Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 140: Pandaren 1 way north

After the dragonflights had left, Zuifeng and Lao Chen found embarrassingly that they had forgotten to ask a young dragon to stay-now the two pandamen are looking at each other on the mountainside of the main peak of Grim Batol, no Know what to do next.

   "Old Chen, how heavy are you?"

"do not know……"

   Looking at the stomachs of himself and Lao Chen, Zuifeng felt that the landing cloak was useless.

   "Can you swim?"

   "This one does."

"That's good!"

  In the doubts of Old Chen, Drunk Wind kicked him behind him, kicked him into the waterfall, and then jumped in himself.

   Two pandamen flew down along the waterfall, and the water rushed on the golden bell made of infuriating energy, and there were waves of joy (dou) and joy (bi).

   After a lot of embarrassment, Zuifeng and Lao Chen finally got off the main peak of Grim Batol.

   Zuifeng looked at his drenched body, feeling very uncomfortable, while Old Chen was on the contrary, behaving very excited.

"Hey, Drunk! Don't you think this is very cool?" Old Chen threw the seawater off his body excitedly (yes, this waterfall is salty!), "I must write this experience in my diary !"

   "Write it as you like!" Drunk Feng shrugged helplessly, "I hope no one will learn from us. This is embarrassing."

"Well, if you can't get down at a high place, then look for water-waterfalls will be the best way for you to get down!" Lao Chen has already begun to imagine what he would be like when he talked about adventures in front of the lorewalkers, "Shun Shui And the next will make your journey much smoother, this is the wisdom of the current!"

   "Hey, Zuifeng, what do you think of this passage from me?"

   Seeing old Chen Xing rushing, Zuifeng didn't hesitate to start hitting him: "Sounds good, in my opinion, your level has already caught up with the hooves!"

"Is it just the level of hoots? I think what I said makes sense..." Old Chen couldn't help scratching his head. "The wisdom of hoots is not to throw away banana peels. I think I am much better than them. ."

   Zuifeng responded with a big roll of eyes.


Zuifeng understands that the current old Chen is not the later Chen Aotian. The old Chen who left the Wandering Island for the first time is more like a curious and competitive young man. Although his strength is quite good, his lack of experience makes a lot of At that time, Lao Chen looked more like a child and always had some unrealistic fantasies.

   At the beginning, Zuifeng thought he was just curious, but later under the bombardment of Old Chen's brain-depleted problem, Zuifeng finally realized that this was a typical inexperienced life.

For example, after the battle of Grim Batol was over, Old Chen expressed his belated sympathy for the Dragonmaw Orcs; and after Drunk Wind explained that it was the orcs themselves, Old Chen once again Expressed the confusion about the orc's decision; then Zuifeng could only explain the orc's desire for power, and Old Chen said that he couldn't understand it.

All in all, although Lao Chen loves adventure at this time, he still has pure panda thinking in his bones—he loves peace, doesn't want to disturb others, and he doesn't want to trouble others for his own desires, always turning people and things into the good side. miss you.

   "You will suffer a big loss like this!" Drunk Feng said helplessly, "This world is far more sinister than you think, bad guys are everywhere."

   "But, I didn't provoke them. What does their bad guys do to me?"

   "Then have you provoke the bunny monster? Haven't they been eating your food!"

   "..." Old Chen suddenly had nothing to say. He finally realized a problem that had been ignored by himself subconsciously. Not all intelligent creatures in this world are pandamen.

   Looking at Lao Chen, who had suddenly become lost, Zuifeng could only comfort him in reverse: "But as long as we are strong, those **** will not dare to provoke us-we must be beaten back!"

   After saying so, Old Chen could only clenched his fists and nodded: "That's right!"

Thinking of the chaotic Valley of Eternal Blossoms in future generations, Drunk Wind patted Old Chen on the shoulder: "I left Pandaria this time so that we won’t be bullied by those **** after the fog clears. Pandaren’s anger is not so good. Accept it!"


   Although there is no map (the map sold by the Goblin merchant in Booty Bay is completely inaccurate when it reaches the wetland), the two pandamen are still confident about their journey.

   Of course, the drunk wind is because he knows that as long as you go north or west, you are right, and Lao Chen is because in his opinion, as long as it is an adventure, it is almost the same everywhere.

   So the two Pandaren headed all the way to the northwest.

   The journey to the wetlands is really not smooth, unlike the time in the Swamp of Sorrows, this time there is no such thing as Livihan to provide all kinds of magical voodoo potions. This makes Zuifeng and Lao Chen have to work hard to deal with those **** poisonous insects.

   Another problem is that the two people are in a wilderness, and there is no path around them. The two people can only trek in knee-deep mud water. The pandamen's wide soles could not prevent their bodies from falling silent. Every step was very Drunk Wind had an idea and found several long branches tied under his feet.

   Relying on his agility and agility, Zuifeng successfully used this simple skateboard to solve the problem of muddy wetlands and greatly accelerate the speed of travel.

   Seeing that this method works, Lao Chen also tried it-it was not bad!

   After half a month of arduous trek, Zuifeng and Lao Chen finally came to the front of Sador Bridge.

   Although I have seen many sea-crossing bridges on the earth, Zuifeng was deeply shocked when he saw the Sador Bridge.

The stone bridge connects the wetlands and the Arathi Highlands. This bridge with a strong dwarf style is built on the small island protruding from the strait between Lordaeron and Khaz Modan. It is so large and indestructible, with a huge span. Make the bridge hole big enough to pass the largest warship in Kul Tiras.

   was drunk and very surprised, but Lao Chen was already talking from ear to ear.

   "Hey, wake up! Wipe your saliva!"

After being slapped on the back by the drunk wind, Old Chen woke up, but his eyes were still staring at the bridge, and he kept chanting: "It's so spectacular. Fortunately, I left the Wandering Island, otherwise I It is impossible to see such a majestic building in a lifetime!"

   Looking at Old Chen as if he had never seen the world, Drunk Feng shook his head helplessly: "Then if there is one thing you return to Pandaria and see the gate of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, I don't know how surprised you will be!"

   "Back to Pandaria?" Old Chen's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Let's go!" Zuifeng didn't want to say more, and took the lead on the Sador Bridge-ahead, Alterac Valley ~ ~ welcome book friends to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest The serialized works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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