit weapon and walk into the fog along the path.

An An looked around all the way, full of curiosity about such changes.

After a while, everyone walked out of the fog, and a small square appeared in front of them, and looking out, there were rugged peaks that rose and fell into the sky.

The square was very deserted, and there were some weeds growing between the cracks of the floor tiles, as if no one had taken care of it for a long time.

There were no buildings around, and there was no one in sight.

"Brother, it looks very desolate here?" Ye Changan looked around and said tentatively with a flicker of his eyes.

"This is normal, because there are only a few people in our Tianyin Mountain, and they are basically away all year round and rarely come back. Everyone, please follow me, I will take you to see the mountain master." Cai He said with a smile, and then jumped up, turned into a stream of light and flew towards a lonely peak in the north of the square.

There are only a few people in total?

Ye Changan and others couldn't hide their surprise, but they didn't discuss it much, and they all set off to follow Cai He.

The peak is thick at the bottom and sharp at the top.

There are several attics on the hillside near the peak, and a pavilion is built on the peak above. Of course, there is only enough space to build a pavilion here, because the peak is too narrow.

At this moment, an old man with gray hair and hemp clothes is sitting quietly in the pavilion. A closer look reveals that he is the know-it-all who sells information in Wenxin City.

Before Lu Li and his party approached, the know-it-all had already sensed something, slowly stood up from the mat, and quietly looked at the small dot rushing in the southern sky.

A moment later, Lu Li and his party flashed over and landed on the small road outside the pavilion. Cai He stepped forward to greet them: "Greetings to the mountain master!"

It turned out to be him?

Lu Li was stunned when he saw the appearance of the person in the pavilion, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Greetings to the senior."

Chanbao and An'an also came forward to greet.

The old man in hemp clothes nodded and smiled, "It seems that we are really destined to meet. The space here is small. Let's follow me to talk below."

Then he walked out of the stone pavilion and led everyone down the stairs. Finally, he came to a small building, asked everyone to sit down, and looked at Lu Li with a smile, "What are you doing here, my friend?"

This made Lu Li a little confused. After thinking for a while, he said, "I came here to find an old friend, but now it seems that I have found the wrong person..."

He thought that the note was left by Yuwen Wen, but he didn't expect that Yuwen Tong would appear now.

"Hahahaha! Since my friend has the fate to come here, he will naturally not find the wrong person."

"Take a look, am I the person you want to find?" Yuwen Tong laughed and stood up, and then his body changed, and he turned directly into a young man in Taoist robes.

"Yuwen Wen!"

Chanbao glared at this and jumped up from the chair.

At this moment, Yuwen Tong looked exactly like Yuwen Wen.

Lu Li was also slightly startled, but after a careful sense, he shook his head. Although this person looked exactly like Yuwen, he was sure that this person was not Yuwen.

Because he and Yuwen were too familiar with each other, the auras of the two were completely different.

However, although this person was not Yuwen, since the other party could transform into Yuwen's appearance, it was enough to show that this person had seen Yuwen.

So he stood up after a slight start and said happily: "Senior, have you seen my brother?"

The rest of the people were confused. They had no idea why Lu Li came here and how he was related to this person. But Ye Changan had a look of doubt since the moment he saw Yuwen Tong.

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