Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 125: The assembly of the dragonflight

   After Onyxia led the black dragons to leave the Blackrock Tower, Drunken Wind, Old Chen, Rexxar and Levi Khan got together.

"Now you can go to other places first." Drunk Feng said solemnly, "The following battle involves a large number of dragons-the dragons that have turned back into prototypes. I think everyone knows how powerful they are. , You don’t want to participate."

   "No, I have to participate." To the drunk wind's expectation, Livihan was the first to speak, "Since I have promised you to be your helper during this journey, I will not give up halfway."

   "But you have done enough at the Atahaka Temple."

   "No, it's not." Levi Khan shook his head, "It is the troll's responsibility to fight against Hakkar. This is not counted."

   "Okay." Under Livihan's insistence, Drunk Wind nodded, "Then please-we actually need a master who is proficient in stealth!"

After   , Old Chen also leaned forward: "Hey, this kind of thing can't help but take me! Life is adventure, I can't miss this opportunity!"

   Lao Chen’s joining was not unexpected at all. If a person who loves adventure has the opportunity to meet the dragon, how could he quit? !

   And in the end, Rexxar finally shook his head.

   "Sorry, I can't be with you. I still can't swing a sharp axe at my people-even the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan."

   "It's nothing, we can understand." Zuifeng didn't care. "Then you can go directly to Alterac Valley and wait for us. There are your old friends, Frostwolf clan! As for the Blackrock Orcs here..."

   "I won't care about them." Rexxar shook his head sadly, "They have completely distorted themselves."

   "Well then! See you in Alterac Valley!"

   Riding the black young dragon, Zuifeng, Lao Chen and Levi Khan set off afterwards.


   North of Loch Modan, boulder dam.

   Ten thousand years after the ancient battle, the dragon army assembled again-not only the black dragons were here!

   After the Battle of Atahaka Temple, the green dragon Isarios, according to Drunk Wind’s request, handed Drunk Wind’s letter to Ysera.

   The Green Dragon Queen was awakened from her deep sleep. After reading the letter, she directly communicated with the green dragon in the Emerald Dream, whose body was in the Temple of Dragon Sleep, and directly notified the blue dragon and the bronze dragon.

  Although the Blue Dragon King was already a lunatic at this time, he knew that he could avenge the Deathwing. He couldn't wait to take the Blue Dragon Legion and set off from the magic hub around the clock, rushing to the meeting point of the giant stone dam.

   At the same time, the bronze dragon also got news. This time, the bronze dragon king Nozdormu, who had never been able to find anyone, left the end of time and rushed with his own heirs.

As for the red dragon, the spouse of the red dragon queen in Dalaran, who was aliased to Krasus, summoned the adult red dragons who were not under control, and couldn’t wait to arrive—they learned through the alliance that Drunk Wind exiled Deathwing. At this time, the mood is extremely excited.

   When Drunk Wind arrived at the giant stone dam, the five-color dragon army had already assembled. Under the leadership of the five dragon kings besides the red dragon, the sky full of dragons flapped their wings and almost obscured the sky.

  The people finally arrived, and everyone officially sat together to discuss how to act.

   What is interesting is that the commander of this operation is Drunk Wind, no way, his record is too dazzling, the exile of Deathwing, even if the Dragon Kings are not convinced, they must show some face.

"We have two purposes for this action." As the commander, Drunk Wind was the first to speak, "The first is to destroy the Demon Soul and return its power to the Dragon King. The second is to kill Death Wing-he It's completely crazy. If we don't want Azeroth to bear more, we must stop him completely."

   These two goals resonated with all the dragon kings, and this is the fundamental reason why the dragon army regrouped.

   "There is a third one! For revenge!"

   On Rock Lake, the rippling water pushed a small boat slowly to the bottom of the boulder dam.

   "This battle, there is still me!"

   Admiral Daelin Proudmoore!


After the high elves and Gilneas withdrew from the alliance, Daelin was fully committed to implementing his "orcs must die." Anyway, Kul Tiras did not need to pay for the orcs shelter, the admiral simply shifted the focus of the country Revenge.

   Therefore, the Blackrock Mountain entrenched by the Blackrock Orcs and Grim Batol entrenched by the Dragonmaw clan are the focus of his attention.

   Just two days ago, the scout reported that a large number of black dragons had left Black Rock Mountain and headed to the northern part of the wetland. The admiral who got the news rushed to Ironforge directly through the teleportation circle, borrowed a griffin and flew to the boulder dam, hurriedly hurried, and finally rushed to the gathering place of the dragon army.

   "Before the expeditionary army set off, Lothar had promised me to take me into Grim Batol-although Lothar is no longer there, I must participate in this time of revenge!"

   "Mortals, do you know what you are talking about?" Malygos said directly, "This is a battle between giant dragons, not a playhouse between you mortals!"

"Play house? Don’t you great dragons still be pinched by the mortals of the house? The dignified red dragon queen became the slave of the orcs-these orcs were beaten under our attack. If we say that we mortals are playing houses, then you giant dragons are not even playing houses!"

"It keeps saying that it is the guardian of Azeroth, but what? It was Aegwynn who killed Sargeras, Drunk Wind was the one who exiled Deathwing, and the one who burned his life and expelled Kil'jaeden was my best friend An. Duin Lothar! Tell me where you are?!"

"Sleeping and daydreaming? Or indulging in the travel of time and unable to extricate myself? Or becoming a madman and wandering around? Or being held by a group of scum orcs and unable to resist and help the evil? In my opinion, you even the fallen black dragon Not as good! They at least know that in order to protect Azeroth, face the devil in Draenor, and you will only hold that **** arrogance while watching the show!"

   The story of the expeditionary coalition has been spread in the Eastern Kingdom. Although Lothar’s sacrifice caused the alliance to fall apart, it also directly boosted the morale of mankind. The black dragon fighting side by side makes the dragon not as mysterious as they seem, and for this reason, the black dragon has turned from the endorsement of evil into the incarnation of justice in the hearts of mankind, a model of the prodigal son turning back.

After that, Dai Lin directly ignored the gaping dragon and turned to salute the drunk wind: "Commander, Daelin Proudmoore obey your dispatch! I am willing to contribute everything to my revenge-I have arranged it. If I die in the battle, Jaina will be recalled from Dalaran and ascended to the throne with the assistance of her subjects. Please bring my Tide Blade to her when the time comes."

   "I am just a person who avenges his son with all his heart."


   Today’s update is a bit late, I really received a great excitement, I can’t help but say a few words here (I’m not on the shelves anyway, hehe)

   A new book with very good grades was suddenly cut. I didn’t expect it ("Monster Soldier", I also gave it to Zhang Tui) because it was not recommended.

   As for?

   Don't worry, I will never do this! The words of the book friends in the book review area and the encouragement in the book friends group are my biggest motivation to write I have prepared a total of seven volumes of this book, with a clear outline. For this book, I went through Blizzard's original work over and over again, pulling the tuba to clean up low-level tasks. I want to tell readers an original story in Azeroth, and strive to make all the plots have reasons.

Since the first book is not very proficient in many techniques, I can only use the form of digging holes to penetrate this book-for example, many book friends say that Onyxia’s trust is inexplicable, in fact It was because of the blank scroll of the lorewalker in Zuifeng's hand. And this scroll appeared in the first chapter, and it was the Four Heavens God who wanted Drunk Wind to get it from Zhou Zhuo.

There are still a lot of pits in front of me. I’m not the kind of person who digs pits without filling them. Every pit has its own story. These stories are warm, touching, passionate, or unyielding, but they are not exactly Azeroth. Is the essence of Sri Lanka?

Just like the orc couple at the crossroads between Yin and Yang—they are really Delano’s childhood sweethearts; like the Timmy who turned into a ghoul and would not attack us; like the rag doll in the hands of that little girl; It is like the soul of Master Shangxi giving a bow in the Zen scepter forest; like Janal shouting loctar to face the Iron Horde; like Velen of Draenor giving his life; like the civilians of Suramar trying to buy you time Overcome the fear of the devil...

   Please rest assured, the drunken trip to Azeroth will not be an eunuch!

  Although Azeroth does not have Long Aotian, I will try my best to bring this wonderful story to everyone!

   Finally said weakly, the book friends are here! Jiaqun’s bookmates can all come out in orange outfits, all of which are made by Titan!

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