Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 208 Big-headed Dog

Zhang Qiaoyun was stunned for a moment, then understood what the other party meant, and quickly stepped aside and pointed inside: "Uncle Wang, it's not me, it's him. I just picked it up by the river. Can you help me see if it can be saved?" ”

Only then did Wang Yue realize that there was a young man in black lying inside. He couldn't help but frown: "Why did you pick up a man?"

Zhang Qiaoyun's husband has been dead for several years and she is a widow in the village. If word of this gets out, it will bring bad reputation to her. Moreover, Xiong Dazhuang, the second-rate ruffian in the village, has always been thinking about Zhang Qiaoyun. If the other party found out about this, it would be a huge disaster.

Zhang Qiaoyun naturally knew what the other party meant, and said nonchalantly: "I walk and sit upright, and I am not afraid of others gossiping. Uncle Wang should help him take a look. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I also want to give it to him." Evergreen brings blessings.”

Wang Yue glanced at the child next to him and nodded: "Since you said so, then let you go."

After saying that, he walked in, pulled up a small stool and sat next to the recliner, and started to take the boy's pulse. After a while, he withdrew his hand, looked at Zhang Qiaoyun, and said:

"Although he is very weak, he still has a breath left. Since you pulled him up in the water, I guess he must have swallowed a lot of river water and debris in his stomach, and he needs to be cleaned out as soon as possible."

Hearing that the other party was not dead, Zhang Qiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise everyone would be terrified if he carried a dead person back.

Because Wang Yue was too old and had little strength, he had to ask Zhang Qiaoyun to lift the young man up, stand behind him, wrap his hands around his waist, and squeeze hard.

Perhaps because of her weird posture, Zhang Qiaoyun couldn't help but feel her cheeks getting a little hot.

However, the effect was very obvious. As she continued to exert force, the boy finally couldn't hold it in and spat out a mouthful of mixed blood.

"Continue!" Wang Yue's face lit up when he saw this, and he told Zhang Qiaoyun not to stop.

Zhang Qiaoyun was already very tired, so after hearing this, she had no choice but to continue to persevere. Under her continuous rapid movements, the boy became more and more uncontrollable and squirted wildly.

A few lively loaches.

There are several dead sea squirts.

A dozen odd-shaped little shells.


One by one, strange things, mixed with blood, fell to the ground, causing the little black dog beside him to show some curiosity. As for the child next to him, his face turned pale with fright and he ran out of the main room in a hurry.

After a while, after making sure that the boy would not spit out anything again, Zhang Qiaoyun stopped and put the boy back on the recliner.

The thing had been vomited out, but the young man's face was paler than before. Wang Yue sat back again and took off the clothes on the young man's chest. When he saw the other man's tight muscles, he couldn't help but froze for a moment before twisting his arms. Silver Needle, ready to rescue.


When the silver needle pierced the skin, it made a muffled sound, followed by a ding, and the needle tip flew out, leaving Wang Yue stunned.

He did not believe in evil and took out a silver needle from the sandalwood box again and pierced it with force.

No surprise, it's still the same as before.

After trying twice more, Wang Yue stood up helplessly, "This man is too weird. I can't do anything about it. I'll mix a few herbs for him. You can feed him three times a day. If he wakes up within three days, he will be dead." Da, if you can’t wake up... just bury it.”

Zhang Qiaoyun nodded when she heard this: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Uncle Wang."

Wang Yue shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me. I won't live for a few more years. If I can accumulate some merits and good deeds, I might be able to be a mountain immortal in my next life."

Wang Yue was busy working as he talked. In a short while, he prepared three packages of herbal medicines, and left after a few instructions.

Life in Taiping Village in winter is very simple. There is no work in the fields, and every household closes the courtyard door, lights up the charcoal fire in the main room, and enjoys the rare leisure time in the year.

Zhang Qiaoyun was the same, but instead of burning charcoal fire, he was burning dry firewood cut from the mountain. Although the smoke was a bit thicker, it was still warm.

At the end of the year, she sat on a small stool and sewed clothes for her son so that little Changqing could wear new clothes on the first day of the new year. It is said to be new clothes, but in fact it is just a piece of relatively new-looking fabric cut from an unused piece of clothing and sewn together again.

Since the head of the family was attacked by wild animals a few years ago, her life has become even more difficult. Not only does she have to take care of her seven or eight-year-old child, she is also busy with farm work.

Fortunately, little Changqing is sensible now. Not only can he help her with small things, but he can also talk to her from time to time.

She has no other extravagant wishes. She only hopes that after the new year, Xiao Changqing can be selected by the immortal chief who comes to test and no longer suffer here with her.

What troubles her is that Xiong Dazhuang from the east of the village, a well-known rogue in the town, always comes back to haunt her at the end of every year. If she hadn't hid in the village chief's house in advance, I'm afraid she would have...

But the village chief was old and might not be able to withstand Xiong Dazhuang's torment, so she ran out of ideas for a while.


Suddenly, Zhang Qiaoyun felt a stabbing pain in her thumb. When she raised her head, she saw a bright red color overflowing from her thumb. Shaking her head mockingly, she put it in her mouth and sucked it, then moved the fabric on her knees aside.

Little Changqing has fallen asleep on the stool, and the little black dog has disappeared.

Zhang Qiaoyun stood up, carried the sleeping little Changqing into the east room, then walked out, scooped up a bowl of black concoction from the black cauldron on the brazier, and walked towards the west room with it.

When she entered the room, she discovered that the big-headed puppy was lying on the bedside, licking the boy's palm.

He hurried forward to drive it away: "Dead dog, huh!"

The little black dog seemed to be frightened, and rolled from the edge of the bed to the ground with a gurgle, raised his head and looked at Zhang Qiaoyun pitifully.

Zhang Qiaoyun ignored him, pushed the little black dog aside with her foot, sat down on the bed, carefully scooped up a spoonful of medicine, and put it to the boy's mouth: "Hey, it's been three days. If you don't wake up, I can only bury you tomorrow morning. I hope... Forget it, let it be God's will."

Most of the medicine flowed on the boy's neck. Zhang Qiaoyun took a piece of cotton cloth that was a little worn but very clean from the bedside and wiped the boy, then got up and walked out.

Seeing Zhang Qiaoyun go out, the little black dog's dark pupils suddenly emitted a ray of light, then grinned, revealing a row of fine teeth, then jumped hard, jumped to the boy again, stretched out his tongue and began to lick the boy's palm again.

What a... licking dog!

"Ah, my head!"

Suddenly, the young man on the bed cried out, raised his arm, and threw the little black dog up, and then slammed it to the ground with a bang, knocking it unconscious.

Lu Li felt that his head was as heavy as if it was filled with lead, and he couldn't help but cover his head and cry out.

Da da da da...

Zhang Qiaoyun heard the cry and ran in hurriedly. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Lu Li in surprise, "Brother, you're awake!"

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