Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 191: Crown Princess vs. Crown Princess

? Just when Liam was in danger, Arthas stopped.

It's not that he didn't want to shoot Liam, but he was shot in the chest-the source of this shot was not a short-barreled musket, but a real long-barreled double-barreled shotgun!

A few dozen steps away, a beautiful woman put down her shotgun.

She wore a tight-fitting hunter suit and riding boots to show her beautiful figure to the fullest. Her curly black hair was wet by night rain and clung to her face. The most eye-catching thing is a blooming rose on her temple, which is covered with rain but is even more gorgeous-just like hers.

"Go away, dirty Paladin!"

At this moment, Liam finally got rid of his dizziness. He shook his head and looked at the beauty in surprise: "Rona!"

Lorna Crowley, the eldest lady and female man of the Crowley family, Gilneas Rose-by the way, she is also Liam's fiancée.

When the Greymane Wall was built, due to its austere form, Jean did not rudely deal with the abandoned territory. Therefore, the Crowley family who gave up the Silverpine Forest Territory were compensated accordingly. This also made Darius Crowley, the founder of Zeon, did not break with the King of Zeon, but stood firmly. On Jean's side.

And Rona and Liam, who had been childhood sweethearts, also came together logically. Although Liam embraced the beauty, few Gilneas lads were jealous of him for a simple reason-Rona is a famous female man in Gilneas.

As an aristocratic lady who has a hobby of hunting and domesticated a large number of hounds, if it weren't for Liam's love, Lorna would probably become a saint...

The appearance of Rona directly changed the form of the battle-it also meant that private armies of the nobles, including the Crowley family, participated in the battle. This changed the battle situation greatly. The paladin who had been dominant was in front of the crowd. Forced to retreat.

Alsace is also under pressure.

The Paladin is very strong, but when a Paladin faces a combination of a stalker and a hunter, it is difficult to maintain the upper hand—not to mention that there is a bulldog named Roma with an unhappy face that always tries to come and bite. Alsace's thigh.

The double-barreled shotgun is not a toy that can be ignored, especially the customized version of Rona's hand. Alsace is not sure if he accidentally protects, he will be headshot.

And Liam, who had become accustomed to fighting with Paladins, became more and more cunning. He began to act quickly, circling around Arthas crazily, and from time to time he used a sword against the gap in the armor.

Heads-up and one-to-two are completely different concepts. It didn't take long for Alsace to be exhausted. Although he was not injured with the help of the Holy Light, his condition was getting worse and worse, and it was only a matter of time before the injury failed. .

"Invaders dressed in holy light!" Rona shot Alsace again in the chest, "You openly invaded our homeland. I must keep you here today!"

The powerful movement of the bullet made Arthas inevitably take a step back.

Liam, who cooperated with Rona, directly seized the opportunity to stun Arthas in place-the shield of the holy light could prevent penetration injuries, but the sap used by the stalker who seized the opportunity was finally powerful Not catch.

On the surrounding battlefield, Gilneas had already taken advantage, the paladins from Lordaeron were separated, and Arthas lacked a teammate to cover him.

Alsace, isolated, is in danger!

Liam tried his best to stab the dagger into a gap in Arthas's armpit armor.

If he stabbed, Arthas would inevitably lose his combat effectiveness, and once the only heir to Lordaeron was captured, the battle would basically be over.

Unfortunately, just when Liam was about to succeed, a flash of arcane light flashed.

Another lady appeared on the battlefield.

This blonde girl in a blue robe is an ice ring technique when she comes out.

Liam's attack could not help but stagnated, but at this moment of opportunity, Arthas had gotten rid of the dizziness and was on guard.

"Jaina!" Liam, who missed a hit, did not attack again, but watched carefully, "Are you representing Kul Tiras or Dalaran?!"

Jaina Proudmoore, daughter of King Kul Tiras and Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, disciple of Antonidas, leader of the Dalaran Council of Six. This female mage is the "child of other people's family" Faye version, in line with the fantasy of most aristocratic ladies-noble birth, elegant manners, exceptional talent, and more importantly, have a chic and rich boyfriend.

Yes, Jaina is Alsace's girlfriend.

It is a pity that Jaina did not take advantage of the situation to pursue her.

You may not believe it. At this time, the scene was very embarrassing-because Jaina was completely personal this time!

In fact, Dalaran, Kul Tiras, and Stormwind all sent an observation team to find out the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, when the observation team arrived, the scene was out of control and the black rope mercenaries had been hurt. A large number of innocent people, angry Jean has refused to mediate.

As an observer, Jaina shouldn't have intervened in the fight, but when she discovered that her boyfriend might be in danger, Jaina, who was still young, still took action.

After preventing Liam's attack, Jaina calmed down. Instead of continuing to take action, she chose to cover Arthas and leave the city wall.

At the same time, Liam also tacitly returned to reorganize the defense.

Only the two beauties in the rain were left, their eyes facing each other.

Just when Jaina was about to turn around and leave, Lorna sipped: "What's wrong, Ji Nv Biao? Want to turn around and pretend that nothing happened? And then maintain the same hypocritical elegance and hypocrisy as your man?!"

Rona's poisonous tongue made Jaina furious, and she decided to teach this nonchalant woman a lesson!

The water element was Jaina began to cast Frostbolt at Rona.

Lorna snorted and whistled-the bulldog standing by next to him directly rushed to the water element, and the shotgun in her hand also directly smashed the ice arrow shot by Jaina.

The two "princes" began to blast on the wide wall.

If Jaina is given a few more years, Rona must not be her opponent.

But unfortunately, the 19-year-old Jaina is still a young mage at this time, the kind who has just left his apprenticeship-although she is already a genius at this age to achieve such an achievement, she faces a year older than herself and holds With the special shotgun Rona, Jaina was finally at a disadvantage.

After a bang, Jaina, who had insufficient mana, had no choice but to put a layer of ice armor on herself and used teleportation to leave the city wall.

Behind her, Lorna triumphed: "My respected Master, the gifted princess Jaina--you have to be careful, and you must hold your tail so that you don't show it--you mean, Roma? "

"Wang Wang!" (To be continued.)

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