Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 190: 2 princes fighting

? When Arthas boarded the Greymane Wall, it was not King Genn who faced him, but Genn's son, Liam Greymane.

The prince of the same age as Alsace did not wear heavy armor, but a short leather armor that was conducive to action. The black leather armor cleverly blended his figure with the night, and Arthas had to use the Holy Light. Only by attaching it to your own warhammer can you see your opponent clearly.

"Liam, get out of the way-you are not my opponent!" Arthas didn't want to fight the Gilneas prince in front of him.

If Genn is an arrogant, indifferent and stubborn isolationist bastard, then his son Liam is Gilneas' true hope-the prince has always opposed Gilneas isolation.

In fact, many of Terenas' actions were hidden from Arthas, and the Prince of Lordaeron had been educated by the paladin, so he knew nothing about politics.

The death of his comrade-in-arms made Alsace extremely emotional. His main purpose in participating in the siege was to catch the damned lord and hang him.

And Liam may not have the strength of Alsace, but the prince knows everything about politics. He almost discovered Terenas' tricks with Gene-so when Liam saw Lordaeron dispatching troops the first time, he gave up the idea of ​​peace talks and turned to fight.

"Alsace! You have to understand that things are not what you think. The two Paladins committed suicide..."

"Shut up!" Liam's explanation clearly angered Arthas. "The Paladin committed suicide to slander you? You look down on the Paladin too! The Holy Light won't favor suicide to slander someone else-no I think that even you have learned sophistry!"

Liam had a big headache, and Alsace, who had a hard-working mind, was unreasonable. In desperation, he could only drew out the short knife and the musket that was attached to his waist.

"Alsace, you don't understand politics, all you don't understand is just your father's excuse-I don't want to explain anything. The best communication between us is to fight!"

"Just to my liking!"

Arthas raised the warhammer in his hand and slammed it heavily on the ground.


A large swath of light spread, although it did not cause much damage, but it also prevented Liam from sneaking or disguising.

Liam was prepared.

Alsace’s talent has long been famous among the nations of mankind. It belongs to the kind of "children of other people". Last year, he became a real Paladin after baptism. If he really fought head-on, maybe Leah Mu is not an opponent at all, but this is Gilneas, Gilneas in the rainy night.

The biggest mistake of the black rope is to choose the night attack. Gilneas have long been accustomed to fighting in the dark environment. The best hunters here are trained in the black forest of southern Gilneas, where the sky is covered. The tall trees that shade the sun make Gilneas far more powerful in the dark than any other country.

As a king's son, Liam, who has been carefully trained by King Jean, fought like a fish in this dark rainy night.

Liam quickly avoided the scope of offering, then raised his hand at Arthas with a shot.

In order to cope with frequent rains, Gilneas' muskets are waterproof. Even in such heavy rain, the first shot was successfully fired.

Propelled by the gunpowder, the bullet hit Alsace directly, but the blessed armor easily resisted this attack. The bullet rippled on the holy light shield beside Arthas, and then lost its strength. It fell directly to the ground.

In the shadows, Liam grinned-this is also impossible. Facing the Paladin, the Dwarf Mountaineer's long-barreled shotgun is not very useful, not to mention the little guy in Liam's hands. .

Shaking his head, Liam put the musket back to his waist, and then drew a short sword with his left hand.

Liam is not a tall paladin, but he is a stalker who is proficient in combat skills. He believes that although some of the hunter skills he has learned can't help Alsace, there are still opportunities for melee combat!

As long as Arthas was attacked, he tried to cast the Sacred Hammer in the direction where the bullet came, but Liam had already hidden elsewhere.

When he was on guard, Alsace suddenly felt a wind blowing in the back of his head.

Before he could escape, the hilt of Liam's short knife hit the back of Arthas' head.

Under the protection of the Holy Light, Arthas didn't suffer any substantial damage, but he was not able to get rid of his dizziness for a while.

Seizing the opportunity of this short moment, Liam held back his knives behind Alsace and cut his throat directly.

It's a pity that the short knife cut not the throat, but the handle of the warhammer in Arthas's hand.

Faced with this kind of control skill, the trained Arthas immediately protected the vital points that his armor could not protect, and Liam's attack was blocked.

With a miss, Liam, who was about to stop, was embarrassed to find that Alsace's elbow was about to hit his chest.

Liam felt that once the protrusion of Alsace's elbow joint, which was covered in heavy armor, touched his body, he would inevitably receive a serious injury. Although the leather armor was light, the protection ability was insufficient.

Between the sparks and flints, Liam abandoned the short knife in his left hand, turned and restrained the elbow with his right leg as the pillar, and the short knife in his right hand cut directly to Alsace's front door.

Arthas shifted his center of gravity and leaned directly on Liam-since you are fast, I will fight against you!

Liam finally realized that in the face of a Paladin in heavy armor like Arthas, the result of a real close hand-to-hand fight is a rat gnawing a turtle, and there is no way to start. The destructive moves of the thieves can’t be used at all—Kidney Strike has armor, Eviscerate has armor, Backstab has armor...

Intimidation can't In desperation, Liam can only activate the cloak of shadow and disappear into the shadow.

Arthas couldn't track it either, so he could only stay in place and be on guard.

When the two were in a stalemate, a black cable flare rose into the sky, just exploding not far above Arthas's head, and Liam sneaked through!

At this moment, Arthas felt for the first time that those green skins were still useful.

And Liam was already cursing in his heart.

But before he complained, a huge hammer made of holy light had appeared on Liam's head.

"The Hammer of Judgment!"

Liam could no longer use the Cloak of Shadow for a short time, so he couldn't dodge and was directly set in place!

Arthas seized the opportunity and strode forward with the warhammer high-in a critical situation! (To be continued.)

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