Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 943 Nameless Island

At this time, Wu De and others were already standing on the teleportation platform.

"Everyone calm down, I'm going to activate the teleportation array."

Seeing Lu Li and others coming up, Wu De said something excited, then took a deep breath and pointed at a rune on the east side of the teleportation platform.

As the rune flashed, the surrounding runes began to light up one after another.

When all the runes on the altar lit up, the teleportation platform suddenly made a low buzzing sound, and then a huge beam of light shone out, covering everyone inside.

Everyone began to disappear on the teleportation platform one after another.

"Hiss, ah!!!"

But at this moment, Wu De, who was next to Lu Li, suddenly let out a scream and was thrown straight out of the formation.

"Old Wu!"

Lu Li's expression suddenly changed when he saw this, and he flew out of the teleportation array. He squatted down and held the back of Wu De's neck, and said nervously, "Old Wu, what's wrong with you!"

At this time, Wu De was really miserable. His eyes were white, and blood was pouring out of his ears, nose, mouth, and eyes. No matter how much Lu Li shouted, there was no response.

Lu Li was extremely anxious and quickly went out and poured a bottle of Yangyuan Pill into Wu De's mouth.

After he finished pouring it, he seemed to think it was not enough, so he poured the remaining dozen or so soul-nurturing pills into Wu De's mouth, and then he held Wu De's mouth shut and began to explore Wu De's internal injuries.

Upon inspection, Lu Li's face became even more ugly. He saw that none of Wu De's internal organs were intact. They were all covered with cracks and dripping with blood.

Moreover, because Wu De was in a coma, the power of the Yangyuan Pill that he had just taken would not go towards these wounds at all.

Seeing this, Lu Li quickly placed Wu Deping on the grass, and then slowly injected the true essence into Wu De's body to help him channel the power of the Yangyuan Pill.

What made Lu Li slightly relieved was that with his intervention, the power of the medicine finally began to take effect, and the organs covered with cracks began to slowly recover.

With hope, Lu Li worked even harder.

After working hard for two or three hours, Lu Li stopped with a haggard look on his face. At this time, although Wu De's internal injuries had not fully recovered, they were almost the same.

However, what worried Lu Li was that Wu De was still in a coma and showed no sign of waking up.

"Old man! Wake up!"

"Immoral person!!!"

"Old bastard!!!"

"Wake up!!!"

"Old Wu, come back, come back quickly!"


Lu Li didn't know what to do, so he shouted loudly in Wu De's ear.

He heard that when a person is seriously injured, the life soul and the seven souls will leave the body uncontrollably. If they have not gone far, they can still call back. Lu Li doesn't know whether it is true or not, but he is in a hurry and seeks medical treatment.

"Ahem!!!...It's almost...ok..."

At this moment, Wu De suddenly coughed violently, and his eyes turned white with a hint of color.

"Really useful?"

Lu Li was surprised and happy, "Old Wu, how do you feel?"

"It's not a big problem...let me take a rest..." Wu De said weakly and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li finally felt relieved.

Wu De rested for three full days. During this period, Lu Li sensed that Wu De's condition was gradually getting better, so he did not disturb Wu De.

At noon that day, Wu De finally sat up and said with great emotion, "Old Lu, you saved me again."

Lu Li shook his head and smiled, "What are you talking about?"

Wu De nodded, "Okay, thank you for your kindness. I will remember it."

"It's up to you, but I'm curious about what happened to you and why you suddenly became like this." The scene at that time was still vivid in Lu Li's mind. If he hadn't followed him back, Wu De would have I'm afraid it's really the end of the world.

"Hey, it's a long story."

Wu De smiled bitterly, "That bastard sealed my memory and made me nearly die several times. When I go up, I will definitely dig his old grave."

Seeing that Wu De was still vague, Lu Li did not ask further questions and turned his head to look at the teleportation platform, "What should we do now?"

Wu De thought for a while and said, "The spiritual stones I invested before have not been used up yet. I still have some here, and I should be able to activate the teleportation array again."

With that said, he stood up and walked to the Naling Pillar near the teleportation platform to look at it carefully.

"It looks like there's a lot left. I still have hundreds of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones here, which should be enough." Wu De breathed a sigh of relief, and then put the spiritual stones on his body into the eight spiritual pillars one by one. Inside.

After doing all this, he walked back to Lu Li and pointed to an inscription on the east side of the teleportation platform, "Go up there. The method to activate the teleportation array is very simple. Just activate the guidance inscription."

Lu Li was stunned, "Aren't you going to leave?"

Suddenly I remembered something, "You...can't leave, can you?"

Wu De shook his head, "You go first. I have my own way to get out of here. I don't know the situation over there. Be careful after you get there."

"Have you got a way? What way?" Lu Li stared straight into Wu De's eyes.

"Hey, just leave it alone. Don't worry. I won't make fun of my future. Just go over there and I'll be here soon. Aren't you worried about your little girlfriend?"

Micro moon.

Hearing what Wu De said, Lu Li then remembered that Weiyue and the others had been there for several days. He frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I'll see you there."

"Okay, go ahead."

Wu De still looked a little weak, so he forced a smile and waved to Lu Li.

When Lu Li saw this, he stopped talking nonsense and immediately jumped onto the teleportation platform. He then circulated his true energy and clicked on the 'guidance inscription' that Wu De mentioned.

Suddenly, on the teleportation platform, the inscriptions began to light up one after another.

A moment later, there was another buzzing sound, and a huge beam of light enveloped Lu Li. After a few breaths, Lu Li disappeared on the teleportation platform.

Seeing that Lu Li had left safely, Wu De walked towards the demon teleportation array and began to examine the eight spiritual pillars carefully.

"Hey, what a bad luck." A moment later, Wu De stood outside the demon teleportation array, let out a long sigh, and headed towards the mist with a disappointed face.

Finally, it completely disappeared into the mist.

Wow! Hua Hua...

The rolling waves washed away the seaside rocks layer by layer, and the humid air filled the entire misty island.

This place is said to be an isolated island, but in fact it is more like a small landmass with a radius of nearly 200,000 miles. It is full of jagged rocks and some unknown bare ancient trees.

Today, a young man in white suddenly walked out of a rock cave in the middle of the isolated island. He frowned and looked worried...

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