Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 127: Sneak into Grim Batol

   sat on the back of the long-lost dragon, facing the wetland with a cool breeze, drunk the wind quietly conditioning his own spirit, hoping to prepare for the battle in the near future.

   To tell the truth, the success or failure of this battle has no bottom in Zuifeng's heart.

Drunk Wind didn’t know whether Deathwing had returned from the Twisting Void at this moment, and whether he was injured in the Twisting Void. He also didn’t know what the interior of the Dragonmaw Clan’s Fortress of Grim Batol looked like— Drunk Wind only knew that his goal was to get an artifact from the hands of an orc warlock, nothing more.

   "Leave him alone!" Zuifeng shook his head, not thinking about the difficulties that might arise, "I can only respond to changes - I don't believe I am not as good as Ronin?"

   Zuifeng started the final meditation.


   When Drunk Wind woke up from meditation, it was already dusk.

   At this time, the mountains of Grim Batol are bathed in the last light of the sun. The towering trees and sharp peaks form the unique scenery of Grim Batol.

   This was once the hometown of the Wildhammer dwarves. Unfortunately, Grim Batol was cursed by the Dark Iron dwarves in the Battle of the Three Hammers and turned into a terrible place. The helpless Wildhammer dwarves could only leave their homes and finally settled in Eagle's Nest Mountain. And the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan wouldn't be picky about anything, and they directly regarded Grim Batol as their stronghold.

   This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise-in the Eagle's Nest, the Wildhammer dwarves learned to fight with Griffin partners. In the orc war, if it weren't for the Wildhammer Griffin Riders, the Dragonmaw clan that controls the red dragon might have been able to suppress the alliance by relying on its superiority in the air.

   When I was in Draenor, in my spare time, Drunk Wind was like the Dark Iron dwarves asking about the performance of the orcs and the red dragon.

The number of Griffin Riders participating in the expeditionary army is small, but all of them are experienced guys. They have faced the red dragon directly, so they can tell Drunk Wind some important little details every time-only Need drunk wind to contribute a little wine.

   After approaching Grim Batol, Zuifeng and others began to bury their heads in a hump-backed manner in accordance with the habits of the orcs. The black young dragons also tried their best to show the appearance of being constrained by the reins-the black young dragons participating in the action are the smartest little guys in the black dragon army. Of course, the reins are all fake and magical. .

   Five people and five dragons just pretended to be a squad of scouts, followed far behind the other team, and came to Grim Batol Fortress.

   Thanks to these wildhammer dwarves, the disguise of Drunken Wind and others is still decent, at least in the eyes of the real Dragonmaw Orcs in the distance, although this team is a new face, there is nothing wrong with it.

During   , the orcs still roared a few times like here, and were dealt with by the specious orc language of the drunk wind-anyway, they were far away, and they couldn't hear it clearly, as long as the orc language was enough.

   When the red dragon returned to the lair in the evening, a group of people entered the Grim Batol fortress unimpeded. As the base camp of the orcs, the defense is actually not very strict.

   Grim Batol Fortress is located on the main peak of Grim Batol mountains.

   This was once the main city of the Wildhammer dwarves. After giving up, it was occupied by orcs of the Dragonmaw clan. The entire fortress was on a steep cliff.

   If an outsider wants to enter the Grim Batol Fortress, unless they fly in, they can only slowly climb up along a winding path. This dangerous terrain makes the orcs inevitably lay out their internal defenses relatively loosely-there is no way, since the enemy is basically impossible to attack, why bother to strain your nerves?

   entered the interior of Grim Batol fortress very smoothly. Drunk Wind discovered that although the fortress had been transformed by orcs, it still retained a strong dwarf style.

  The fortress is divided into upper and lower levels, and there are only some paths between the two levels to communicate with each other. There are many checkpoints in these small roads, but unfortunately the orcs in the checkpoints look listless.

  With the hall as the center, there are many small rooms connected around it, providing life and training for the orcs. Zuifeng and others have observed it by themselves, but they are embarrassed to find that these rooms are almost the same from the outside.

   The huge circular central hall is located on the second floor. Here, the Dragonmaw clan orcs built a huge arena to replace the original melting pot arena. An orc is fighting an ogre.

   Listening to the surrounding orcs watching and shouting, it seems that the orc in the arena is a great gladiator.

   Very interesting, this is a brown-skinned orc.

Although he fisted with bare hands, he was awe-inspiring to face the huge ogre. With the help of the spirit of the wind, he waved his burning fist and slammed his fist on the ogre's stomach. The ogre didn't have time to escape, so he was beaten with scorch marks and fell on his back.

   "Lagosh, Fist of Flame!"

   "Rogosh, the wind warrior!"

   "Lagosh, join us! Forget about your poor little and become a dragon knight!"

   "Lagosh! Join us!"

   Logosh, who had defeated the ogre, spit on the ground.

   "Bah, you devil's lackeys! You have forgotten our great tradition of being orcs! I, Rogosh Ulun, the wind ghost wolf of the Frostwolf clan, will not go with you!"

  The Dragonmaw Warlord who presided over the gladiatorial battle seemed to have become accustomed to Rogosh's indomitableness. With a wave of his hand, several heavily armed Dragonmaw jailers stepped forward and handcuffed Rogosh and escorted him back to the depths of the fortress.

   Witnessing all of this, Dai Lin raised his eyebrows: "It seems that there seems to be a lot of disagreement within the orcs. Don't all the orcs choose to fight us?"

"That's right." Zuifeng nodded, "The orc's name was Logosh just now, and it means ghost wolf in orc language. It seems that he is a fellow of the Frostwolf clan. And maybe he is still a fellow. Shaman."

   "If that's the case." Dai Lin smiled, "Then no matter what the IQ, at least the position of the Frostwolf clan can be discussed."

"You guys, what are you whispering!" Just as several people were discussing the Frostwolf Orcs, the Dragonmaw Warlord behind them began to yell at them, "The gladiatorial fight is over, go to work! See you are dragons Cavalry, right? Go feed the dragon!"

   is really dozing off and someone gives pillows! Drunk Wind is worrying about not finding a way, so someone has pointed the way for himself!

Hearing this command, Zuifeng turned around and winked, then screamed in orc language, and led the crowd to the depths of the Welcome to read the latest and greatest. The fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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