Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 189: Offensive and defensive battles under the huge wall

? In this battle, Gene Greymane is more than anxious.

In fact, Terenas in the front line warlord was also very anxious.

No way, who knows when Drunk Wind will wake up-Terenas was about to give up the idea of ​​annexing Gilneas, but Orness's actions directly pushed Lordaeron on the road of war.

So the king decided to take a gamble.

No gamble. According to Terenas's idea, Arthas joined the Silver Hand to master this powerful force. Unexpectedly, he had more contact with the Paladin, and Arthas became a true Paladin.

Very embarrassing!

Terenas can already foresee that if he dies, Lordaeron will unite the nations in no time.

Thinking of the Silver Hand, Terenas frowned.

As a king, he naturally hates this kind of borderless organization. It is true that these paladins made great achievements in the orc war and made outstanding contributions to defeat the orcs, but now the war is over!

In peacetime, how can a large and tight military organization reassure the king-although Terenas believes in Uther's character, not all Paladins are called Uther.

This is also another reason why Terenas let Arthas join the Silver Hand. Only the power in his own hand is the power of justice.


Siege Craftsman Black Soup is probably the happiest one in this battle.

In order to hire black rope, Terenas spent a lot of gold-basically all the money pitted from the orc shelter went into the arms dealer's pocket.

Of course, the money now seems to be worth the money.

Speaking of it, Hessel and Gazlowe can still be regarded as the same teachers. Both are apprentices of the famous goblin tinker Tinker. They learn the knowledge of goblin machinery and automation, but because of different pursuits, the brothers In the end, a different path was chosen.

Gazlowe advocates order, in his view goblin engineering is to create more wealth. Therefore, most of Gazlowe's inventions were related to construction and production, and he himself became a master architect.

Black cable is a violent, and his idea of ​​making money is to make war fortune. As a result, this militant invented many crazy war machines and explosives that could rewrite the history of war, such as the famous steel star.

The offensive and defensive battle of the Greymane Wall was actually a battle between the pair of goblin brothers, and in its current form, Blackfuse’s siege machinery had the upper hand.

Although Gazlowe considered the siege machine when building the Greymane Wall, with the help of the Tauren Shaman, the entire city wall was solidified by the earth, and the effect was surprising when faced with explosives. it is good.

But in a war, the attacking side always has the advantage.

No matter how strong the entire Greymane Wall is, it still has weaknesses.

This weak point is the Gilneas River.

This river that flows from Lordamere Lake, passes through the Silver Pine Forest and Gilneas, and finally merges westward into the endless sea was originally the source of life for the entire Gilneas. Large and small cities and towns are distributed on both banks of the river. The small area in Haikou where there is no bite reef is the only source of sea supply for Gilneas.

But now, the Gilneas River has become a breach of the black line threatening Greymane's wall.

When the city wall was built, Gazlowe deliberately prepared a thick water gate where the Gilneas River crossed. These gates ensure that no one can enter Gilneas through the water-not even the shortest dwarf.

And with the support of the Gilneas wizard, a large magic circle was drawn inside the city wall near Watergate. If attacked from the outside, Watergate's anti-strike energy is even higher than most city walls.

But the water gate is not a sluice gate. The water gate is a dense railing with anti-corrosion treatment. Although people can't get in, small explosives are fine!

Hesuo discovered this problem. He created a large number of water spiders. These little guys with explosives entered the Greymane Wall with the current. On the one hand, they wounded a large number of innocent people who were taking water. Destroy the water gate.

Gene wanted to fill in the water gate directly-anyway, Gilneas was rainy, and without the source, the Gilneas River would not dry up completely for a while. But Blackfuck didn't give a chance at all. The goblin cannon was erected directly on the bank of the river outside the Greymane Wall. As soon as it was discovered that someone was about to fill the river, it was an indiscriminate bombardment.

Gilneas has a small population and cannot withstand such consumption. In desperation, Gene can only temporarily give up Watergate. After all, it will take some time to completely destroy there.

As the flares lifted off, the night attack on the black rope began.

A large number of goblin mercenaries swarmed up, inspired by the gold coins.

They sometimes rang and sometimes blasted their muskets to a place about fifty meters below the Greymane Wall, firing randomly.

Gilneas soldiers had gradually become familiar with the goblin's siege methods, and did not stick out their heads to fight back for the first time, but calmly waited for the next wave of attacks.

Sure enough, after temporarily suppressing the firepower on the Greymane Wall, the goblin began to erect the siege ladder.

The siege ladders of the Black Cable Company are not the popular low-end goods of the cloud ladders. Their siege ladders are siege machinery integrated with the siege vehicle, which can not only carry people on the city The key is that there is a mechanical hook at the top, which can hardly be pushed down once it is set up; there is a robot channel inside the siege ladder, and a large number of miniature self-detonating robots will continue to follow the siege ladder to the wall.

If it weren't for the high cost of this siege machine, there were only five available, maybe Lordaeron soldiers had already occupied the Greymane Wall!

But Gene can't guarantee that after seeing how powerful the siege machinery is, Terenas will invest more money to buy a few more.

Seeing the mechanical hook grabbing the city wall, Gene raised the sword in his hand and began to shout loudly.

"Soldiers of Gilneas! Lordaeron's running dog, green skin, once again set up their **** siege machine! Now, everyone is with me to solve the iron lump-you can't let the greedy Luo Danlun people enter our homeland!"

At the same time, Arthas also started the charge with a few paladins who were absolutely loyal to Lordaeron. In the roar of the machinery, they stepped on the siege ladder and boarded the Greymane Wall.

In the rain in Gilneas, a hand-to-hand battle began again. (To be continued.)

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