Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 122: The future of the black dragonflight

   Onyxia's calm turned out to be Nefarian's not calm.

   "You exiled your father? It's up to you?" This is something Nefarian can't accept anyway-when did my own sister become so alive? Also, why did she dare to make such a choice?

"Yes, it was in the Frostfire Ridge of Draenor, in front of countless black dragons, I personally exiled Deathwing to the Twisting Void-or else do you think the Black Dragonflight now obeys Onyxia's orders? "Drunk Wind looked at Nefarian ironically, "So, you are trying to challenge the exile of Deathwing, Black Dragon!"

  Nefarian was speechless for a moment. This news is really unacceptable for a while, and the Black Dragon Prince needs time to digest it.

"Regarding the future of the Black Dragon Legion, what do you two think?" Seeing that Nefarian finally had nothing to say, Drunk Wind began to talk about the business of this trip. "Where is the Black Dragon Legion going? Stand with Deathwing. It obviously doesn't work in the camp of the ancient gods, and returning to the position of the guardian dragon itself, I don't recommend it."

   "Why?" Onyxia was very strange, "As long as we really kill Deathwing, I believe the other four-color dragons will be happy to comment on the return of the Black Dragonflight?"

   "Huh, when do we need to look at the faces of other dragons?" Nefarian was very upset, "Who dares to challenge the Black Dragonflight?"

"The age of the dragon is about to pass." Drunk Wind became serious. "A huge change like the War of the Ancients is about to come. This is about to be an era of mortals. In my opinion, guarding the dragon is no longer in line with this era. , The fate of the creatures of Azeroth will ultimately be in our own hands!"

   "In the age of mortals, are you kidding me?" Nefarian laughed, "What can mortals decide?"

"Do you know the guardians left by the Titans?" Drunk Wind looked grim. "In Pandaria, we rescued a guardian imprisoned by the Mogu clan. He is the leader of all the guardians of Azeroth. His name is Lai. Board."

   "Leiden?! Does he really exist?"

   Hearing Leiden's name, Onyxia didn't respond, but Nefarian couldn't sit still.

   "According to the record, Raiden is the Supreme Guardian in charge of Storm and Thunder!"

   "That's right." Zuifeng nodded, "Leiden personally admitted that the Titans have all fallen in the battle with Sargeras."

   This news is much more explosive than Deathwing's exile.

   After a long silence, Nefarian said with a dumb voice: "That's why you said that the age of dragons has passed?"

"Yes." Drunk Feng looked directly at the Black Dragon Prince. "The Titans' set is no longer working. Their script can no longer go on. The following stories and legends need to be written by ourselves-so I hope Black Dragon takes the lead. Set your posture, no longer as the guardian left by the Titans, but as a member of Azeroth!"

   "Understood." Nefarian thoughtfully, "So you are here to remind me to correct my identity?"

   "There is also purification!" When it comes to purification, Onyxia's expression is grim, "We have all received a greater influence from our father, which makes us have a connection with the ancient gods that we should not have, and this must be purified."

   "No, no, no! I don't think so at all." Nefarian began to shake his head, "I am not corrupted, so I can't talk about purification."

   "This is because you can't find out by yourself!" Onyxia said eagerly.

   "My own situation, I know better than you!" Nefarian insisted on rejecting, "I am not corrupt!"

   Looking at Onyxia, she wanted to continue, but Drunk Wind gently held her.

   "Let me talk about it." Drunk Feng said in a deep voice, "Actually there are some I haven't talked to Onyxia."

Finding that the face of the Black Dragon Queen was not right, Zuifeng quickly explained: "Oni, I didn’t say it because I was going to make it clear when I was going to spend my honeymoon with you. Who knew that I met Chen and Rexxar—this kind of I really have no chance to talk about the black dragon..."

   Looking at Drunk Feng's face nervously, for fear that she would be angry, Onyxia was angry and funny: "Do I look so unreasonable?"

   Zuifeng nodded subconsciously, and then realized that it was too late to shake his head.

  Onyxia took a deep breath.


"Actually, this has something to do with the black dragon I mentioned." When talking about the business, Drunk Wind became serious. "In Highmountain, I came into contact with a black dragon. He called himself Blackhorn and said he was the heir of Deathwing. ."

   "Back then, the tauren used the hammer of Khaz'goroth to exile Deathwing and saved him. He was transformed into a box of tauren soul walkers, guarding the highest mountains in the name of Black Horn."

   "Compared to that contact, the first time I saw Onyxia, I found that her state was not right, there was a subtle...paranoia."

"Thinking of the corruption mentioned by Blackhorn, I tried to use the knowledge of Lorewalker's Scroll to dispel her, have you discovered that since then, you have a kind of to me Subtle trust? I think this is a filling. After the influence of the ancient gods dissipated, my will affected Onyxia to a certain extent—just like Blackhorn was greatly influenced by the tauren ."

   "Oh?" Onyxia raised her eyebrows, "You mean, I fell in love with you because of this subtle influence?" Are you ready?

"Of course not!" Zuifeng shook his head quickly, "This will only affect your decision. It is the part where I replaced Deathwing. You didn't realize that after that, did you subconsciously agree to my proposal? Whether it is the Black Dragon Legion Allied forces participating in the expedition still come to Nefarian."

  Onyxia nodded thoughtfully, as if she really subconsciously placed Drunk Wind in the position of the commander.

   "So, Oni, I will now give you some of Lorewalker's blank scroll skills, and cooperate with you to help purify Nefarian!" Drunk Wind finally got to the point, "After that, you will really be the queen of the black dragon!"

   "Are you ready? The glory and responsibility of being the Queen of the Black Dragon!"

  Amidst Onyxia’s groaning, Nefarian stood up: "You two are too much. When will I agree to accept what you call purification?"

   "Don't say so high-sounding about taking control of the black dragon under my hand! How to do it, let's have a good fight! Let me see if your hands are so powerful!"

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