Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1990: You wrap it in a blanket first

Yue Yiming looked at her expression like a child who had made a mistake, couldn't help but laugh, and paused for a while: "No, you don't need to blame yourself. I'm the one who caused you for this.

Jenny troubled her because of what he said. After all, she was the most innocent one.

Furthermore, Jenny poured juice at her in front of everyone, and there was nothing wrong with her counterattack.

Meining said with a forehead: "It's okay, but she is really too fierce, no wonder you don't like her."

Yue Yiming smiled softly: "If you really want to like it, I hope it's you."

Mei Ning was stunned, and his ears burned uncontrollably.

He...what is he talking about...

Yue Yiming saw that Mei Ning was very scared by what he said, and said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, let me make an analogy."

Mei Ning's heart tightened, and he nodded at the corner of his lips: "Well, I know."

Looking at her nervous look, Yue Yiming couldn't help but smile deeper.

She is really a very simple girl.

Back at the villa, Mei Ning went straight upstairs to take a bath and change clothes, while Yue Yiming went to the study.

After sitting at the desk for a while, the phone rang suddenly. He bowed his head and it was Mei Ning?

His heart beats, isn't she upstairs? Could something have happened?

After thinking about it in my heart, I got up and walked out of the door while turning on the phone: "What happened?"

Mei Ning's awkward voice came softly from there: "Boss, there is no water suddenly, can you help to see, is there any water below?"

Yue Yiming's footsteps suddenly stopped in place.

Out of water?

"Okay, let me take a look."


Yue Yiming looked at everything underneath. There was no water. He was puzzled and could not help taking out the phone. Sure enough, he saw an unread message on it, which was sent by the management office, which roughly meant that it was nearby. There was a broken underground water pipe, so the water needs to be shut off for about two or three hours.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed, why didn't he see the information earlier!

The most important thing is that the water cut off time is around 1:30-4:30 in the afternoon, and at this moment, it is just after 1:30.

He raised his hand to prop his forehead, and then dialed Mei Ning's number-

"Boss, how is it? Is there water underneath?" Mei Ning's very urgent voice came from there.

Yue Yiming said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxin, the management office sent a message in the morning saying that the water was stopped in the afternoon, but I didn't see it."

"Huh?" Meining now has all the thoughts of crying.

Why is she so unlucky, then what should she do?

Calculating the time, Yue Yiming felt that Mei Ning must have not washed it now. He paused and said: "The water will stop for about three hours. Otherwise, I will heat the drinking water and send it to you. Use it?"

Except for this method, Yue Yiming really couldn't think of any other method. Could she just wrap it up and wait for three hours?

Let alone her, he can't stand it! !

Mei Ning thought and thought with a sad face, at this moment, it seems that there is really no better way except this.

"Boss, please trouble you..."

"Don't be so polite, you wrap it in a blanket first, don't catch a cold."

As soon as Yue Yiming's words of concern came out, Mei Ning's face flushed. These words really made her so shy.

"Well, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Mei Ning felt that her heartbeat was a little abnormal. She raised her hand and patted her red cheek, shook her head and wrapped herself in a bath towel, waiting for Yue Yiming’s rescue...

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