Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1989: Caused you trouble

Hearing this, Yue Yiming looked at Mei Ning and said, "You can choose to accept or not."

Meining knew that Jenny didn't really apologize to her, she really didn't want to accept it.

But Jenny is Huo Zheng's cousin, and Huo Zheng is her boss's friend. Regardless of what Jenny is, she should express her attitude in terms of Huo Zheng's face. Otherwise, what is the difference between her and the unreasonable Jenny?

Anyway, everyone has a mirror in their hearts, and they can see that Jenny is not really apologizing.

"Since Miss Jenny has realized her mistake, then forget about it. However, I hope that Miss Jenny will not always scold others and pour a cup of juice in the future."

When Mei Ning said something, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

Fortunately, he is the apprentice of the painter of University of Iraq, so broad-minded.

But Jenny was going crazy by Mei Ning's words. How could Mei Ning be forgiven? She took the opportunity of her apology to slap her in the face!

"Ning Xiaoxin! Didn't you hit me with the cake? I thank you for this way!"

Mei Ning said helplessly: "I also wanted to prevent you from splashing me again. Look at all the things you splashed on the ground."

" are so..." Jenny was about to explode, and she apologized. This Ning Xiaoxin even grabbed her and held her, which is totally unreasonable!

Jenny was trembling with anger and couldn't control her legs. She raised her foot to head towards Meining. Huo Zheng saw that Jenny's temper was coming up again, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed her: "Jenny! It's not early, we It's time to go back."

Jenny stomped her feet angrily: "But cousin..."

"Jenny! The fault lies with you. If this incident continues, you and our family will only be lost!" Huo Zheng saw that Jenny still didn't repent, and immediately became stern.

Jenny looked at everyone around her with strange gazes before she had to leave with Huo Zheng.

However, before leaving, Huo Zheng deliberately brought Jenny to the office and gave them a chance. After all, they had an art exhibition and invited them to come, but they were making trouble here.

Mei Ning was angry just now, and now she has calmed down, and she feels that she shouldn't have just smashed Jenny with the cake on the impulse, otherwise, it won't be the way it is now.

"Sorry, boss, I caused you trouble."

Mei Ning lowered his head, twisted his fingers, and said lowly.

Yue Yiming said: "You are not wrong, it is her who is wrong."

She was really moved by Yue Yiming's ability to protect her like this, and the expression in her eyes changed unknowingly when she looked up.

"Then I also go and apologize to the organizer, otherwise, I'm very embarrassed."

Yue Yiming looked at her embarrassed and said: "You go to the car first, and I will apologize to them."

Meining looked ashamed: "I'll go by myself."

"Are you like this?" Yue Yiming looked at her all over.

Mei Ning also felt ashamed, so she nodded: "Okay, thank you boss."

"Well, go ahead."

To be honest, Mei Ning didn't want to stay here any longer. If he came out today, he would lose his entire face!

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Mei Ning went out of the gallery to find Yue Yiming's car.

When the driver waiting in the car saw Mei Ning's embarrassed look, his jaw dropped to the ground in shock.


Meining smiled awkwardly: "Some accidents happened."

The driver nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Mei Ning got in the car, and after a while, Yue Yiming also came out.

Mei Ning lowered her head in embarrassment, and said vainly, "Are they very angry?"

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