While Illidan was feeling the greatness of Sargeras' power, Zuifeng was also feeling the power of Illidan's charm.

That's right, Drunk Wind is sighing, being handsome is also a blessing in Azeroth.

The reason is—"watching" the little maid Vasiqi rubbing Illidan's clothes there, drunk wind is really a little frightened, but fortunately, Vasiqi let go of the staff and did not do anything indescribable... …

At this time, Vasiqi didn't know that there was a soul watching him in the staff. At this time, the little maid was looking like a girl, clinging to Illidan's clothes and refused to let go.

"He is so handsome! Amber eyes! Same as Master Azshara!"

"He is so stylish! He can actually get the soul of the dragon from the hand of the evil dragon. That is a powerful weapon that Lord Archimonde has to avoid!"

"He is in good shape! He is obviously a mage, but his muscles are so stylish, much stronger than those weak guys!"

All in all, Vasiqi at this moment is completely nympho, thinking constantly.

And Zuifeng was already thinking about how to add Vasiqi's gossip the next time he saw Deer Helmet.


After waiting for a long time, Azshara finally saw Illidan's figure reappear in the center of the Well of Eternity.

This time Illidan no longer needed levitating techniques—at this moment, he was no longer a mage.

The ferocious horns grew from the front of the forehead and twisted into a stubborn arc; the amber eyes lost their focus, and the dark green flames in the eyes began to burn; Chi Guo’s upper body muscles were sharp and angular, with large fel tattoos on his arms; The muscles were tense, and the nails turned into beauty; the bat wings like the dreadlord opened, slowly flapping him to float in the air; the soles of the feet had become hoofs, burning with the flames of fel energy.

At this moment, above the Well of Eternity, Illidan seemed to be reborn!

"Very good!" Looking at Illidan's almost perfect body, Azshara showed a faint smile, "Sure enough, genius is not the same as trash-it is also the result of Lord Sargeras' transformation, Illidan is comparable to you That guy Harves is too strong."

"Harves?" Illidan sneered disdainfully, "That clown who was killed by my brother in seconds? I trouble Lord Sargeras because of such a guy, Your Majesty, you really make me unable to understand!"

"Don't be so serious, my dear Illidan."

Illidan's rudeness didn't make Azshara angry, but made the allure Queen giggled.

"Everything is the plan of Lord Sargeras. Harvez thought he was so cunning, but he was actually just a chess piece. Lord Sargeras had already discovered the guy behind the clown, and his resurrection was just for better Control him."

While Illidan was talking to Azshara, the magic circle suddenly turned, and a huge body appeared in the center of the magic circle.

"The new world, I am coming!"

"This is Mannoroth-Lord Sargeras sent to preside over the summoning circle." Seeing Azshara a little confused, Illidan explained, "Master Sargeras said he is a rare and brainy abyss lord."

This sentence is not a compliment at all, but it makes Mannoroth extremely useful. He shook his head and came to Azshara, "Yes, mortal, now I am responsible for the call here..."

Mannoroth obviously did not observe Azshara carefully, and his self-righteous appearance made the Queen extremely unhappy-as a result, a sudden arcane shock knocked the huge Mannoroth to the ground.

"Shut up, demon! I think you now need to know who is a mortal-your task is to take the dragon soul and prepare to be summoned, instead of just gesticulating here!"

The moon-white robe had no wind, and Azshara's powerful aura made poor Mannoroth tremble. Only then did he realize that he seemed to provoke an existence that shouldn't be provoke.

Looking at the miserable Mannoroth, Illidan couldn't help but shook his head: "It seems that Lord Sargeras would sometimes make jokes..."

"We don't need to pay attention to that idiot." In a blink of an eye, Azshara regained her kind and dignified appearance. "Let's go, I don't think your eyes seem to be right, I'll find you a blindfold."

With that, she turned around and walked towards her hall, and Illidan could only quickly follow.

Back in the hall, Vasiqi, who heard the footsteps, had returned to normal. She changed back to the way she stood with her clothes and weapons, and only Drunk Wind knew how fast her heartbeat was now.

"Vashj, go and cut out one of my black star ribbons and cover Illidan's eyes-this is the order of Lord Sargeras."

Hearing Azshara's words, Vasiqi hurriedly put down what she was holding, and then walked to the palace behind.

"You seem to value this little girl?" Illidan was a little strange, "Is there anything extraordinary about her?"

"Her mother is a good friend of mine before, and a rare friend of mine. The city of Vaskir is named after her-it's a pity that she hasn't survived time."

Azshara's tone was indescribably sad.

"Vashj is more like my daughter than my maid, you say, should I take her seriously?"

Illidan could only nod his head.

"But Vaski always needs to grow up-I have already thought about it, and I will always be with Sir Sargeras in the endless years, and Vaski, I need to find a reliable person."

Speaking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Azshara began to look at Illidan meaningfully, his scorching gaze made him extremely uncomfortable.

Poor Illidan didn't understand Azshara's meaning for a while, so he could only remain silent until Vaschi returned.

The excited Vaskey felt that today was the happiest time she did. She didn't expect Queen Azshara to give herself such a chance to get so close to the person she liked. She held the soft black belt and cast Illidan a little tremblingly. s eyes.

While she was carefully preparing to tie a perfect bow, Illidan stretched out his hand.

"Don't have to be so troublesome." Illidan tied the blindfold to death. "This is enough."

After putting on the blindfold, Illidan hurriedly picked up his clothes and weapons-when he found that the shirt was no longer able to be worn, he decisively took away only the double knives and the staff, and then left Azshara directly. Of the palace.

Wasqi, whose girl's heart was almost broken, was left behind. (To be continued.)


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