Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 167: The second batch of victims

  On the second day after Alex and Evia left Ere'Thalas, a big event happened.

   The Ere'Thalas guard said that the 100 elves who lined up to absorb the aura that night were attacked by Sartre and all died. The captain of the guard on duty was killed on the spot by Prince Tosidlin in angrily because of his dereliction of duty.

   At the same time, the remains of the missing person last month have been found, and preliminary investigations revealed that it was also Sartre. All the dead in the two attacks were sucked up, which inferred that the Sartre might be preparing for a special ceremony.

   The calmed down prince self-reviewed and delivered a speech, expressing his hope that the people of the city would unite as one in the crisis of Erethalas. The polymath's plan to find a new source of ao energy is already in sight. At this difficult stage, Ere'Thalas had to think about the experiment and temporarily cut the supply of ao energy...

   The explosive news caused the entire Elthalas to panic.

  Especially Liya Jin, even fainted on the spot after receiving the news. When he woke up, he just chanted the name of his granddaughter.

Although the Syndras have lived in Erre'Thalas for a long, long time, they obviously haven't lived enough. In the protests of the people, the guards of Er'Thalas stepped up their inspections and gave them as much as possible. Della felt a little safe.

Prince Tosedrin was even more clueless to patrol the city of Erre'Thalas all night, hoping to encourage everyone to persevere-it is a pity that the people are used to the unlimited supply of power. Many are cold-hearted. Accustomed to free possession, no one will be willing to pay for it. These Syndra are accustomed to Torsedrin’s contribution. When the prince is no longer able to satisfy his people, he faces only endless indifferent.

   "What should I do?"

   Tosedlin was in an unprecedented level of confusion.

   "Do I really have to bow my head to those untouchables?"

  The desperate Tosedrin summoned the Council of Erre'Thalas again, and then proposed to seek help from the night elves.

   To the prince’s surprise, this time, the representatives of the council expressed their unwillingness to give up their status as the upper elf, and unwilling to go to those untouchables.

What's even more exaggerated is that many Syndra directly pointed out that it was Tosedrin's inaction that caused the entire Elthalas to fall into the current situation-some people even proposed to exile the Elonback protector who guarded the city. Put the druids and hunters to death, and completely draw a line with the night elf untouchables, in case Prince Tosidlin contact them.

   Seeing that the people who admired him so much in the past began to oppose him, Torsedlin left the meeting hall unconsciously.

   Why? What exactly is this for? !

   After thinking for a long time, Prince Tosedrin finally understood that the representatives of the Syndra Council of noble origin worshiped not themselves at all, but full power and aura!

  If you really seek the help of the night elves, maybe Erethalas can still be saved, but these nobles will inevitably lose their supernatural status. At the same time, it is impossible for the night elves to allow the Syndras to absorb the energy of the devil again!

   Tosidlin remembered the fear and indifference of the Sindra civilians when they looked at him, and his faces and words were intertwined in his mind, making his heart extremely painful.

   Suddenly, a new idea came out of his heart.

   "Maybe my people are not worth saving for me!"

   As soon as this idea appeared, he wanted to occupy Torsedlin's mind like the wild grass growing in the wasteland. He felt that this idea was the most correct one.

  ——Since you are not willing to forgive me, why should I forgive you!

   "Go, call Karedith for me!" After instructing his guard, Torsedlin returned to his room.

  Karendis was the mayor of a small town near Elthalas a long time ago. During the War of the Ancients, all the residents of the town he was in turned to Elthalas. Although he is no longer the mayor since then, he has always regarded himself as the mayor.

Torsedlin disliked him very much, thinking that he was unscrupulous and unscrupulous-when he brought the residents of his town to Errethalas, Torsedlin heard that he gave up on the road. All old and weak women and children

   Therefore, even though Kaledis was extremely loyal to Torsedrin in ten thousand years, he could never come to the center of power.

   But this time, Torsedrin gave him a chance.

  When he came to Torsedlin's room, Karedis was surprised to find that the sunny prince had become gloomy and deep, and his once clear eyes had become elusive.

   But in this weird atmosphere, Karidis felt like a fish in water.

   "This is what a ruler should be—this is what a city lord should be! Not like his soft-hearted father!"

  Torceidlin completely ignored the excitement of Karettis, he just proposed some tasks in a very calm voice.

   Any exposure of one of these tasks will cause an uproar in the entire city, but as the publisher of the task, Tosidlin looks indifferent.

   After finishing all the tasks in one go, Torsedlin finally looked at Karidis.

   "If you can't do it, I think you know the consequences."

   "No Karidis grinned, "I'm the omnipotent mayor. If I can't, I will die on the road. "

   "Not only you...but everything about you."

  Torceidlin's cold voice made Karidis shiver, and the former mayor suddenly regretted it.

   "I can only hope that these tasks can be successfully completed..."

   Shaking his head, Karettis quietly left Torsedrin's room-he did not see that Prince Torsedrin's eyes had turned green, emitting a dangerous light in the dark room.


   Another big event happened the next day.

   Members of the Council of Ere'Thalas were attacked at home during a meeting.

   Due to the recent insecurity, these council members brought most of their bodyguards to the meeting. As a result, the security at home was relatively weak.

   The smell of Syndra's blood permeated the entire noble district.

   In addition, it is said that the prince is about to start a sacrifice ritual, which will completely activate a city-wide search and security circle, completely clear out Sartre, and then convert the remaining energy into arcane energy to supply the whole city.

   Among the civilians, most people will be suspicious; and most of the arcanists began to connect in secret, and a secret meeting was held in Nosath’s house.

  If Prince Tosedrin really intends to sacrifice himself, these supporters don't mind grabbing the largest piece of the body of their former master-as for civilians, who cares?

In the calm, a storm is gradually taking shape and will soon sweep the entire Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.wuxiaspot. com~ mobile phone users please go to read.

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