Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 228: The devil leaving hastily

   When Illidan woke up, it was already three days later.

While dizzy, Illidan sat up from the bed with difficulty. Fortunately, the Staff of Gourmet and the Warblade of Azzinoth stood quietly in the corner-Illidan himself didn't know why he should pay attention to the strange appearance. War blade.

   After carefully sorting out the arcane circuits in his body, Illidan couldn't help but frowned.

   Fel energy is refreshing for a while, the body crematorium.

   The entire magic circuit was almost completely burned. Illidan tried to mobilize the power of arcane arts, only to have a headache in exchange-not even the most basic arcane fluctuations.

  唔, it seems that this time in order to protect Ravencrest desperately, I really made myself miserable.

   Wait a minute, Ravencrest!

   Illidan suddenly remembered that when he fell into a coma, there was a vague loud noise.

   "Come on!" Illidan called repeatedly, "Come on!"

   "You seem to be in good spirits."

   It was not someone else who walked in the first time, but Maiev.

   It is rare that Maiev did not wear tight-fitting battle clothes this time-looking at Maiev dressed as a priestess of the moon, Illidan even had the illusion that "this guy is not a female man".

   Maiev didn't know Illidan's careful thoughts, she continued to tease the miserable guy in front of her.

   "How does it feel to be in the limelight? I was able to kill half of the demons by myself, and finally cleaned up the lord. Why didn't you see you so powerful when I went to Jin Azshara with you?"

   Illidan frowned, did not answer, but directly asked his doubts.

   "What's the matter with that explosion? Is Ravencrest-sama okay-I learned from the Destroyer that all Varoson's actions were directed at the Ravencrest people, did he not succeed?"

   Looking at Illidan with a nervous face, Maiev smiled unusually.

"Let's go, it's safe for Ravencrest to interrupt you-although Varothen's tricks did cause him serious injuries, he has stabilized now. Speaking of the Suramar Magister named Talisa She really has a hand, regardless of her poor offensive power, but her defensive enchantment is really not so strong."

   "Defensive barrier?"

"That's right." Maiev nodded. "Varousin secretly sent in many demons who had been infused with excessive fel energy while the battle was going on. These demons have blew themselves up after finding Lord Ravencrest. Talisa’s enchantment, Master Ravencrest, might be really bad luck."

   Speaking of this, Maiev suddenly seemed to realize something and began to look at Illidan carefully.

   "Speaking of which, how did you get the news from the saboteur's mouth? The remaining saboteurs are so honest now that I can hardly understand them."

   "Nothing, some little tricks." Illidan was obviously reluctant to say more, "I am in a mess now, and I can't even cast spells for a few months. I don't know what the devil's next attack will do."

   "You don't need to worry about this, the devil has already retired."

   "Retired?" Illidan twisted his neck, "When did it happen?"

   "Shortly after you fell into a coma, you left in a hurry. My brother took someone to chase and kill him for a while, but it looked pretty good..."

   Looking at Maiev with a proud face, Illidan didn't bother to continue asking about her brother's record-I don't know why, Illidan was very upset with Jarod Shadowsong.

   "It seems that the demons seem to be abnormal, do they think Lord Ravencrest is dead? No, if they do, they should continue to attack..."

   Illidan wisely changed the subject and prevented Maiev from showing off.

"I'm not quite sure about this-Drunk Wind has gone to the Emerald Dream to search for the news, and it will be clear when he comes back, but I guess something happened on your brother's side, otherwise the devil won't just leave like this ."

   Illidan nodded thoughtfully.

   "Forget it, I won't tell you. It looks like you can do everything except you can't cast spells. I'll go out to take care of the other wounded." After a short silence, Maiev stood up and left."

When Drunk Wind has news, you can notify Lord Ravencrest as soon as possible. "


   Waiting for Drunk Wind to wake up from the dream, three more days passed.

   This time, the news that Drunk Wind brought back made Illidan a little tangled.

  Actually, this time the demon's sudden attack was carried out on the Eastern Front and the Western Front together. On this side, the demon attacked the Black Crow Fortress, and on the other side, the demon force also sneaked into Malfurion.

The leader of the attack on Malfurion was Harves. This magician was very powerful. He skillfully sacrificed some demons and led away the wild gods, and then led a small team of court mages to directly attack Ma. Fario.

   But they completely underestimated the strength of the Archdruid.

In Harves’s eyes, Malfurion, who was not protected by the gods of the wilderness, couldn’t be better. As long as he was facing up, it was enough. Unexpectedly, Harves sent embarrassingly that he couldn’t beat Malfurion. ——Not only can't beat, but also be beaten!

Harves is too self-confident. He worked with Malfurion on Mount Hyjal, a place where the power of nature is so strong. As a result, Malfurion can mobilize the power of dreams and nature at Entangled by the roots, Harves, unable to move, watched as a huge meteor hit his head.

  The other palace mages who had raided together desperately recovered his body.

   And after Illidan knew the news, he was excited and lost again.

   What is excited is that Azshara's strength has been greatly weakened once again. Harves is her right-hand man. Without Harves, many things about Azshara have become inconvenient.

   What was lost was that on the way to resist Azshara, his brother completely walked in front of him-in this way, Malfurion would become a real hero, and he would be just a dispensable embellishment.

   Looking at Illidan who was entangled, Zuifeng's careful thoughts about him were very clear.

   "Ilidan, do you still want to be a hero now — you have burned the arcane circuit in order to be a hero!"

   "..." Illidan was silent, but nodded firmly.

   "Well, I have an interesting plan-if it succeeds, you are the biggest hero, of course, if it fails-you will be regarded as a betrayer, are you interested?"

   "Betrayer?" Illidan smiled, "What is a betrayer? I don't care-I just want stronger power to be the most dazzling one in this war!"

   "Then listen carefully, my plan is..." (To be continued.)

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