Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 168: When conspiracy meets conspiracy

   Nothus has no time to take care of the Evia brothers and sisters. Now he can't wait to get more from Prince Tosedrin.

   So at the beginning of the meeting, he did not hesitate to stand up and said that Prince Tosedrin’s “great power” could not be wasted on civilians.

"I think everyone knows about the sacrifice ceremony. Once the sacrifice ceremony is started, all the prince’s power will be gathered into the supply network-this cannot be stopped, but I think we need to direct this energy to where it should go. The place."

"It now appears that our Prince Torsedlin is more like his father, Prince Tones." Nosath's mouth turned disdainfully, without any respect for Prince Tones. "Our Tons His Royal Highness used sacrifice rituals to build a circle that bound the devil, but what can our prince do."

   And this idea got the unanimous sneer of those present. In their view, it is extremely ridiculous to give to their people-those mud legs have lived long enough, and this is a gift from us.

   What these great arcanists care more about is the power of Prince Torsedrin.

   Prince Tosidlin, as the strongest in the entire Erethalas, has a large amount of arcane energy surging in his body. Once the sacrifice ceremony starts, this will be an extremely precious treasure. Tons’ sacrifice ceremony was supervised by Prince Tosedrin, but Prince Tosedrin has no children!

   After reaching a consensus, the great arcanists present began to discuss how to obtain this energy.

"Our great prince wants to initiate the sacrifice ceremony. There are only two ways." After mobilizing the enthusiasm of everyone present, Nothas cleared his throat and said, "First, use his own power to restrain the devil, so All the energy drawn from the devil can be supplied to the whole city."

   "The second way is to keep the devil's energy bound to the devil, and then bring his own energy into the supply. Our great prince, in order to arouse the fighting spirit of those mud legs, will inevitably choose this method."

   The great arcanists nodded one after another, with the prince’s temperament, it was really like this.

   "But is the prince's promise true?" The Great Arcanist Ania asked, "His Royal Highness is indeed very considerate of the civilians, but this self-sacrifice does not seem to be his style."

   "I was suspicious of this at first." Nosath frowned. "But I heard from the guard that the prince once summoned Irina Darkwood."

   "The hunter who doesn't know anything about the night elf untouchable druid?"

   "Yes, but it turned out that Irina left angrily-you know her temperament must have some difficult to bridge differences, otherwise it will not be so serious."

   After listening to Nothas's words, the great arcanists present had a bottom.

  Since the prince’s self-sacrifice is a foregone conclusion, why bother to jump out and be this villain — you know, it’s not easy to find an excuse to **** the Olympics from the civilians! Even if Nothas tried to persecute Evia, just to cut off a person's power supply, Nothas paid a great price.

   "Now, what everyone is worried about is the resistance of the mud legs. You and I know that we are just superficial now-no one's aura is sufficient, and my brain is always hungry."

   "So, I have a way to deal with those mud legs reasonably." As he said, Nothas grinned, "Of course, Aoneng I want the big head part."

   No matter how the prince ends his life, his aura must pass through the hands of everyone present. What is missing now is a clever excuse, at least the kind that guarantees that civilians will not cause trouble.

  The great arcanists are actually reluctant. To them, every piece of the magic is extremely precious, but fortunately they are still sane, and it is better to share less than the common people.

   Everyone looked at each other, and after a long time they could only nod their heads.

   Nothus had predicted the attitude of everyone, he calmly spoke again.

"Unfortunately, the whole of Ere'Thalas has been very uneven recently, not only in the civilian area, but even in the noble area yesterday. Although the guard said that it was Sartre, everyone here understands that Sartre's sharp blade Poison may be applied, but an arcane reaction must never occur—unfortunately, according to my tests after sneaking into the morgue yesterday, the wounds of every corpse showed an arcane reaction."

   "Everyone knows that the entire Feralas can use Arcane weapons, only us Syndra."

   "I think everyone in this room would not do such a thing, right?"

   As he said, Nothas looked around, and everyone he looked at shook their heads.

   "It's basically certain that the mud legs were dry-the last few real Sartre attacks, the mud legs died. Now they are psychologically unbalanced."

   "I think, in such a big event as the prince sacrifice ceremony, in order to prevent some people with ulterior motives, martial law is still needed in the city?"

   Hearing what Nothus great arcanists nodded.

   "I will contact the guards. I don't think they would like to make the truth of the matter public. That would make these guys look stupid-even though they are already stupid."

   The great arcanists sneered.

   Long-term dependence on the outside power, these Syndra have regarded this power that is not their own as a part of themselves, and the soldiers in the guard who do not use the power are stupid and lowly in their eyes.

  All the great arcanists agreed. At the sacrifice ceremony of Prince Torsedrin, they would persuade the prince to martial law throughout the city, and then announce the launch of an investigation plan after the ceremony.

  Since there is a murderer, the murderer must not be allowed to waste the aoneng, and the aoneng can only be supplied after everything is ascertained.

   When everything is found out, there will be excuses-the most important thing is that even if someone wants to do something, they will not be able to do it in the face of the great arcanists in good condition.

  The plan of the Great Arcanist seems to be very shrewd, but Kaledis's plan is more shrewd, and the only thing that cannot be "savvy" is the hungry and cold civilians in the whole city.

The dead will not have any intentions. These great arcanists, who have become weak due to lack of energy, are far more vulnerable than they seem now-as long as you knock this group of seemingly powerful guys in front of everyone Land, then no one would dare to resist.

   Karidis thought so, and did so.

The ancient city of Ere'Thalas, facing tremendous changes, conspiracy meets conspiracy Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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