Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 235: Demon Slaughter Project in Progress

After Illidan hurriedly left the palace, he found the opportunity to summon Drunk Wind at the first time-this made Drunk Wind a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was really worried that Illidan would really not be able to stand the devil. It's embarrassing.

And Illidan obviously didn't know Zuifeng's cautious thinking. As soon as he summoned Zuifeng, he first asked a question: "Can you break away from the staff and change to a carrier?"

"Change a carrier?"

"Yes, now I am no longer a mage. After losing the arcane circuit, I now feel that the staff is not applicable-I plan to use these two knives as my weapons."

Sure enough, Illidan chose the egg knife in the end.

Drunk Feng didn't care too much: "It's okay, I actually just lived in the guard-anyway, you just take it down and change it."

So there is a big handguard on the main hand of Azzinoth Double Blade, which is a smiling panda...

After solving the weapon problem, Illidan began to discuss the next plan with Drunken Wind.

"I think they have basically believed me now, but the price is that they got the Demon Soul. Maybe it won't take long before they can summon Sargeras." At this time, Illidan was under a lot of pressure, "I saw Sargeras with my own eyes. After Glass, I am almost certain that if he comes, no one can stop him."

The drunken wind who had known Sargeras' brilliant record for a long time naturally nodded and said yes.

"This is also no way. We must always show them hope, otherwise if Azshara breaks the jar and summons a large number of demons, it will be more difficult for us to deal with."

"Next, we should contact the rebels to fight back, right?" Illidan was expressionless, "Can't let them summon so easily!"

"Not bad!" Zuifeng nodded, "The gods of the wilderness have already set off from Mount Hyjal. I think no one can stop them for a while."

"When the demons rush out to deal with them, I will bloom in the center of Jin Azshara!" Speaking of his mission, Illidan was eager to try, "As long as I master the soul of the devil, I have a chance to completely close the teleportation method in Jin Azshara. Array!"

"Now we are facing several problems. The first is how to get you to stay. After all, if you also need to fight against the gods of the wilderness, it will be troublesome; then you need to find a way to use the demon soul to control the teleportation array. , Only in this way can you completely close the portal; the last thing is that you have to find a way to deal with Azshara, she is absolutely impossible to go with the army, so no matter what, you have to pass her level."

Maybe the first two points were not big problems, but finally dealing with Azshara really made Illidan a little bit clueless.

Without him, Azshara is too strong.

Although Illidan had no psychological worries at this time, the disparity in strength really made him at a loss - it was precisely because Illidan now understood how powerful Azshara was that he was worried about it.

"Let's solve the problems one by one." Drunk Feng raised his fingers, "The first remaining problems, I think I can use the Sunstrider."

"Sunstrider?" Illidan was a little unsure, "What can Sunstrider help?"

"We can play a scene with them-you are injured and they escape. I don't think Azshara will force a sick person on the battlefield?"

"That's okay, but it's not easy to fool Azshara and Sargeras behind her." Illidan frowned, "I must be injured severely enough-this hurts me facing Azshara. Time must get better, and I have to have a record that is obvious enough, otherwise I cannot justify it."

"No problem, I believe these can be done. I already have a general plan. When we go to the Sunstrider to visit, it will be no problem." Zuifeng shook his head, "Legendary circle I believe you too If it can be done, the main problem now is how to clean up Azshara."

When it comes to Azshara, Drunk Wind is also entangled, her strength is too strong, it is almost impossible to rival.

"Ilidan, think about whether there is any other information you can use." Drunk Feng thought about it for a long time, but had no clue, but could only look at Illidan, "Think about it, does Azshara have any shortcomings or Habit, we can only try to use it."

"No..." Illidan shook his head awkwardly, "I don't dare to face Azshara. Her charming appearance is too difficult to deal with. I am afraid that if I accidentally show my horse's feet, it will be bad."

"It seems that it won't work to find a breakthrough directly on Azshara..." Drunk Wind touched his chin, "What about the person next to her-Vaskey!"

Thinking of this, Zuifeng looked at Illidan with glowing eyes.

"I already have a way! But you need to sacrifice a little bit. We will talk about this after we finish talking with the Sunstrider."

Although Zuifeng repeatedly promised that there would be no consequences for doing so, Illidan still felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Of course there will be no consequences. Tyrande won't be with you anyway. It's not good for someone to like you-eh, I seem to have forgotten someone..."


After roughly finalizing the plan with Illidan, Drunk Wind went directly into the Emerald Dream that night and found Fandral.

After learning that the matter was important, Fandral had no time to understand Illidan's new gossip, and hurriedly found his own teacher.

When Malfurion learned of Drunk Wind’s plan, he was stunned. He never expected that Drunk Wind and Illidan were so bold!

"What are you talking about? Illidan is already a demon now?!"

"Yes, he chose self-sacrifice. Only by becoming a devil can he truly enter the interior of Jin Azshara."

Malfurion didn't know what to say anymore-crazy plan, desperate brother, it seemed that he had only to follow the plan.

"Drunk How do you make me believe you now?" Malfurion's tone was indescribably tired, "Although your breath is not polluted by evil energy, your behavior is too bold , And from another angle, if you really take refuge in the Legion, I follow your plan, wouldn’t it be a dead end."

Malfurion's reaction had been expected by Drunk Wind, and he showed a big smile.

"Two reasons-first of all, I know much better than you about the weaknesses of the Resistance. If I really surrender to the Burning Legion, I will definitely postpone the summoning of Sargeras at this time. Instead, I will summon a lot of demons. Invincible. Second, I have planned everything. Even if I don't tell you, you can only attack the demon as much as you can now, hoping to march into Jin Azshara, right."

With that, Zuifeng simply sat down and saw Su Hupu open.

Feeling the breath of the drunk wind, Malfurion gritted his teeth: "Okay, just do as you say! I will ask the wild gods to attack with all their strength!"

"Very good!" Zuifeng finally smiled, "Now, the Demon Killing Project has officially begun!" (To be continued.)


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