Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 173: Light of Ere'Thalas

? "That's Alex and Evia!"

"And Ebre!"

"Radoraz is here too!"


The Syndras who were already on the verge of despair suddenly refreshed - in the dazzling light, the Syndras who had gone out of the city to explore have all returned!

It was Alex Dawnwind that rushed to the front.

Although Alex looked like a dusty face and shaggy beard at this time, his mental state was extremely good. He summoned a horse composed of pure holy light, and was the first one to enter the Sartre!

On the rusty long sword in his right hand, the holy light was extremely bright. The Sartre who could not dodge was worn like a candied haw, and was worn into a large string.


The surging light burst out, and this large string of satyrs turned to ashes!

Alex's left hand even carried a shield made of pure holy light. Wherever he went, Sartre was shot and flew out, and several shadow arrows that attacked were directly reflected back!

Rushing into the center of the Sartre formation, Alex jumped off his horse.

"In the name of the Holy Light-Dedication!"

The war horse was turned into pure holy light energy and injected into the ground. In the holy light, the marble floor tiles became brilliant gold! The Sartre who had been exposed to this piece of holy light was purified and vanished in a blink of an eye!

The dense army of Sartre was instantly blooming!

Under the seal of justice, Alex was like a golden embankment, and the tide-like Sartre hit him, but he could not splash much.

After Alex stood up, nearly a hundred Syndra's Paladins followed. Their weapons are not sharp, but they are the best weapon against Sartre under the blessing of the Holy Light; their armor is not so good, but after being infused with the Holy Light, it naturally restrains Sartre's shadow energy.

With the help of the Dreadlord, the thousands of satyrs that Karidis worked hard to quietly transform could not stop this golden torrent.

Evia and many other holy and specialized Paladins watched their comrades quietly not far behind, and with the assistance of the beacon of the Holy Light, they continued to heal these comrades who charged ahead.

"Damn it, what the **** is going on!"

Kaledis stood there, not dare to step forward to face these angry Paladins.

"What to do, what to do... By the way!"

Karidis began to ask Tichondrius for help, but turned his head to find that the Dreadlord had flapped his wings nervously and rose into the air, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the southern square.

Following Tichondrius' gaze, Karedes saw a strange creature.

"Naru..." The Dreadlord's voice was no longer mad, "Damn light creatures, how come there are you everywhere!"

"Yes, it's us!" The drunken body also appeared in the square; "Because Azeroth is our home!"

"Pandaman... you are the one called Drunk Wind, right?" Tichondrius' voice was hoarse and low, "Don't be too proud, Lord Kil'jaeden has paid attention to you-you are destined to be burned by the Burning Legion Crush it!"

"Crushing?" Drunk Feng's hands on his chest tried to pretend to be scared, but how funny he looks with his fat body, "I'm so scared, then you ask him to hit me!"

Many people couldn't help but laugh, and the depressive atmosphere created by the Dreadlord was finally swept away.

"The advantage of tongue!"

Tichondrius snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Zuifeng and Mulu also stood silently in place.

When the two sides confronted each other, the Sindra paladin had joined the Sindra civilians trapped in the satyr.

Among the crowd, Alex raised his long sword high.

"Sindra! Our city is suffering from this disaster today, and our people are facing the same difficult choices as thousands of years ago."

"Last time we chose to escape, absorbed the energy of the devil in Erethalas, and continued our lives."

"But is it useful to escape? We can only make peace for a while. The demons have been watching our world. As long as we are still in Azeroth, we will always face the threat of demons!"

"The demons are cunning and treacherous, just like today's incident shows-they always hope to lure us into becoming one of them!"

"Ten thousand years ago, we made a big mistake. We didn't realize the essence of the devil, and we trapped Imottar and lived by using the energy of the devil. But what was the result of this?"

"Although our prince wanted to protect us, he had to compromise with the devil, and was even helplessly fooled by the devil!"

"Sindra's destiny must be in our own hands, and Syndra's home is to be guarded by our own!"

As he said, Alex inserted the long sword into the gap of the marble floor tiles, and the surging light spread.

"Fortunately, I met the Holy Light. When my addiction was attacking, Naaru used his warm Holy Light to inspire me. Under his guidance, I finally understood my path and I was determined to become a Paladin. , I am willing to guard my people with the Holy Light!"

"And what about you? Are you willing to take up arms and fight to the death for our city and our homeland?"

"Your choice is to tremble in the shadow and fear of the devil, or to take up your weapon and charge forward in the holy light?"

After a brief silence, the civilians of Syndra quickly exploded with immense enthusiasm.

"War war war!"

"Fight the devil to the end!"

"Sindra will not succumb!"

The infectious power of the Holy Light was fully revealed at this Although the civilians could not use the Holy Light yet, they all decisively accepted the blessings given by the Paladins.

The haze in the sky was swept away, and at this moment, the ancient city of Ere'Thalas glowed with new vitality.

The Syndras united under the holy light bravely started a frontal battle under the leadership of the Paladin.

But Sartre, without the support of the dreadlord, has fallen into disarray, and has been defeated.


The historian referred to this incident as the Light of Ere'Thalas. Since then, Syndra combined his profound knowledge with the Holy Light, and with the help of the draenei, developed a new Holy Light. Occupation.

On this day, there were four more heroes in the bard's mouth. "Sword of Dawn" Alex, "Rose of Dawn" Evia, "Resplendent Light" Ebre, and "Holy Storm" Ladoraz are four of them, known as Saint Syndra of the Four Horsemen The knight appeared in everyone's vision for the first time. (To be continued.)

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