Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 139: The aftermath of the war

   Deathwing’s embarrassing escape announced the official end of the Battle of Grim Batol. Admiral Daelin Proudmoore raised his head and set his arbor to look at the noon sun.

  The brilliant light made Dai Lin couldn't help but squint his eyes. The man at sea enjoyed the peace that seemed like a world away after a great battle.

Due to the large number of summoned sea elements, Dalin’s Tide Blade is now unusable-Neptune’s contract caused a steady stream of sea water to overflow from the blade, and Dalin simply left it in Grey The lower level of Mbato fortress.

   At this time, the place was filled with seawater, and the overflowing seawater formed a beautiful waterfall, pouring down from the gate of the fortress, and the splashing water formed a bright rainbow in the sun.

   Dai Lin felt that his hatred had flowed away along with the water along with the extermination of the Dragonmaw Orcs. At this time, Daelin, who had completed his revenge mission, finally began to consider the kingdom of Kul Tiras.

   There is no doubt that Dai Lin has gained a lot.

In addition to successful revenge, the admiral believes that the Kul Tiras ships that will travel through the endless sea from now on will be blessed by Neptune-there is no doubt that this tide hunter is one of the lord of the elements. One of the more reliable ones. According to his character, the favor this time must be returned. Dai Lin intends to have the opportunity to communicate with the lord of the water element at sea, so that the kingdom of Kul Tiras will prosper with the help of the sea. .

   Although the Dragonmaw Orcs were eliminated, there are many other Orcs in Azeroth.

   Thinking of the orcs, Dai Lin looked back at the guy named Logosh.

   It would be great if all the orcs were like him-Dai Lin shook his head with emotion. Although he had been rescued by Logosh, Dai Lin still didn't feel good about the orcs as a whole.

   Suddenly a thought came out of Dai Lin's head: "Can you let a reliable orc like Logosh be the ruler and place the orc under the supervision of the Alliance?"

   The cost of the orc shelter has been increasing year by year, and Dai Lin knew that it would not be long before that even the kingdom of Kul Tiras would need to bear part of the funds. This Terenas policy to consolidate the alliance’s status is overwhelming. Countless civilians live by transporting food and cleaning for the orc shelters. Once this policy is terminated, let alone what the orcs will do, they will lose their jobs. The civilians are all annoying enough for the Alliance!

   Thinking of this, Dai Lin showed a bright smile.

If the problem of the orcs is solved, and the orcs are controlled, and the blessing of Neptulon makes Kul Tiras more prosperous, maybe he can also dominate the alliance-no matter how bad he is, he must increase his own in the alliance. the sound of!

   Thinking of the current alliance, Dai Lin couldn't help but sighed.

   The alliance at this time is no longer the unity united in the orc war. The withdrawal of Gilneas and the high elves greatly injured the vitality of the entire alliance, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which had annexed the Alterac Kingdom, turned the entire alliance into Lordaeron's tyrannical power.

   Terenas is a good king, but his ambition is too big.

   Dai Lin can clearly feel that this king seems to want to become the next Thoradin.

   At this time, just as Dalin thought, Terenas is actively planning to annex Stromgarde.

   When facing the orcs, Lothar became the commander of the alliance because of his military talents and his noble blood.

  As the only bloodline of Emperor Thoradin, Lothar's position is very detached, which also made Terenas feel jealous for the first time.

As the leader of the alliance, Lordaeron is now in full force, Tirisfal Woodland (including the later Tirisfal Woodland and Western Plaguelands), and Darong Mill Woodland (later Eastern Plaguelands) , Silverpine Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills and parts of Arathi Highlands are now the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

   This makes more than half of the arable land of the entire Eastern Kingdom under Lordaeron's control!

   Terenas in this situation had to start eager for further development.

"It's a pity that this peaceful evolution can't be completed in a short time..." Terenas on the throne sighed, "Varian is getting bigger and bigger. He will always be an obstacle to my plan. I must take advantage of it. At least deal with Stromgarde now-this small country has completed its mission..."

Due to the intervention of Drunk Wind, Danas Trollbane did not expedition to Draenor, and the hussars of Stromgarde made great contributions, but the lack of heroes made the Alliance not value Stromgarde very much, which also gave Luo Dan Lun and Terenas have a chance.


   Zuifeng frowned when he looked at Dai Lin, who was taking Rogosh and riding the young dragon away in a hurry.

   "It seems that the alliance is not quiet, such a good training opportunity, but some people want to do things..."

   "You are forcing me to make up my mind..." Drunk Wind shook his head to go to join the dragons and hold a meeting to end the battle.

   The five-color dragon king gathered again after ten thousand years-the only change was that the black dragon king became the black dragon queen.

  Because of the strength of the Black Dragon Legion, Onyxia does not need any bi-monthly ceremony to become a queen. The other four dragon kings all recognized Onyxia's status.

   "Thank you for your help, mortal."

   The first person who spoke was the spouse of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, Kleostraz. He is really grateful to Drunk Wind for saving the Red Dragon Queen-of course, this gratitude does not rule out the reason for his jealousy of Tyrana Strisa The old red dragon imprisoned together...).

   Drunk wind grinned, showing a bright smile: "This is what should be done, who makes my wife a queen too~"

   Looking at Zuifeng and Onyxia, Kleostraz was very envious-the two were similar in strength, so that regardless of the dragon or the Pandaren tradition, they were destined to be monogamous.

   Of course, at least for now.

The content of the meeting is not much. It only confirmed the status of the Black Dragon Queen of Onyxia and expressed gratitude to Drunk Wind. In addition, the dragon recognized the status of the Darkspear Troll at this time and was willing to give Kalimdor , The dark spear troll who is not familiar with the place will definitely help.

Finally, after agreeing to a small proposal from Drunken Wind, the five dragon kings left with their men-even Onyxia had to return to Blackstone Mountain to deal with the Dark Iron Dwarves and Blackstone. The affairs of the orcs are now Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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