Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 197: Aegwynn and Medivh

? After Fording was rescued by Medivh and joined Eitrigg and Guyle, Medivh took them to a ship.

When the four people finally sneaked under the cabin and settled down and closed the hatch, Old Fording began to question Medivh impatiently.

"Your Honor, can you tell me what is going on?"

Old Fording was very depressed at this time, obviously his defense was very successful, as long as Guyle wakes up, the truth will come to light, why did Medivh have to forcibly rescue himself?

"Paladin, calm down-the prison is no longer safe. If I hadn't arrived just now, maybe the current Guyer would be dead."

Old Fording looked at Eitrigg in disbelief, and Eitrigg nodded quietly.

At this moment, Old Fording finally realized that something was wrong, and it seemed that an invisible net was covering himself in. This orc named Guyer probably knew more than he thought.

"Where are we going?" After thinking about it carefully but realizing that he really couldn't figure it out, Old Fording simply asked Medivh.

"Kul Tiras-I think the orc shaman named Logosh can lift the curse on Guyle."

"Curse?" Old Fording shuddered, "It seems that this curse is a high-class item, at least I didn't even realize it."

"You are right." Medivh nodded, "Even the caster of the curse may not be human at all..."

The atmosphere became depressed, and the four of them lay quietly under the cabin, waiting to reach Kul Tiras.


Medivh has been busy for a long time to smash this conspiracy-but now the once guardian of Tirisfal is extremely tired, but can't sleep at all. He began to sort out the bits and pieces after he was resurrected by his mother.

The fragments that I saw in Karazhan finally became reality. The Pandaren had indeed set up a large organization, and he could even convince his mother, the last guardian of Tirisfal who had lived in seclusion for many years.

If it weren't for Drunk Wind and coma, and the form is really critical, Medivh will definitely have a few drinks with Drunk Wind (Medivn has three major hobbies, watching theaters, playing chess, and drinking).

The guardian of Tirisfal is the patron saint of mankind facing demons. The Council of Tirisfal instills powerful magic power into the guardian, and then the guardian is responsible for fighting the demon.

Before his death, Medivh was the last guardian—and his mother, Aegwynn, was the last.

At the beginning, Aegwynn had a disagreement with the members of the Tirisfal Council. She and Medivh’s father gave Medivh most of their magic power directly after giving birth to Medivh, so that the little guy who was still in the infant became the next one. protector.

Even though the Tirisfal Council was dissatisfied, it could only pinch his nose to admit it.

Unfortunately, when Aegwynn and Sargeras were fighting, a piece of Sargeras' soul fragment lurked in Aegwynn's body. Then with Medivh’s birth, this piece of Sargeras’s soul fragment came to Medivh’s body, continuously affecting Medivh, and making this originally very kind guardian sometimes become irritable and irritable. It was because of the soul of Sargeras that Medivh and Gul'dan opened the door of darkness and brought endless pain to Azeroth.

Before opening the Dark Portal, Medivh, controlled by Sargeras, had already massacred the members of the Tirisfal Council.

After the Drunken Wind coma, the Eastern Kingdom is now in a mess.

Because of the oath, there were almost no people familiar with the power of the Eastern Kingdoms, so Aegwynn resurrected his son—at the price of Aegwynn’s no longer immortal life. Although the strong strength can make this guardian last a long time, immortality and longevity are completely different after all.

After the resurrection, Medivh finally got rid of the control of Sargeras and turned back to the kind-hearted guardian of the Virgin. Although the strength is too weak, as long as the wisdom is still there, Medivh believes that he can use another one. Protect Azeroth in this way and make atonement for yourself.

After all, Medivh was once a strong teacher that even Deathwing did not want to face.

Therefore, Medivh rushed to the Eastern Kingdom for the first time.

Originally, he wanted to stop the war first through his own efforts, but when he saw Terenas, the king completely dismissed his advice.

"Dear Medivh, the former guardian, don’t show your face as a prophet. I have seen too many prophets, but until there is definitive evidence, please don’t preach your ridiculous demon threat theory everywhere-pretending to be a devil cannot convince mine."

Terenas' attitude embarrassed Medivh, and in desperation, Medivh could only transform into a crow, looking for evidence everywhere.

Then, an orc ran out of Dunhold Castle.

Medivh quickly found the trace of the orc, but the first thing he discovered was that the leading orc received a vicious curse. If Medivh read it right, it should be the work of the Dreadlord.


Seeing that Guyle was not in danger of life, Medivh chose to trace it secretly to find clues.

It was not that he did not try to find clues in Dunhold Castle, but in order to prevent the orc warlock from saving his companions, Medivh had a large number of enchantments outside. Medivh is now limited in strength and dare not break through these enchantments.

Medivh was finally sure that this orc named Guyle had an extraordinary secret.

Then he saw the scene where Old Fording rescued Guyle-there is no doubt that Old Fording's actions fit Medivh's wishes, and he also began to observe the Paladin.

Medivh needs teammates He thinks this Paladin looks okay-of course, the Orc Swordmaster can also deal with it.

So he kept secretly protecting these people until tonight, someone wanted to kill Guyle.

Now he can be sure that this orc absolutely knows something!

That being the case, wouldn't it be enough to save Guyle?

Unfortunately, although Medivh is strong, his talent is a bit crooked-if Khadgar is a combat mage of Ice and Fire, then Medivh has predicted (predicted) time (space) and space (space) three cultivators. Mage.

Yes, most of Medivh’s talents are in the prophecy!

what? You say Medivh is still very strong in fighting?

Yes, that's right, but that's just because the Faye has more talent points, and there are still more points after the third element!

However, Medivh really doesn't understand the curse type and the protection type magic, otherwise, why go to Logosh and untie Guyle's curse directly! (To be continued.)

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