Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 174: Imotar out of control

When Syndra's Paladin charged towards Kaledis, Tichondrius gave up his lackey without hesitation, opened his wings and flew towards the west of the city.

"Quickly stop him, he wants to release Imottar!"

After Prince Torsedlin yelled, he finally couldn't hold on-he had overdrawn his life, and now the lamp was exhausted.

But at this time no one had time to pay attention to the poor prince. Drunk Wind hurriedly took Onyxia, Ruhr, and Maraad to find the place where the demons were bound, these paladins of Satshindra It can be handled.

This is not such a small copy in the game. When Drunken Wind and others found Imottal, the Void Terror had been released.

Ten thousand years of imprisonment and extraction is an indescribable shame and pain for Imottal. All it wants now is to tear the mortal before him to pieces!


Imottal's two heads raised up to the sky and roared at the same time, and the arcane energy escaping in the surrounding space was swallowed by it. The arcane energy collapsed and even caused a small spatial vortex!

"Oh, my little boy, I really feel sorry for you. I have been trapped here for so long by this group of rude elves." Tichondrius continued to fan the flames beside him, "How about it, do you need a little strength to crush this group completely? Bastard?"

Following the dreadlord's broken thoughts, Imottal had grown up more than doubled with naked eyes, and he was obviously violent.

After strengthening Imottal, Tichondrius bowed deeply.

"Drunk, come and see if this little cutie can get into your eyes-I hope we will see you next time, if you are still alive."

Facing the spear thrown by the troll headhunter, Tichondrius laughed loudly, then turned into a sky full of bats, flapped his wings and left Ere'Thalas.

Although he was prepared for the dreadlord's cunning, Drunk Feng had to admit that he was very angry: "This group of **** are really professional!"

But now is not the time to be angry, Imottal has adapted to the reinforcement from the Dreadlord, and at this time its two heads are ready to attack.

Imottal's left head opened his mouth wide, and an arcane ray shot directly at Drunk Wind. At the same time, its right head was with one eye open, staring at the movements of Drunk Wind.

Drunk Wind, who had been prepared for a long time, dodges the attack on the spot, and Onyxia started counterattack tacitly.

Onyxia turned back into a dragon, and opened her mouth to spout large flames. These flames were directly constrained into a straight "line of fire", spreading towards Imottar.

Seeing the flames, the one eye of Imottal's right head flashed with excitement. The big mouth on the right opened and directly sucked in these flames. The blazing flame did not cause any trouble to it, but made it burp comfortably.


It seemed that the smell of these flames was quite good, and Imottal's right head stared at Onyxia and began to drool.

"Don't use pure elemental magic! The Void Terror is also a hellhound, he can swallow the elements!"

Even if Drunk Wind didn't remind her, Onyxia also discovered the problem, and she relaunched her attack. This time it was no longer pure fire elemental rays, but flowing lava.

Unlike the Hellhound killed by the drunk wind in the Dark Temple, Imottal’s IQ is obviously much higher. It is not eager to swallow the lava, but first leaned against the left head to launch a decomposition beam to turn the lava It is transformed into a pure fire element, and then swallowed with the mouth on the right head.

Seeing that the effect of elemental magic was not good, Ruhr directly used the power of the holy light to summon two huge hammers composed of pure holy light, and smashed them into Imottal's head.

"The hammer of sanctions!"

But I never expected that Imottal would not refuse to come, and even dare to swallow the Holy Light!

And it seems that the devouring of the Holy Light has no adverse effects!

It seems impossible to solve this guy easily! Drunk Wind simply rushed towards Imottal in the sky.

"Troll headhunter, cover me!"

Facing the densely packed sharp spears, Imottal could only choose to burst out an arcane circle to stop them. Taking this opportunity, Drunk Wind has come to Imottal's side.

Since it is not clear whether his elemental clone will be swallowed by Imottal, Zuifeng simply chose to hold the language of the mist and fight with this Void Terror, who is nearly ten meters high!

"The rising sun!"

Zuifeng filled his feet with zhenqi and jumped into the air. Immediately afterwards, as if an invisible step appeared in the air, Drunk Wind stepped forward directly and "walked" to Imottal's left face.

Imottal's left head tried to open his mouth wide to bite Drunk Wind, but he did not expect that Drunk Wind twisted and twisted, but completely escaped Imottal's attack.

When Imottal's bite failed again, Drunken Wind's right foot stretched out and kicked directly to the chin of Imottal's left head!

Seeing this foot seems to be unable to escape, Imottal sprayed a lot of saliva from his left head to force the drunk wind away. These light green liquids are obviously very corrosive, and they will hiss in the air ring.

"Spelling Magic!"

"The body is not bad!"

Drunk Wind didn't have the time to play with this "big dog" slowly, he directly opened the infuriating shield, and chose to take the drool.

The infuriating shield made a harsh crackling sound, but it was not completely penetrated in the end.

Drunk Feng's right foot finally hit the chin of Imottal's left head fiercely.


With a muffled sound, the big mouth on the left could only be closed.

Imottal's right head was obviously not very powerful, and he could only bite the air in vain.

The first hit was successful, and the next kick came immediately.

"Disillusionment kick!"

Drunk Wind’s left foot kicked horizontally in the The infuriated foot kicked directly at the corner of the mouth of Imottal’s left head. The huge energy not only knocked Imottal’s left head Kicked to the right, staggering with its huge body.

Then the third foot, the fourth foot...

When the other people came around, Imottal's left head had already suffered more than a dozen feet. The one eye on this head could no longer be opened. Although his mouth was still open, it was because his jaw had been dislocated!

"Last one!"

Zuifeng raised the words of the mist in his hand above his head, and poured the true energy of his body into the weapon.

The Mist Language filled with infuriating energy carried huge kinetic energy, plus the weight of Drunk Wind, and slammed onto Imottal's left head.

After landing, the drunk wind rolled on the ground, then opened his arms and hugged Onyxia - Imottal had no attack power, those troll headhunters could easily deal with this big guy.

It is a pity that Onyxia twisted aside relentlessly: "Stay away from me, drooling all over, disgusting!" (To be continued.)

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