Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 239: The decision of the giant bear brothers (1/5)

The fighting of the Resistance is different on the Western Front and the Eastern Front.

The Western Front does not need exciting speeches to boost morale. Almost everyone understands what they should do.

The battle started in the early morning.

Countless demons moved forward in the morning light and approached Nordrassil step by step. The moon guards who arrived overnight by the teleportation circle began to suppress firepower, and the demon suffered heavy losses for a while.

During this period, the devil did not try to fight back with spells, but the existence of Nordrassil has greatly weakened the devil’s spells. Seeing this, Archimonde simply led the demon guards directly and began to march, relying on numbers to defeat the enemy .

Simple defense obviously can't completely stop the demon's tide of charge. If everyone keeps hiding behind the defense line, the defense forces will be dumped by the devil sooner or later. Only by maintaining a counterattack in the defense can you truly resist the devil's offensive.

Of course, those who take part in the counterattack must face massive demons.

After a tough defense, when the mana of the moon guard was on the verge of exhaustion, Ursor and Ursoc, the giant bear brothers, launched a counterattack.

The giant bear brothers with lightning shields led the furbolgs with spears, and began to countercharge amidst the blessings of other demigods.

In the beginning, the countercharge was very smooth-Ursol and Ursoc led the furbolgs and quickly smashed into the demons like cutting melons and vegetables.

But the subsequent progress became wrong.

The devil began to encircle them in all directions.

Facts have proved that quantitative changes can indeed cause qualitative changes-no matter how strong the fur is in the face of endless demons who are not afraid of death.

The giant bear brother was finally injured.

Ursoc was injured first. The lightning shield from his brother obviously could not completely stop the demon guard’s blade. Although Ursoc could always destroy the demon in front of him with his own claws and sweeps, he charged too much for a while. Going deeper, causing himself to fall into a heavy siege, surrounded by tacit demons directly in the center.

But Ursoc was not afraid.

He continued to shake the earth with the soles of his feet, launching a counterattack when the demon was unstable. His front paws had been corroded by the blood of the devil, but he didn't stop waving for a moment; his body was scarred, the blood wet his hair into a lock, but his huge body never stopped charging.

In Ursok's sharp nails, there are countless pieces of devil's flesh hung, all the way, the number of demons falling in front of him has reached thousands!

Seeing that Ursoc was trapped in a siege, Ursor naturally couldn't fall behind. He simply gave up casting spells and relied on the power of the earth to strengthen his defenses, and then began to fight melee!

Ursor’s anger also caused the demon to suffer heavy losses. No one could stop him from reuniting with Ursoc. When the two bears reunited, the two brothers back to back successfully turned themselves into the turbulent tide. Moving reef.

However, the other wilderness gods who rely on Nordrassil to maintain their defense know that if they don't help now, the two brothers will almost go far away.


Ursoc and Ursoc no longer know how many demons fell in front of them-they tried to record their own record at the beginning, but now they have put all their energy into the battle.

Many people think that the demigod closest to the night elves is Cenarius, but in fact, the ones closest to the night elves in the true sense are Ursor and Ursoc.

Although they have their own admirer-the furbolg, the giant bear brothers are happy to go to the night elf village at any time, where they have no demigod pretensions and will take the initiative to play with night elf children , And even allow the little guys to ride on themselves.

When they heard the news of the devil, they were also the first to call accordingly-after seeing the burned village.

The village burned by the flames was covered with charcoal, and countless night elves’ bodies were twisted and painful. When Ursol found in the arms of a dead night elf child, the wooden sculpture he had given him last time. The giant bear has fallen into uncontrollable anger.

The gods of the wilderness are the manifestations of Azeroth's life abilities. They are all immortal beings connected with the will of the world, but their wills are different according to different forms, and the will of the giant bear brothers is the guardian.

In order to protect life, the giant bear brothers can charge any enemy; in order to protect happiness, the giant bear brothers can brew and carve for people-now, in order to protect the world, the giant bear brothers even made sacrifices before charging.

According to Aviana's news, the demon's absolute main force appeared on the Western Front. As long as the demon on the Western Front could be dragged, the rebels on the Eastern Front from Black Crow Fortress could directly command Azshara.

Just last night, after studying with Malfurion, the demigods decided to drag the devil's footsteps here at all costs to create opportunities for their comrades on the Eastern Front.

This is also the reason why the gods of the wilderness charge in batches: only by giving hope to the devil can the demon be dragged here-even if the cost is the fall of the gods of the wilderness.

Beside Nordrassil, some of the priestesses of the Sisterhood of Elune have begun to whisper.

When the priestesses were little girls, many of them used to ride on the backs of giant bears to play, but now, the two simple and cute giant bears have become bloody.

Ursol’s earth shield has been ruptured under the shadow bolt of the Doomguard, and the lightning shield has completely failed due to the hellhound. Now facing the attack of the demon guard, he can only rely on his own flesh and blood. Body.

One hour, two hours...

In the siege of the the giant bear brothers are still struggling.

Many demon lords wanted to take action, but they were all blocked by Archimonde: "Since they want to be a hero, let them be-wait for these two stupid bears to be torn apart by the demon army, I want the opposite elf Will shiver."

"What's more, there are several such guys. We are not in a hurry."

Just when the giant bear brothers couldn't hold on and were about to be completely submerged, the resistance finally began to respond.

In the noon sun, a loud voice resounded through the battlefield.

"Children, wave your wings to cover the sky!"

It's Aviana!

With an order from the **** of the sky, countless birds perched on Nordrassil spread their wings—on the battlefield, the flocks of birds covering the sky plunged the surroundings into brief darkness.

At the same time, Cenarius and Goldrinn made a direct shot, blazing a trail, hoping to rescue the giant bear brothers. (To be continued.)

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