Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 179: The third party appears

? "In my hometown Pandaria, there are a group of creatures worshiping the ancient **** Y'Shaarj-the mantid. They are a reincarnation every 100 years, attacking our city wall, the dragon's spine, and our Shado-Pan guards It is necessary to protect our homeland."

"Although I know that the ancestors of the trolls fought the Aqir, and the bronze dragon and night elves also fought the Qiraji in the battle of the quicksand, I don't think you can understand the horror of the ancient gods."

Although looking at Nozdormu and Malfurion with unnatural expressions, Drunk Wind didn't choose to give a face, but instead exposed the truth without hesitation.

"Although the Scepter of Quicksand is broken, it will definitely be recast; although the Wall of Beetles is sealed, it will inevitably be broken, because last time, we did not win."

Indeed, the coalition that fought against the night elves and the bronze dragon did not win—on the contrary, they suffered heavy losses.

Even the son of night elf commander Fandral Staghelm died in the battle.

"Then do you know that all the Titans have fallen?"

The language is not amazing and endless!

Except for Onyxia and Vinucci, who had known the news a long time ago, everyone else was shocked!

Especially Ysera, Alexstrasza, Malygos and Nozdormu, these four dragon kings passed through the Titans (although indirectly through the hands of the Guardian), the power of the Titans is their I have a deep understanding, but never expected that such a powerful existence would fall like this? !

"The news comes from Leiden, the guardian of the storm, so there is no need to question the authenticity. What we need to think about is how to do it."

Recovering from the initial shock, the performance of the four dragon kings is also different.

Blue Dragon King Malygos was the most panicked. He had always believed in the power of magic, but when he learned of the fall of the magical Titan Nogannon, Malygos became at a loss.

The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and the Green Dragon Queen Ysera are more sad. They are very close to Iona, and Iona’s death is more like losing their mother to them.

The bronze dragon king Nozdormu behaved very strangely. After the initial surprise, he was even a little relieved, as if he was relieved!

For mortal leaders, these ancient secrets seem to be a bit old, and they don't even know what the ancient gods mean.

Especially the confused faces of Kane Bloodhoof and Vinucci, they have never touched the ancient gods, although they can probably know what the ancient gods are from the expressions of other leaders. But it is only probably known.

Drunk Wind twitched his mouth in a little embarrassment, and could only tell a little more about what kind of guy the ancient **** was.

"There are currently known four ancient gods, Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron, C'Thun and N'Zoth. Maybe you don’t know their names, but I can say this-the weakest grace Zos, corrupted Deathwing."

"Although the strongest Y'Shaarj is dead, the breath he left behind is something we Pandaren need to fight all the time."

A simple and clear introduction made Kane and Vinucci instantly understand the seriousness of the problem. The name of Deathwing is loud enough, and in contrast, you can see how powerful the ancient gods are!

The meeting was deadlocked.

When Drunk Wind explained the difficulties faced by Azeroth one by one, everyone present finally understood why Drunk Wind had been trying to unite every force, and the enemy was too powerful.

With the Burning Legion outside and the ancient gods inside, Azeroth was facing such internal and external troubles at this time!

"Fortunately, the ancient gods have been stamped by the Titans. We only need to cut off their outstretched claws." Seeing everyone worried, Drunk Wind is still embarrassed to say that the ancient gods have been corrupted. Without the guardian, it's good to know this kind of thing in your own mind, but don't say it to fight everyone.

"Facts have proved that it is difficult for a simple family or a person to fight evil. Even if it is as strong as Aegwynn, it will eventually become a stepping stone to the conspiracy of the Burning Legion." Facing the contemplative crowd, Drunk Wind spoke again, "So I hope you are here. Everyone, all races are united together and use our strength to defend our homeland and Azeroth!"

"Those of you who have followed orc wars should have discovered that when humans are facing a huge disaster, they united together and burst out with powerful energy. Now as long as we can unite, I believe no matter how difficult it is Fell us!"

"I propose that all the races present here together form an organization. Internally, we try to clear up misunderstandings and avoid internal friction; externally, we help each other and jointly defend Azeroth!"

Faced with Drunk Wind's proposal, Onyxia was the first to stand up and express the support of the Black Dragon Legion.

Then Nozdormu stood up second.

Kane, Nasara, Sen'jin, Vinucci, Alex, and Malfurion also agreed.

Ysera and Alexstrasza looked at each other with a smile and nodded in agreement.

In the end, even though Malygos was a little reluctant to let go of the guardian dragon, he nodded and expressed his willingness to join.

Passed unanimously!

Drunk wind took a breath. Although I guessed the establishment of the organization is feasible, only when the real dust settles, the heart hanging in my throat can be put down.

After the resolution was passed, the meeting became a lot enthusiastic-everyone began to try to name the organization.

"How about the Guardian League?" This is Alexstrasza's opinion, "The alliance of the Dragon Guardian and the Mortal Guardian."

The other ten people shook their heads together.

"Call it the Ring of Azeroth. This reflects our attitude and goals, and it also makes the organization's image more appropriate..."

Malygos’s opinion is completely Demon Avengers, we avenge the devil! "This is Alex's idea.

Kane Bloodhoof shook his head, joking, the demons are about to avenge Huen Gaoling—the tauren has never suffered from the devil.

"Spirit of Azeroth." Senjin also propped up his teeth, "Respect the creatures of Azeroth."

The troll's proposal has attracted endless slander: You 80% of you eat the creatures to show respect, right?


The organization was established very quickly, but it took a long time for the name to be chosen. It was not until late at night that the "swearer" proposed by Zuifeng barely passed.

Interestingly, the oath is only a short name, and the full name is "the one who swears to protect Azeroth and promises to help each other." Although it sounds wordy, at least it clarifies the organization's goals.

Following the Alliance and Horde, a new power "Oath" was born in Azeroth. (To be continued.)

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