Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 944: Strange Encounter

Needless to say, this person is Lu Li who was teleported from the Xuanling Realm, but what surprised him was that Wei Yue and his group disappeared.

Lu Li stood at the entrance of the cave, looked at the gray sky, and prepared to leave this place first, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strange feeling on the back of his hand.

Lu Li raised the back of his hand and found that it was covered with a layer of gray gas. Lu Li shook it hard and shook it away.

"How is it possible?!"

Seeing that the back of his hand, which was originally smooth and plump, suddenly became as dry as a stick, Lu Li's face changed instantly, and he quickly used the fire attribute true essence to cast a shield for himself.

But something shocked him again.

This fiery red shield had no effect on the gray fog. On the contrary, because of the fluctuation of the true essence, it attracted more gray fog to float towards him, and easily passed through the shield and wrapped him deeply in it.

Lu Li clearly felt that his body was changing rapidly, so he dared not stay for a moment, and rushed to the sky.

Bang! ! !

Soon, Lu Li paid the price for his recklessness.

He had just rushed to the sky, and a large khaki net flashed in the air of the nameless island. The net flashed, and Lu Li was hit by a club and fell back to the ground heavily.

And the large net in the sky also disappeared instantly.

Lu Li was shocked and angry. He shook hard again, shaking off the gray fog attached to his body, and flew forward like a ghost.

"What kind of hell is this place? How can there be so much gray fog?"

Lu Li shuttled quickly between the rugged rocks, but the gray fog on his body became more and more. Even if he kept driving it away, it was useless because the gray fog was everywhere on this island.

He felt that his vitality was rapidly fading. Perhaps, in a short time, he would become an old man with limited mobility.

Lu Li tried to use various means, such as the Blood King Armor, the Phantom Moon Pearl, the Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light... various shields, but he still had no way to deal with the gray fog, which made the surrounding gray fog even more violent.

Seeing this, Lu Li had to give up and continue to run wildly.

"No, if this continues, I will die of old age before I run out." Lu Li felt that his bones were getting stiffer and stiffer, and he felt a pain in his waist and back. He quickly found a place with a little less fog and stopped.

Then he offered the white jade hand bone, wanting it to dig a big hole to see if it could hide underground.

However, the white jade hand bone had just started to dig, and the surrounding gray fog immediately rushed towards it. Lu Li instantly felt that the spirit in the hand bone became listless, and it seemed to want to disconnect from him.

It seems that this is not going to work.

In this case, he could only do it himself. After a lot of effort, Lu Li finally dug a big pit under a boulder.

However, just as the pit was formed, a large amount of gray fog drilled in from the surrounding soil, and soon filled it up, which made him extremely disappointed.

Lu Li got out of the pit, walked to a place where the gray fog was thin, and sat down slowly.

Then he took out a triangular talisman and slowly opened it.

This was given to him by Yu Wenshu before he left. He didn't know if it would be useful, but he decided to take a look.

"Travel at night and stop during the day. Enter when it is high, stop when it is low, enter when it is nine, and the rest will die!"

These sixteen words made Lu Li look happy. He returned to the original path without hesitation and returned to the cave he had teleported from before.

There was a lot of fog at the entrance of this cave, but the closer to the teleportation array, the thinner the fog was. Although it was still inevitable to be invaded, it was many times better than outside.

Because this fog was very sensitive to the fluctuation of true essence, Lu Li did not dare to practice, so he just sat cross-legged quietly on the teleportation platform.

Looking at his old and wrinkled skin, Lu Li felt like crying but couldn't. He estimated that he looked like a mortal man in his seventies or eighties.

Lu Li looked at the sky outside through the passage. He estimated that it would take another hour or two before it got dark, so he simply closed his eyes and rested.

He could feel that the thin gray fog around him was still drilling into his body, but he was too lazy to pay attention.

Soon, the sky became completely dark.

Lu Li was also surprised to find that the gray fog around the teleportation platform had completely disappeared. Seeing this, Lu Li did not dare to stay any longer and immediately walked out of the cave.

He looked up and found that it was still the same outside. The originally thick gray fog also became very thin at this moment, and there was even no fog at all in some places.

This made Lu Li even more surprised. In order to quickly get out of this strange island, Lu Li was too lazy to avoid the thin gray fog and ran forward in a straight line.

After running for half an hour, Lu Li suddenly found a huge sinkhole in front of him. He remembered the words on the triangle symbol: "Enter when it is high, stop when it is low" and hurriedly stopped and ran in another direction.

An hour later, Lu Li was suddenly blocked by a towering black rock wall.

Just as he was about to fly over, he suddenly found a "two" engraved on the rock wall, so he decisively changed direction and flew out in another direction along the rock wall.

In the following time, Lu Li encountered many rock walls with inscriptions, but he followed Yu Wen's reminder and took a detour as long as it was not the number 9.

In this case, although Lu Li took many detours, he did not encounter any danger.

Soon, he traveled on the island for more than three hours.

At this time, a huge stone mountain suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was a road leading up the mountain.

Lu Li stared at the stone mountain and found that there seemed to be no inscriptions on the mountain, so he tried to walk up along the path.

Soon, Lu Li came to the top of the mountain.

He thought it should be the ridge above, and after reaching the top, it would be the way down the mountain, but he did not expect that it was like a flat land, flat and endless.

Seeing this, Lu Li continued to run forward.

However, Lu Li stopped suddenly before he ran far. He found a spiritual herb at the root of a small black stone. It had three thin leaves, which were crystal green. Even at night, one could see the green light it released.

The rich vitality made Lu Li want to swallow it directly.

But he searched his memory and couldn't find the name of this spiritual herb. In the end, he didn't eat it and put it in the medicine garden.

And at the moment he took it, perhaps because of the use of his true energy, a large gray fog suddenly appeared around him and rushed towards him...

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