Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 207 Kind-hearted Woman

"What a big crab!"

Lu Li on the third floor suddenly shrank his pupils and swallowed his saliva.

Ten miles to the right of the treasure ship, a giant crab with a carapace width of forty to fifty feet and a shiny black body was flying towards their treasure ship.

The raised claws were as high as a dozen floors, and the eight legs were like contestants in a dragon boat race, stirring the water desperately. Wherever they passed, the waves rolled back, and the power was overwhelming.

"It's over, it's over!"

Many people heard the screams outside and went to the door of the room to find out what was going on. However, this sight made them feel scared and retreated back to the room in a panic, as if hiding in the room would be safe.

"This is really troublesome."

Lu Li also quickly retreated back to the room, opened the window and looked at the giant crab running towards them with its claws raised. He frowned and thought hard, but he couldn't think of a good way. He could only pray that the treasure ship itself was not so fragile.

After all, this thing is a magic weapon, not an ordinary ship.

With a loud bang! The crab finally caught up with the treasure ship, raised its right claw and slammed it heavily on the treasure ship, causing the entire ship to fall to one side, and screams were heard in every room.

What relieved everyone was that just when the huge claw fell on the ship, the treasure ship suddenly burst out a golden shield, blocking the crab's attack.

And after a few breaths, the tilted treasure ship stood up again like a tumbler, and continued to move forward quickly, but the route seemed to be a little wrong.

The crab seemed a little angry when it saw that it failed to smash the "little guy" with one blow. It screamed, moved its eight legs together, and chased the treasure ship with its claws dozens of stories high.

This time, it no longer smashed, but followed the stern, moved its two claws together, and poked the treasure ship from the left and right at the same time. The two claws poked the shield and made a squeak. The golden shield flickered, and it was obviously unable to bear it.

Seeing this, everyone in the room looked desperate. If the shield was broken, their fate could be imagined.

Lu Li knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely die. After thinking quickly, he finally decided to take a gamble. Of course, he didn't want to fight the crab to the death, but to escape.

He might die if he left the treasure ship, but at least he wouldn't die immediately. He stumbled to Yu Wen's room and saw that the other party was shivering in the corner. He couldn't help but twitch his mouth, "Stop shaking, follow me!"

He grabbed Yu Wen's shoulder, opened the window and rushed into the sea with a splash.

Faintly, Lu Li heard the sound of the hull bursting and bursts of desperate shouts.


Beishui River is a small river with a width of only five meters. Although the water is clear, it is not famous in Xingyun Country. There is no mark on the map about Beishui River.

Although it is not famous, this small river feeds hundreds of villages of all sizes.

This day is the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

It was already winter, and there were scattered white flowers falling from the gray sky, but they disappeared when they landed on the ground.

A crisp knocking sound rang out at the edge of a backwater bay in the middle section of the Beishui River. A woman in a ragged cotton jacket was squatting on the stone slab by the river, beating the clothes in front of her with a mallet in her hand.

The river water was icy cold, and the woman's fingers were swollen and cracked. Her thin cheeks seemed a little weathered, perhaps because of the weather.

"Mom, I'm so cold, can we go back?"

Beside the woman, a child wrapped in a thick ragged jacket rubbed his hands and looked at the woman eagerly, then looked at the little black dog at her feet, "Little Black, are you cold?"

The little black dog was really small, and it looked only as big as an adult's palm. It was pitch black and a little uncoordinated, because... its head was a circle larger than its body.

The little black dog seemed to understand what the child said. It raised its head, its inky eyes turned, and it whimpered and nodded.

The child was delighted when he saw this: "Mom, look, Xiaohei said it was cold, let's go back."

The woman turned her head and looked at the child lovingly: "Changqing, how can a puppy talk? Children can't lie. Mom has another piece of clothing. I'll go back after washing it."

"Oh, okay."

The pounding sound rang out again. There was no other sound beside the river except the occasional wind. The child picked up the little black dog from the ground, secretly opened a slit in the torn jacket, and wanted to stuff the little black dog into his arms to keep warm.

Unexpectedly, the little black dog suddenly struggled to jump down, staring at the upper reaches of the backwater bay, walking back and forth on the ground, dipping its front paws into the water several times, but immediately retracting them, and making unclear whimpers from time to time, looking very anxious.

"Xiaohei, don't go in the water."

The little boy saw the little black dog trying to explore the water and quickly chased after it.

"Changqing, come back!"

The woman was afraid that the little boy would fall into the water, so she threw her clothes in a hurry and got up to chase the little boy. As soon as she got up, her face suddenly changed. She found a figure floating down upstream. She jumped into the water with a splash, regardless of the cold water.

She dragged the man to the shore in no time.

Looking back, it turned out to be a boy in black. Perhaps he had been in the water for too long, and the boy's skin looked a little swollen.

"Mom, is he dead?" The little boy ran back and looked at the motionless boy in black on the ground with some fear.

The woman frowned, and with all her strength, she carried the boy on her back and walked towards the path behind her, shouting to the boy as she walked: "Changqing, go find Grandpa Wang to help him."

The Grandpa Wang the woman was talking about was actually a doctor in Taiping Village. Because he had opened a medicine shop in the town when he was young, anyone in the village who had a cold would usually go to him for help.

"Oh, okay."

The boy answered crisply, grabbed the little black dog and ran past the woman.

Taiping Village is not big, with only more than 20 households. All the houses in the village are backed by Taiping Mountain and lined up from east to west. The woman's name is Zhang Qiaoyun, and the third small courtyard in the west of the village is her home.

There was only a simple fence in the yard. After the woman opened the door, she carried the boy directly to the main hall. Perhaps she was very tired, and with a snap, she threw the boy heavily onto the shabby recliner, with her hands on her waist and breathing heavily.

What the woman didn't notice was that the boy had another scarlet blood streak at the corner of his mouth after being thrown by her.

Not long after.

An old man in hemp clothes carrying a medicine box staggered into the yard with a child pulling him. Seeing Zhang Qiaoyun standing at the door of the main hall, he was stunned: "Qiaoling girl, are you okay?"

As soon as Xiao Changqing entered the door, he shouted at him, "Help, help!" He thought Zhang Qiaoyun was sick, but now he saw that she was fine, which made him a little confused.

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