Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Extra Story Nomi's Cooking Training

? As a Pandaren (albeit mixed), especially a Pandaren of the Ironpaw family, Nomi was destined to be associated with culinary art from the time he was born.

And Zuifeng took great pains to arouse Nomi's interest in cooking.

When the little guy was able to eat on his own, Zuifeng directly arranged all of Nomi's food supply-from breakfast, lunch and dinner to snacks and desserts.

And this behavior of habitual child was severely stopped by Onyxia.

"Don't feed it anymore! Look at him, he won't be able to fly as fat as a young dragon!"

And every time at this time, Drunk Wind would secretly give Nomi a bunch of candied haws or something, and then said that as long as Nomi started monk training, everything would be fine.

That's right, according to Zuifeng's idea, Nomi should conduct monk training-although Faye looks tall and tall, is it helpful for cooking?

Nomi started training as a monk when he was three years old, and Drunk Wind handed it to the best used of all the moves of the Nomi monk-Flip.

Little Nomi fell in love with the feeling of rolling around for the first time, and Drunk Wind was also caught by her son’s childlike innocence. When Onyxia returned home, she saw the orc arena in the Blackrock Tower. Two meatballs rolled around there, endless...

And Nomi's cooking training was later. When Nomi was five years old, Drunk Wind took this little guy into the kitchen for the first time.

Zuifengxiang Nomi described each of the most representative dishes made with every piece of kitchen utensils. With the help of Lorewalker's scroll, Nomi was hooked with an index finger and drooled.

Then Zuifeng taught Nomi to make the first dish-tomato scrambled eggs.

After it was done, Zuifeng did not give the finished product to Nomi, but left Xiao Nomi directly in the kitchen and told him to solve it by himself for today's dinner.

Xiao Nomi started busy in front of the small kitchen utensils specially prepared for him by Zuifeng, however, the tomato scrambled eggs he fried out were horrible.

Whether it's tomatoes or eggs, the time to cook has not been mastered.

Looking at the burnt food, Nomi started to struggle again.

The result is another plate of burnt food...

Zuifeng totally overestimated his son’s talents. Although Zuifeng’s cooking talent was terrifying, he had forgotten Nomi’s mother. Onyxia, the queen of the black dragon, was a culinary idiot. Before I met Drunk Wind, Onyxia basically ate it It’s not that Onyxia didn’t want to bake it, just because she battered...

After many failures, Nomi finally changed his mind.

Can't master the heat? Then I will change it!

This time, Nomi put the cut tomatoes and beaten eggs together, and after stirring them evenly, he took a deep breath into the plate.

On the same day, Zuifeng praised Nomi's first cooking results, and said Nomi is really a genius.

So with the encouragement of Zuifeng, Nomi's cooking skills are developing in an unpredictable direction...

Three to five original ingredients, two punches with anger and thunder, take a deep breath, isn't it a fate that is 80% or 90% cooked?


I wanted to have a few more chapters, but my wrist hurts so much today, so let’s do it tomorrow~ I will give you a chapter today (to be continued.)

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