Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 108: Temple at the bottom of the sunken lake

   Isarios woke up quickly-there was no way he could not wake up, Levi Khan was facing him with his mouth open, and the smell made the poor green dragon almost unable to breathe.

  Isarios, who couldn't help himself, rolled over and rolled to the side, and began to retching without an image.

   The five people of Zuifeng watched with interest the green dragon that would become a high elf after fainting.

"Did you finish vomiting? After vomiting, talk about this. Anyway, it is also an adult green dragon. How can people be bullied like this? It really embarrassing our dragon clan." Onyxia stared at this green with an unhappy face. Long, "Because of you, I was ridiculed a while ago!"

   "Sorry... Actually the Green Dragon Legion is in trouble here." Isarios looked at Onyxia timidly, "Could you ask, which black dragon are you?"

   "Which black dragon am I?"

"Hahahaha! I, Onyxia, the exile of Deathwing, the new master of the Black Dragonflight!" Onyxia opened her back wings wildly, and a pair of pure energy wings began to flap slowly .

   The green dragon fainted again.

   This time, Zuifeng directly splashed him with water.

"Oni, don't scare him." After speaking, Drunk Wind turned to Isarios, "What the **** is going on? I have a relationship with Ysera. We can help with the Green Dragon Legion. ."

   Although Isarios didn't believe in Drunk Wind's words a hundred, but the result would not be worse anyway, he would tell everything that happened.

"A long time ago, the Gurubashi troll summoned an evil **** in the Twisting Void, Hakkar. He was known as a spirit grabber, soul eater, and blood god. He gave the Gurubashi troll great power at a cost It is a sacrifice of life-Hakkar hopes to descend on Azeroth in this way."

   Speaking of this, Isarios also glanced at Levi Khan.

   "Go on." Zuifeng shook his head, "He is not a Gurubashi troll, don't worry."

   "Afterwards, the Gurubashi trolls realized the problem. They launched an internal war and wiped out most of the priests of Hakkar. They exiled the remaining few forever, and then exiled to this swamp."

"Unexpectedly, this group of priests will not change their death. They built a huge temple for Hakkar, and still hope to resurrect Hakkar-I really don't understand what they think. They have to summon a guy who only knows about destruction. "

   "In order to maintain world peace, our great Green Dragon Legion was dispatched, and then we defeated the priest and sank the temple to the bottom of the lake."

   "But this is a huge mistake. At the bottom of the lake, the remaining dozens of priests are still plotting. The only result of this is that no one can stop the actions of these priests."

"And I was guarding this place with Master Eranikus. I didn't expect that Haka would corrupt Master Eranikus. I tried to wake Master Eranikus, but not only was it unsuccessful, but also corrupted. Driven out for the companions of the Nightmare Dragon Race."

   Zuifeng looked at Onyxia, and found that Onyxia was also looking at him, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "Leave it to me."

   Great opportunity!

Both Drunk Wind and Onyxia realized that this is a good opportunity to make friends with the Green Dragon Legion. As long as they save Eranikus and the Nightmare Dragon in the temple, they believe that for the return of the Black Dragon Legion, the Green Dragon The Legion will at least remain neutral.

After    finished speaking, Drunk Wind blinked curiously: "Ask a question, why didn't you just ruin this temple? Why did it sink to the bottom of the lake?"

In this regard, Isarios could only show a wry smile: "It's not that we don't want to, or because this temple is personally owned by Haka himself. The whole temple is located on a delicate space node. We are really scared. Doing it rashly will cause unnecessary shocks, in case Haka comes directly, "our sin will be serious.

   Zuifeng nodded, and then I understood what was going on: It wasn't that the green dragon was so stupid that he didn't know how to cut the grass and roots, it was mainly because he couldn't do it.

After Isarios finished telling everything, he asked Onyxia again: "Who are you? Sorry, I can't believe your introduction-although you are strong, I have seen death. Wings, you are not as good as him."

   The green dragon has calmed down. He is not a complete counselor. It is just that the continuous stimulation has made him a little nervous. Now that he has adjusted himself, at least his thinking has returned to normal.

   "Hahaha, she didn't lie to you!" Drunk Feng showed an exaggerated smile, "We really exiled Deathwing, and Onyxia is really the leader of the Black Dragon Legion, the current Black Dragon Queen."

   Then Drunk Wind briefly recounted the battle in Draenor.

   This is the first time that managers Rexxar, Lao Chen, and Levi Khan heard this. Not only Isarios was extremely surprised, but the three teammates who were drunk were also incredulous.

   This is really shocking.

Deathwing is currently the strongest creature in the hearts of most people in Azeroth (actually only a few ancient gods are stronger than Unfortunately, most people don’t Knowing them), and Drunken Wind personally exiled the dragon, although he relied on Khaz'goroth's Hammer, although he paid a huge price-but it was enough to make Drunken Wind famous.

"Oh my God, you never mentioned it!" Old Chen danced exaggeratedly, "This story has become a new legend, the kind that can be passed on to the bards, and burned in every hotel and tavern. "

"This is just an incomplete tragic victory." Drunk Feng shook his head, "The price is that the can can only be cultivated in his exclusive space so far, and if it wasn't for the little guy who had been transformed by Titan Technology, I might have to pay my life. The price of it."

"Anyway, you also won!" Suddenly, Old Chen seemed to realize something, "Is your target the black dragons in the Blackrock Tower? The last time I went to the Black Iron Bar, I found a lot of black dragons entrenched. The Blackrock Tower in Blackrock Mountain, they are mixed with the orcs. Could it be that you are going to subdue those black dragons?"

   "This is only part of the purpose." Zuifeng shrugged, "I'm going to play something big this time."

   "That's right!" Onyxia also nodded, "Our goal is the return of the Black Dragon Legion!"

   "Cool!" At this time, Lao Chen was already excited, "The first time I leave the Wandering Island to be able to participate in this kind of event, it's great!"

And Isarios, who heard the news on the side, fell into a sluggishness again, and the green dragon started to make up for it again-my goodness, they won't kill welcome Book friends come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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