Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 109: The beginning of sneaking into the temple

  Isarios, who had fallen into a strange fantasy without any reason, turned to Rexxar and Levi Khan: "Are you here too? This time it will be very dangerous. It involves a Cthulhu from the twisting void."

   Rexxar said nothing, but touched Misha's head lightly. Misha seemed to understand Rexxar's meaning and let out a low growl. Then Rexxar nodded toward Drunk Wind, motioning for himself to participate.

   But Levi Khan narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

   According to Sen'jin, the leader of the Darkspear, the Gurubashi troll may indeed want to rejuvenate his empire. Levi Khan couldn't guarantee whether these Gurubashi trolls would pray for Hakkar again in order to gain strength.

   Thinking of this, the Shadow Hunter also nodded—Since I’m not sure, let’s eliminate this factor first, lest the Gurubashi really revives to find the trouble of Dark Spear.

   Then Levi Khan drew a small scimitar from his waist with his right hand. With his left hand, he used a branch to skillfully pick out a little bit of venom from a small bottle and apply it directly to the scimitar.

   As for Lao Chen, Drunk Wind is not worried. From the beginning, this guy looked like he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he would definitely participate.

   Sure enough, Old Chen has already started to tighten the cuffs of his clothes excitedly.

  Everything was ready, everyone squeezed on the back of the green dragon and came to the Temple of Alehaka. Although Isarios stated that he was a wounded and opposed being a mount, it was a pity that the opposition was invalid.

   When they came to the entrance of the temple, everyone jumped off the back of the green dragon. While waiting for Misha to swim over, Drunk Wind looked at the entrance of the temple carefully.

   The entire temple has a strong Gurubashi style-and it seems that Haka itself is related to the wind snake. At the entrance of the temple, two huge wind snake statues stand upright. They spread their wings, spit out the letter, and their four eyes looked at the group of people in front coldly, their eyes looked very unfriendly, which made Drunk Wind shiver.

The walls of the    temple are already covered with moss. There seem to be some reliefs and murals under the moss, which are very mottled with the passage of time. Seeing this, Zuifeng couldn't help but think of Zhou Zhuo, and then shook his head funny. Fortunately, this guy is not there, otherwise he will definitely try to erase the moss and figure out what is drawn below.

   Finally, Misha swam over from the lake.

   Everyone began to walk along the narrow intersection towards the bottom of the temple. At the same time, Isarios said he began to explain the structure of the temple.

"The structure of the temple is actually quite complicated. Generally speaking, it can be divided into many layers. It is basically unclear with words. But fortunately, the path of this temple is relatively simple and there are not many forks, so it is not troublesome to explore In the temple, there are many priests of Haka. They are a group of mad believers who are like desperate lunatics for the glory of that evil god. So although these guys are not strong, they can bring us A lot of trouble."

   Zuifeng and others nodded in order to understand.

   said, everyone entered a hall. Isarios stopped: "Come here first. I haven't been to much before. I'm not sure if there are any traces of the priests."

   "I'm going to find the way."

   Hearing what the Green Dragon said, Levi Khan began to smear a lot of strange powder on his body.

   After waiting for the troll to wipe off, Zuifeng was surprised to find that the Shadow Hunter seemed to have completely integrated into the environment-if you don’t look closely, he is completely part of the mottled wall.

"It's just a little voodoo technique. It's nothing unusual." Levi Khan snorted his long fangs. "It's just that I don't know, do these trolls do the same-I mean Is there any stalker among them?"

   Isarios shook his head: "No, they are all fanatical Haka believers, and voodoo is not within their consideration."

   "That's good, to be honest, I hate meeting my colleagues."

   said, Levy Khan disappeared completely in a shadow.

  Xu was against the wall, and Levi Khan slowly moved like the depths of the temple.

The    corridor is designed to be very narrow, any sound will arouse a big echo, which is a huge test for the stalker. However, this degree of test will not cause any trouble to Levy Khan. He slowly moved his wide soles, step by step silently and steadily.

   Somewhat unexpectedly the Shadow Hunter, there is no one in this corridor. After reaching the end, Levi Khan found that the end of the corridor was a pond-the road led to the water.

   "That's interesting."

   Livi Khan picked out a small bottle of blue voodoo potion from the backpack on his waist, and poured it down with his head up.

   grinned, even for the troll, the taste of this potion is really not good.

   After drinking the potion, Levy Khan entered the water without hesitation. The entry into the water did not arouse a splash of water, and the Shadow Hunter who drank the potion walked comfortably in the water like a swimming fish.

   Through the muddy pool water, Livihan found a way to move on.

   The alertness of the entire temple was unexpectedly low by the Shadow Hunter, and even the water here seemed to be living water-it was not poisoned, and it did not feed some strange creatures.

   But Levi Khan carefully checked the entire pool again and confirmed that there was no danger in before entering the next corridor from underwater.

   This corridor was only partially underwater, and Levi Khan quickly emerged from the water.

   In this corridor, Levi Khan finally heard other voices, to be precise, the whispers of the priest Haka.

   It’s enough to find the way here, Levy Khan turned around without hesitation, and dived into the water again before the potion had expired.


"The security of the whole temple looks much worse than I thought. They are not defending at all." Levi Khan complained beside Zuifeng, "This kind of scout job is really boring, and it wastes a bottle of my water. Stealth potion. Green dragon, tell me what the strength of the priests in it is? If, if possible, I hope the six of us rush in directly, and save trouble."

Isarios gave a wry smile: "It would be great if it could be done like this! The priests of Hakkar inside are nothing. They just rely on Hakkar's body and know some strange spells. But the most important thing is, There are a lot of nightmare dragons in it, including dragons, whelps, young dragons, and great dragons. This is the most troublesome part."

   Just as the six people were discussing what to do, a hoarse roar suddenly came from the depths of the temple.

   "There is a strange smell! It seems that some people are unwilling to come and want to visit--that's right, use your flesh and blood to worship the great Haka!"


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