Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 227: Vengeful demons panic

   Facing the angry Varoson, Illidan looked calm and calm.

   When everyone wondered why Illidan didn't hide in the face of the aggressive Varoson for the first time, Illidan pulled a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

   "Anger? You don't know what anger is..."

   Illidan squeezed the rod of gluttonous food on the ground to restrain Varoson's charge, and then directly backhanded it with a punch.

   Even though Illidan had packed up a lot of doomsday guards on the city wall just now, Varoson didn't see it. At this time, he thought Illidan was the genius mage, so caught off guard, he was hit with a punch in the face.

   The huge force smashed him out directly, and Varoson flew several meters away with his face on the ground.

   "...Your anger only comes from your blind worship of a female cousin, but I have seen countless compatriots being swallowed by flames, and I won't look down!"

  The battle unexpectedly began to move to one side.

   Varoson was suppressed in aura, and he was always restrained because of Illidan's spells. On the contrary, Illidan was like a madman, fully displaying the monk skills he learned from Drunk Wind.

   The true and false moves dazzled Varosen, and the combination of spells and melee made Varosen frantic. Poor Varosen was obviously a powerful warrior, but fell into a disadvantage in close combat.

   "Damn, I didn't expect the gift for Ravencrest to be used on you!"

   Varoson unwillingly took out a small statue and threw it at Illidan.

The statue of    was still flying in the air and became a lord of the doomsday guard.

   "Who dares to call me!"

   The statue fell, and a shadow magic circle appeared directly on the ground, preventing the people in the circle from leaving.

   "Your genius, either you die or you kill your opponent or you don't want to leave this circle!"

   "Hmph!" Looking at the triumphant Varoson, Illidan sneered disdainfully. "This is the conspiracy you prepared for Lord Ravencrest? It's so inferior!"

"Mortal, the result of provoking me is that your soul will be tortured forever!" Two peculiar one-handed swords impregnated with fel appeared in the hands of the lord of the doomsday guard, "I give it in the name of Azzinoth You die!"

   Illidan didn't say anything, and directly waved his staff and rushed towards Azzinoth who was two tall.

   This is a close battle.

  Essinos was tall, but his movements were not cumbersome at all. The two meniscus-shaped war blades in his hand waved away, and the wind he brought up cut Illidan's face with pain.

   While Illidan fully used the advantage of the melee mage, from time to time he gave Azzinoth a fel arrow while dodging from left to right.

"Hahaha, mortal, you can definitely use the power of fel. It's not common for you to have such a talent. Abandon your **** teammates and colleagues! I invite you to join the Legion! I believe you will definitely be favored by Lord Sargeras !"

   "Shut up, idiot!" Illidan took advantage of Azzinoth's words and began to attack, "I use fel only to give a tooth for a tooth. I only enjoy the moment of you **** wailing in the fel!"

   "That's a pity, you have lost the opportunity to witness the real greatness!" Azzinoth shook his head, "I won't play with you anymore. Since you don't want to surrender, then destroy it!"

   Talking, Azzinoth summoned a rain of flames, then raised his hoof and began to trample on the ground.

   The earth began to shake in the circle, and Illidan began to lose his footing.

   At the same time, the rain of flames that fell from the sky also hit Illidan, burning him all over.

"Damn magic circle, I can't avoid him when he casts a spell in a large area!" Illidan fell into the wind and began to secretly anxious, "No, I have to find a way to kill with one blow, otherwise I will be consumed. Die here!"

   The prolonged battle drastically consumed Illidan's stamina. At this time, it was even difficult for him to mobilize the power of fel energy, and of course he couldn't use arcane magic. The arcane circuit in his body was almost burned.

   But in the midst of violent shaking,

Illidan couldn't even get close to Azzinoth.


   At the critical moment, Drunk Wind finally reminded Illidan.

   It's no longer the time to care about the image. Illidan gritted his teeth, put his staff across his chest, and rolled directly towards Azzinoth.

   Illidan hadn't practiced much before because he disliked the ugly and demeanor of the rolling posture. As a result, his rolling posture was extremely ugly.

   Fortunately, the goal was achieved, and he successfully came to Azzinoth's feet.


   Essinos was very disdainful of Illidan's delivery to the door. He lifted his **** hoof and began to try to trample Illidan to death.

   But at this time Illidan had already stood up. He jumped behind Azzinoth, trying to ride on the back of the devil.

   Azzinoth quickly flapped his wings, trying to stop Illidan.

   "Devil, you are fooled!"

   Illidan threw out the staff in his hand and grabbed Azzinoth's wings with both hands.

   "Idiot, you think you can't do anything for me like this?"

   Azzinus began to spread his wings forcefully, his strength was far greater than Illidan, and as a result, Illidan could hardly grasp it now.

   "Hmm! You are seeking your own death!" Essinos sneered, "I'm going to throw you into mud!"

   At this time, Illidan finally couldn't hold on. He had released one hand, and although the other hand was still holding Azzinoth's wings, it would be sooner or later that he was thrown off.

   "Hands, drunk wind!"

   Amid Azzinoth’s surprise, the staff thrown on the ground by Illidan suddenly stood up and tripped himself up.

   At the moment Azzinoth lost his Illidan's loosed left hand palm burst out with evil energy.

"Do not!"

   The fel beam passed, and one of Azzinoth’s wings was torn by Qigen!

   The tragic green demon's blood spewed out, and Illidan did not evade, allowing the corrosive blood to burn his body.

   Illidan raised his hand, and the staff returned to his hand.

   The severe pain made Azzinoth almost unable to straighten up, and the double-edged blade in his hand was also thrown aside, and Illidan would not let him go.

   First kicked Azzinoth's weapon away, and then Illidan began to smash his wand on Azzinoth's body again and again.

As the lord of the doomsday guard, Azzinoth has almost forgotten the feeling of pain after years of pampering. He now has the heart to stand up again to face Illidan and fight back, but every hit of Illidan hit his most sensitive place , The fel tattoo on his body was destroyed, the flow of fel in his body began to be disordered, and he finally failed to stand up.

   I don't know when the magic circle has disappeared.

   Illidan bent down and picked up Azzinoth's double-edged blade, holding his staff high above his head.

   "What are you still doing!" Maiev was the first to react, "Go down and get him back!"

   Just when the Moon Guard was about to bring Illidan back, a violent explosion suddenly occurred inside the Black Crow Fort! To be continued.

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