Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 172: The constant reversal of the plot

? Karidis's sudden opening surprised the great arcanists, but then someone wanted to understand the problem, and his face instantly became as pale as Nothas.

"This is what you great Arcanists did? The group of people who absorbed the Ao Neng died last month, and this group died again. You said that it was civilians who started it, but which civilians can not touch the Olympics for a month. Can still use arcane weapons!"

"The murderer is you! It is you who continue to kill your compatriots for the common people’s share of the aura! His Royal Highness has long discovered something wrong, so he didn’t transfer his aura to you. I didn’t expect you to repent at this moment and attempt Swallow the energy that the prince dedicated with his life!"

At this time, the Sindra civilians also reacted. The civilians hadn't absorbed the Austrian energy for a month, so the wounds left by the Austrian weapons could only prove that the incident was not done by the civilians.

Since it is not a civilian, who else is there?

Looking at the angry eyes of the surrounding civilians, Nosath's complexion changed drastically.

"No, no, it's not me, I swear it wasn't me who did it! I admit that I had secretly absorbed the powers that the dead should absorb, but I did not do the killing!!!"

Unfortunately, no one believed him at this time.

When the lie is mixed in the truth, the difficulty of distinguishing is not a little bit more difficult. Although Nothas did not kill the poor people, it is true that he coveted Torsedrin’s power, and it was also that he took advantage of his position to absorb the book. It should be the aoneng belonging to the dead.

When Sindra's civilians were angry, 70% of the truth was enough to announce the death of some people.

You know, almost all Syndra are wizards, and now everyone has absorbed some of the magical powers of Prince Tosedrin, although not many, but it is still possible to make a fireball.

I don't know who took the lead, a fireball dragged the tail flame and flew towards Nosath.

This seemed to have become a signal, and the Sindra civilians who had reacted began to attack Nothus and other Great Arcanists.

"Do not!!!!"

Nosath's arcane barrier defended one or two, but when the number reached thirty or fifty, the barrier collapsed and Nosath was ignited by a raging flame.

At the same time, his colleagues were also taken care of by the fireball and burned to death on the central square one by one.

Seeing this, Prince Torsedrin and Karedis smiled at each other.

Kaledis had power burning in his eyes, and Torsedrin was relieved.

Just when the Sindra civilians thought they had killed the murderer and were cheering, Prince Tosidlin spoke again with difficulty.

"I am very distressed that something like this would happen in Ere'Thalas, but these great arcanists were once our compatriots. They also contributed their power to the **** of demons, but now they are deceived by greed. I hope that the remaining Syndra can unite and find our tomorrow."

Aoneng was pulled out of the body of Prince Tosidlin again.

Just as the Syndras watched sadly as Prince Tosedrin gradually weakened, the sudden change occurred!

Large shadows obscured the central square of Ere'Thalas. It was clearly noon, but Syndra who was present felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie"

In the shadows, a lot of Sartre suddenly appeared!

These satyrs took advantage of Syndra's unresponsiveness for a while, and launched fatal attacks one after another.

The knives were intertwined, and a large number of Syndra fell in a pool of blood for the first time. The members of the Errethalas Council who stood in the front were wiped out!

The remaining Syndras hurriedly formed a big circle back to back and began to resist.

Tosidlin, who was extremely weak, stared at the Dreadlord who had spread his wings and descended from the sky.

"Tichondrius, you are not keeping your word! You promised me that as long as we give up Ere'Thalas and let my people accept the evil energy, you will let us go!"

"Hahaha! My innocent and lovely prince, hasn't your pedantic father ever educated you, don't believe the words of a dreadlord?"

With that, Tichondrius waved his hand to summon a swarm of rotten bees.

"What's more, do you think I don't know your little abacus? You didn't find that old lady to ask for the life transformation potion. Your life cannot be turned into fel and sent to these Sindra. Don't think that your deliberately discovered behavior can be concealed. Pass me! If someone broke the agreement first, it's you!"

"So, Caredith is yours too?" Torsedlin spit out blood. "He told you all of my plans?"

"Yes." Karidis has become a Sartre at this time, "His Royal Highness, although you have been guarding me carefully, but unfortunately, the clues you left behind still can't escape the eyes of Master Tichondrius. "

"Shut up, you traitor!" Torsedlin gasped, "Why did you choose to betray your people?!"

"Clan member?" Karidis laughed and shook his head constantly, "I am just for myself. What is the difference between a clansman and a stranger besides myself? Your thoughts will make me lose eternal life, of course I don't want to I accompany you to be a hero, let alone, in your plan, I guess I won't die well, am I?"

Seeing that he was completely seen through, Tosidlin closed his eyes in silence.

"Torceidlin, I have to admit that you are very clever enough to figure out such a method to transfer the magic to pretend to be a sacrifice smacked his lips regretfully, "It's a pity, you are destined to be difficult. Success, there is no end to fighting the Burning Legion. "

Torsedrin lay weakly on the cold marble floor, squeezing the last bit of Ao Neng out of his body, and transmitted it to the remaining Syndra.

Tichondrius watched quietly as Tosedrin was struggling.

"Give up, I know you want to induce the evil energy in your body to explode, but it is impossible that you will fall into an eternal sleep, with your title of rebellious prince, history will not remember that you used your life to resist the legion, in the eyes of humble mortals Here, you are a running dog, a rebellious prince who has betrayed his own people, so why should you insist? Join us, the Burning Legion will level the world, you can join your people and become one of us ."

"Shut up I failed, but"

"But you didn't succeed either!"

A firm voice came from the south entrance of the central square of Ere'Thalas.

"Sindra hasn't failed yet, and you will be judged justly!" To be continued.

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