Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 178: Big guys gather in Thunder Bluff

? In the summer of nine years in the Dark Portal, the tauren on Thunder Bluff welcomed a large number of visitors.

The little calves curiously pulled the older shaman and asked, who was the one with long ears, who was the one without legs, who was the tooth with so long, and who was the blue-skin...

Unfortunately, their shamans are already dumbfounded.

The four masters of the five-color dragonflight, Ysera, Alexstrasza, Malygos and Nozdormu, arrived with the dragon guards.

Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and Moon Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind arrived with the sentry and the druids of the Cenarius Council.

Senjin, the leader of the Darkspear Troll, also arrived with two guards, Vol'jin and Zara Zane, who had just passed the Shadow Hunter trial. They arrived together, as well as Nasara and her Slitherblade Guard.

Finally, Drunken Wind, Onyxia, Vinucci and Alex also took the black drake and returned to Thunder Bluff.

In addition to the tauren chief Kane Bloodhoof, a total of twelve races gathered in Thunder Bluff (five dragons, trolls, naga, pandamen, tauren) , Draenei, blood elves, night elves).

Unlike the hypocritical greetings of the king before the alliance meeting and the tribal clan assembly who came to discuss singles, these bigwigs only greeted each other and no longer contacted each other, especially the dragon, they were extremely cold.

The initiator and host of the meeting is Zuifeng.

For three whole years, Drunk Wind tried his best to make each race owe him a huge favor-fighting the centaur in the Desolate Land, facing Kil'jaeden in Draenor, and destroyed in the Temple of Alehaka The blood **** Hakkar, defeated Deathwing in Grim Batol, and rescued the blood elves in Elthalas.

Of course, what Zuifeng has done now seems to be very successful.

The tauren returns to Mulgore, the Black Dragon Legion is lost, the Red Dragon Queen is rescued, Draenei stays in Feralas, and the Darkspear troll finds a new home, and Erethalas is reborn.

Want to unite everyone, Zuifeng does not rely on his own mouth to escape, but actual actions. It is precisely because of Zuifeng's remarkable achievements that he can become the moderator in this powerful meeting.


The Elder Heights was cleared, and everyone except the leaders of each race was not allowed to approach here.

After being placed by the Dreadlord twice in a row, Drunk Wind even asked the Blue Dragon King Malygos to lay down the barrier himself to prevent eavesdropping in all senses.

The meeting was held in the evening.

The drunk wind as the host is straight to the point.

"This time I invite you to Thunder Bluff. I have only one purpose, to discuss how to deal with the demons of the Burning Legion!"

Although most of the people present had already guessed the idea of ​​Drunk Wind, when they really started to discuss how to face the devil, the leaders of these various forces could not help but frowned.

No way, the Burning Legion is really terrible.

Especially for the night elves and dragons who have personally experienced the ancient wars, those endless demons and the incomparable Sargeras have become the source of fear in the depths of the soul.

"Some things need to be explained." Drunk Wind didn't care about the faces of the Dragon Kings who had become bad. "If nothing else, the Burning Legion might try to invade our world again soon."

"How do you know?" Malygos, the blue dragon king who turned into a high elf, raised his long, blue eyebrows. "Although I am often interested in your unexplored prophet, it is a pity that Nozdormu doesn't have anything. Say--but this is limited to what happened in Azeroth. Even Nozdormu dare not predict the choice of the Burning Legion. Why are you so sure?"

After Malygos regained his consciousness, his temper became a lot worse. Although he was very reliable when doing business, he did not speak with a good tone.

Zuifeng didn't care too much, he smiled back at the Blue Dragon King who had lost his friends.

"Two aspects. First, the prophecies of Shaohao and Jinyu, the last emperor of our Pandaren-the war of the ancients was predicted by them ten thousand years ago, and they also predicted ten thousand years after the war of the ancients , The Burning Legion will come again."

Well, this prophecy does not indicate that it is the Burning Legion.

But in the crowd, only Zuifeng knew what Shaohao had specifically said. In order to increase credibility, Zuifeng simply added a little bit of his own understanding to the prediction.

Listening to Zuifeng's words, these leaders nodded one after another. The accuracy of the Pandaren’s predictions needless to say-this once helped them escape a disaster.

"Second, everyone should have heard about the orc war. The driving force behind this incident is the Burning Legion. In Draenor, the orcs were bewitched by Kil'jaeden before embarking on the road of war. That's why The reason why we face Kil'jaeden in Draenor."

Speaking of Kil'jaeden, Vinucci nodded: "Yes, this time the orc war is indeed the work of the Burning Legion."

"The point is that this orc invasion is not accidental, nor is it a temporary intent of the Burning Legion." Drunk Feng frowned and continued, "Medievan opened the Dark Portal, but it was because he was controlled by Sargeras and Sa Grass controlled Medivh through Medivh's mother, Aegwynn, the previous guardian of Tirisfal."

"We should have all heard that Aegwynn once fought Sargeras and defeated Sargeras' body was suppressed in the Broken Isles-but that was only a trivial part of Sargeras The clone, and the soul in that clone was attached to Aegwynn after the battle, and after Medivh was born, he controlled the last guardian."

"I have talked so much, just to show that the plans of the Burning Legion are never simple and rude. As long as you observe carefully, their actions can be followed. Recently, the Dreadlord has revealed the traces. Combined with the prophecy, I can guarantee that Burning The Legion’s second invasion is not far away."

The venue was quiet.

All the leaders watched Drunk Wind quietly. Everyone had guessed Drunk Wind’s intentions through music. The endless Burning Legion could not be faced by a certain race alone.

As Drunk Wind said, it seems that the invasion of the Burning Legion is already a certainty, so the purpose of this meeting of Drunk Wind is to hope that everyone will unite and fight the Burning Legion?

However, Zuifeng's next sentence made everyone's mood even heavier.

"Azeroth is not only facing the Burning Legion, but also our internal crisis-the ancient god." (To be continued.)

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