Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 121: Nefarian

  In Azeroth, dragons not only mean being strong, but also being strange.

   We might as well count these dragons with special hobbies.

The Blue Dragon family, Blue Dragon King Malygos is a lunatic——In the War of the Ancients, the Black Dragon King Neltharion fell. His best friend, Blue Dragon King Malygos, was preparing to wake up his good friends. He couldn't beat it, but the Blue Dragonflight suffered heavy losses and Malygos went crazy. In the original world line, Malygos wanted to destroy the world in order to avenge the society, but was killed by the Dragon Sleep Alliance in the Eye of Eternity.

   The second Blue Dragon King is the famous Five Scum. In the original world line, Kalecgos, as an adult dragon, was chased all the way by the Dwarf Musketeer and shot a headshot. In addition to leaving a funny story in the tavern in Quel'Thalas, it also achieved The legend of the Ace Hunter.

   After this, this guy fell in love with Anvina, the incarnation of the Sunwell, and yes, fell in love with a well. After Anvina died, he hooked up with Jaina again-this is a blue dragon who fights the five scums and has a very sad love outlook.

Let’s talk about the red dragon. As one of the five dragon kings, Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen, is currently controlled by the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan. Although it is because of the magical dragon soul, I think that this queen is being forced. He kept mating with his eldest spouse and laid dragon eggs, and hatched young dragons for the Dragonmaw clan to drive away. Even if it was because the Dragonmaw clan used her dragon eggs as a threat, the plot was not right.

Lannis Taz, the oldest spouse of the Red Dragon Queen, was originally a powerful old red dragon, but after being imprisoned with Alexstrasza, his strength regressed greatly, considering that they had born too many dragons. Egg, we can always have some strange speculations.

  The green dragon clan is very peculiar. It is obviously the guardian of the dream, but it has not been able to deal with the nightmare king Harves. You know, this guy was turned into an oak tree by Malfurion in the War of the Ancients!

The bronze dragon is the dragon responsible for maintaining the timeline. This group of guys are busy on various timelines, witnessing the past and the future. As a result, the bronze dragon king Nozdormu blackened after seeing the dark future and became the eternal dragon. Nozdor, this is another mess.

And the black dragon clan that Drunk Wind is most familiar with, Deathwing Neltharion was driven mad by the broken thoughts of the ancient gods, yelling at me all day is the incarnation of power, first to destroy the world, with a ticket of black dragon in Azer Lars always wants to make big news.

   Onyxia had fallen in love with a pandaman at this time, and apart from taking a deep breath from time to time, everything began to develop in the direction of a good wife and mother.

   And Nefarian, the drunk brother-in-law is a thorough technical house, he always nests in the Black Rock Mountain, studying how to make the dragon stronger-from a biological point of view. So he began to experiment, combining different dragons together, in order to create an ultimate weapon. I have to say, how do you think about this dream?

   And this time, Drunk Wind needs to convince this technical house.

   The process of meeting Nefarian was extremely smooth. Among the Black Dragon Legion, strength is the best communication. Onyxia, who showed the form of a giant dragon, roared, and the giant dragons in the entire Blackrock Tower tremblingly gave way.

   Zuifeng and others were divided into two groups. Zuifeng and Onyxia went to see Nefarian, while Rexxar, Lao Chen, and Levi Khan went to Reid Blackhand to talk about the past.

   So, in Blackwing's Nest, Zuifeng saw his brother-in-law for the first time.


  Nefarian's human form is a handsome young man, black-haired and dark-eyed drunk looking at him quite pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately the black dragon prince opened his mouth and drunk wind suddenly became unhappy.

   "My poor sister, did you get caught by any handle? Are you really with this chubby Pandaren?"

  Looking at the contempt on Nefarian's face, Drunk Feng couldn't help getting angry even though he was prepared for the dragon's arrogance.

   Under the stimulation of Nefarian, the words spoken by Drunk Wind became vicious.

   "Oh, let me see who this is, isn't this the son of the famous Deathwing? Can you show me a dragon, let me observe, are you also full of fire?"

As the proud black dragon prince, his noble birth is also part of Nefarian's strength-but it is not the part he likes. He prefers others to recognize his wild magic or magic experiment instead of calling her Deathwing Son.

   For Nefarian, the title of Deathwing's Son means contempt for his own strength.

   Hearing Zuifeng say this, Nefarian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Pandaman, are you provoking a dragon?"

   "So what?" Drunk Feng did not flinch, "I have faced Deathwing before, let alone his son."

   At this moment, Nefarian did not know the news of Deathwing's exile, he just knew that Deathwing had gone to Draenor. Some time ago, there was news from Stormwind that the expeditionary army had returned and Draenor had collapsed. At that time, the black dragon prince still had a trace of a trace of death wing died, and he could dominate the entire black dragon army.

   But Nefarian felt a little strange when Drunk Wind said that.

   "Have you faced my father?"

Although I don’t like others calling him the son of Deathwing, who knows better about his father than Onyxia-although Deathwing looks personable on the surface (especially perfect in human form) Flawless), but he is actually a cruel and cruel guy. He can be with Onyxia and face the Death Station. The Pandaren of Drunken Wind is not as simple as he seems.

   Drunk wind laughed: "It seems that your old man has no face to come back to you! Also, if I was banished by others, I would not be embarrassed to meet my acquaintances~"


  Nefarian's eyes widened instantly.

  Nefarian's first reaction was to tell himself that this was a drunk wind lying, and it was impossible to be exiled with the power of Deathwing. But the Pandaren in front of them didn't seem to be talking nonsense, and looking at Onyxia's unscrupulous appearance, it seemed that his father had indeed suffered a lot from them.

   "What the **** is going on? Onyxia, what happened? What about my father-the Black Dragonflight?"

  Onyxia smiled calmly: "Just like Drunk Wind said, we teamed up to exile Deathwing. As for the Black Dragon Legion, now the Black Dragon Legion obeys my orders."


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