Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 126: Target Grim Batol

The Blue Dragon King Malygos became unstable after the Blue Dragon Legion was almost destroyed in the Ancient War (commonly known as crazy), and finally became sober for revenge this time. After listening to Dai Lin's words, he became Get irritable.

   Fortunately, Krasus dissuaded him in time, and this prevented the Blue Dragon King from going out on the spot.

Drunk Wind also spoke in time to stop Dai Lin’s provocation: "The Dragon Legion has also paid a lot for Azeroth, especially the Blue Dragon King Malygos. As a former friend of Deathwing, he felt the most uncomfortable. of."

   I didn't expect that Zuifeng's words directly stabbed the horse's nest.

"What about Nesario? You come out for me!" Mentioned Deathwing, Malygos's unstable emotions erupted, and the huge arcane energy stirred Rock Lake out of a huge whirlpool, a monstrous water column. The young dragons who did not know the situation were shocked.

   "Neltario, you won't come out, what about De Norio? Where is Della Torio? You all come out for me!"

"They are in Draenor and haven't come back." Onyxia quietly looked at the crazy Blue Dragon King. "They are all experienced in the War of the Ancients. After removing the corruption, they said that they had no face to come back. For the Blue Dragon Legion, they chose to stay in Draenor. They have decided to fight the demon to the death."

   Hearing these words, Malygos finally fell silent.

   The frenzied arcane storm also subsided, and the Blue Dragon King quietly flapped his wings.

"That means I won't see them again, am I?" Tears slowly flowed down Malygos's face, "You don't have to be like this... I hate the fallen, not you! "

Seeing the blue dragon king who was crying silently, everyone felt uncomfortable-Deathwing's betrayal brought too much pain to the dragon army, especially the poor blue dragon king. Neltharion was his best Good friend. But it was the person he trusted the most, but he stabbed him in his heart with a betrayal and tore the wound, almost slaughtering the blue dragon.

   But in Malygos's heart, why didn't he expect the black dragon to change his mind?


   After the episode of Dai Lin's arrival, everyone returned to the topic.

"In my opinion, we need to directly attack Grim Batol-me, Dalin, Levi Khan, Lao Chen and Onyxia, the five of us sneak into Grim Batol and try to be able to You can't steal the demon soul." Drunk Wind first put forward his own thoughts, "With Onyxia, the Black Dragon Guardian is not a problem. The obstacle we need to face is the orc warlock."

   "Nicrus!" Krasus said the name through gritted teeth, "This **** holds the soul of the devil!"

   "Yes!" Zuifeng nodded, "This is the guy! He is obviously very cunning. As far as I know, he didn't leave Grim Batol's Dragonmaw Fortress after spotting the Griffin Rider of the Alliance."

   "Yes..." Krasus sighed, "I once sent a lot of people to try to steal the demon soul, but unfortunately they all failed."

   "My plan is like this: You help use polymorphism to turn a few black dragons into red dragons-shouldn't it be difficult? Just lie to the orcs."

   "No problem!" Malygos nodded, "I promise they won't find it."

   "That's good." Zuifeng continued, "Transform us into orcs too-I have an orc friend, and I learned some basic orc language from him."

   "Oh! It turns out that you asked Rexxar for advice because of this!" Old Chen suddenly realized, "No wonder you kept asking Rexxar the meaning of that word in Orc language all the way!"

   "I think now Rexxar already knows why I asked, I hope he won't blame me."

   Mentioned the orcs, Dai Lin couldn't help but snorted: "Orcs. Humph!"

Seeing Dalin’s disdainful face, Drunk Wind could only smile bitterly: "Don’t be like that, Dalin—orcs are not all bastards. You should have heard Kilrogg’s story. Sometimes they do have no brains, but they are evil. It’s not from nature."

"Not by nature?" Dai Lin squinted his eyes. "I know orcs better than you think. They are used to solving problems with actions, so it is easy to lose control of their anger. Maybe it is a good fighter to do this, but once Without the correct leadership, the orcs are a disaster!"

   Speaking of this, Dai Lin began to look at Drunk Wind carefully: "Pandaman, I heard that you are a prophet? What do you think of an orc?"

   "Orcs..." Thinking of the original brain roars on the world line, Drunk Wind had to admit that Dai Lin's summary of the orcs was very reasonable-they were indeed typical without brains most of the time.

   "Well, you won." Zuifeng shrugged helplessly, "The orcs are indeed unreliable, except for their shaman."

"Shaman?" Dai Lin smiled with interest, "It seems that you still know some news that the Alliance does not know! We have interrogated the orcs, and they said that all shamans have become warlocks, except for the unaccounted Frostwolf. Clan! Looks like you know the whereabouts of the Frostwolf clan!"

   "That's know." Zuifeng admitted this frankly, "Unfortunately I won't tell you, are you here to bite me?"

   "...Hahahaha!" Dai Lin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly started laughing, "Funny kid! You know my attitude towards orcs, so dare you say that?"

   "You don't know right from wrong, don't you still sit with the red dragon to discuss countermeasures? The Frostwolf didn't mess with you. Besides, do you still care about just an orc clan?"

   "Boy, I like you more and more-when this battle is over, I will bring Jaina over, how about you meet? I think you are more pleasing to the eye than that Arthas, hahaha!"

  Onyxia took a deep breath...


Speaking of business, it was finally decided that except for the black dragons who transformed into red dragons and sneaked into Grim Batol with the help of all the other dragons, all the other dragons were waiting for the signal on the east coast of the wetland, on the Kul Tiras fleet. Regardless of whether the infiltration of Zuifeng and others went smoothly or not, Krasus would be notified in time through the magic emblem (I wanted to notify Malygos, but considering the emotional instability of the Blue Dragon King, I decided to notify Krasus).

   Once the signal is sent, Zuifeng and others will proceed to the next step according to the situation: if it goes well, directly destroy the demon soul, otherwise, they will come back for help.

  Once the Demon Soul is destroyed, the Four-Colored Dragon King will regain its strength, and then the dragon's anger will razor Grim Batol.

   With everyone’s expectations, the drunk wind group dressed as an orc rode directly northward on the black dragon dressed as a red dragon——

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